Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera power leveling which is "Dawn" to reveal one of the mysteries. - RHU

129770868851250000_26Xinhuanet, Washington D.C., March 23 (reporter Ren Haijun)-United States "Dawn" probe project scientist, recently released the latest probe sent back pictures.  Picture display, Vesta's surface has many peculiar bright spot tera power leveling, never before observed. From 19th to 23rd at the 43rd session of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, participated in the project of the University of MarylandScientists announced the latest picture frame.  On these pictures, Vesta distribution with a lot of bright spots on the surface, the brightness can be up to twice times the darker spots, one of the most conspicuous bright spot located in Vesta's surface inside the crater and the surrounding. United States "Hubble" space telescope had previously observed Vesta's surface large chunks of "bright patch". Scientists "Dawn", picturesGuess after, Vesta has suffered dramatic impact of meteorites in space, resulting in brighter materials spread around the surface and mixed with darker material, bright spot formation.  Scientists next want to analyze specific components of the bright spot. Vesta about 531 km in diameter tera power leveling, is the second largest objects in the asteroid belt quality. In the past two centuries tera gold, scientists from the ground and space telescopeMicroscopic photograph Vesta was a large number of pictures, but on the surface while little is known in detail. "Dawn", launched in September 2007, last July into Vesta track, Vesta will be for a period of one year of observation to help scientists better understand the early history of the solar system. Then, it went to the Ceres, is expected arrive in 2015 destinations. IfFruit not fail, "Dawn", will become the first unmanned probes around the run of two different objects. Solar system's asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, of which there are a large number of different types of asteroids, inside asteroids are being grilled over the rocks, and patrons are a large number of rich in water ice and organic molecules like celestial bodies. Vesta is similar to the EarthRock-like objects, Ceres is typical of ice objects, the two very different objects can be located in an asteroid belt, which is "Dawn" to reveal one of the mysteries. Others:

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