Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera gold practice medicine separate. In fact - MTG

129773903147812500_16Issued on free medical newspaper for two consecutive days: free waste of resources Doctor inevitable costs of drug use, this is not a personal commitment is to pay financial pay even financial "free health care", the financial money comes from taxes on national discussion on the core of the medical model is not free, but how to reconcile equity and efficiency of Renmin Ribao's "proof" column of March 26 published articles which the State provides free medical careReporter over more than 70 countries found the medical system and medical insurance system: only a very small number of countries completely free medical care, people when it comes to free medical treatment country doctor is still required to pay certain costs such as medicines, and so on. Article due to heat. Construction of medical insurance system in China has made great achievements in a short time, but the visiting doctor being difficult and expensive is still need to be urgently addressedIssues, on the model of free medical care, underscores public anxiety over expensive. So, free medical treatment work? How to solve the high cost of China? Question one: how the health care system more rational? "In response to" commensurate with the economic and social development, fairness, efficiency and sustainability of World Bank policy research report pointed out that low-income countries suffering from illness, and moreTo strong public policy priority configuration limited medical resources, while rich countries could not have unlimited budget for the health sector. Both in developed and developing countries, the priority is for cost control and a more efficient use of funds. "Fairness and efficiency are the fundamental problems of the social security system. Basic medical security system stressSupply of government responsibility, fairness, universal, public, and social and economic development to adapt to the principle tera gold, but with an emphasis on organizational and personal responsibility. "Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University Professor Yao Lan said, in order to improve the efficiency of health institutions and avoid excessive use of medical and health services, many State health-care system is combination of market mechanism and Government-led.When the two sessions this year, NPC deputies and CPPCC members believe that China's national condition determines the health reform package can't rely on the Government, States, places, organizations, individuals tera power leveling, and even the whole society should work together with, and overcome challenges. Medical and health service market regulation mechanisms alone cannot guarantee that the equity of medical services, all on government regulation also does not meet the diverse needs of the people and must therefore introduction of market mechanisms and insist on politicalThe leading role of the Government House, and achieve the maximum benefit of both parties and should distinguish between basic and non-basic needs, basic medical treatment and health protection responsibilities should be borne by the Government, non-basic health care are key to the social Office, meet the medical needs of patients at multiple levels. World Bank experts Zhang Shuo that engaged in public health research, looking at a national level of medical service and power adapterShould, ought to look at per capita health care spending and the country's level of GDP per capita. China's per capita GDP had reached the level of medium-income countries, per capita health care spending basically consistent with other middle income country average. Zhang Shuo suggested that Chinese medical service security policies should be developed to protect those groups most vulnerable to poverty, through compensation, such as way for the second time, to give them basicHealth care public goods. South Africa's health system is made up of two parts, that is, free medical care and medical insurance. Free of charge to the public hospital, but long lines, poor medical environment, above the average income on their medical insurance, to a private hospital. According to statistics, South Africa 68% of the people using only free medical care; 16% people only use medical insurancePrivate hospital to see a doctor; otherwise 16% people to a private hospital, also at the public hospital. Question two: free medical treatment work? "Response" to "completely free medical care" is only one ideal Zhang Shuo says, there is no completely free of free medical care, discusses free health services dealing with its definition of scope, content, make some space for free. NowImplement basic free medical countries fall into two categories: class is to spend less but to enjoy very low end medical services, such as some countries in Africa, as well as Laos, Cambodia, India and other developing countries. These countries have established public clinics, free medical service provided some basic, but low levels of protection, often lack medicines, is used for the lowest level of poverty in the countryProtection cannot satisfy the needs of the general population; those for developed countries, generally developed medical insurance, doctor spends less, but in order to receive insurance, residents of the high tax burden. Experts believe that the introduction of universal free medical, can only be an ideal State. If completely free medical service, people have almost zero marginal cost, medical requirementsA large number of releases, results in a waste of resources, health care cost growth, causing great financial pressure. Professor Shen Shuguang, Director of the research center of Sun Yat-sen University Social Security said that on the system can be given free medical care, but completely free of charge could lead to inefficient, hard to improve the quality of medical services. Yao Lan introduction, health is a "market failure" field, "if it's freeSupply of medical services, insured need not pay a percentage or ratio is too low, will generate excessive use of medical services. This excessive use, is a huge waste of medical resources. "The survey also confirmed the experts of this diplomatic reporter. In the United Kingdom, public hospital patients to see a doctor referral, appointment wait time is too long, some operations may have to waitSeveral months, a year or even longer. Reporters had inflammation of the gums to the clinic to see the doctor, ask at the reservation, had about two weeks later. Many patients to private hospitals for more treatment had to choose, resulting in personal health care expenditure increases. In Spain, by the end of 2009, health deficit reached 63 billion euros, and is continuing to grow. In order to cut redSome local governments cut public spending on health system financial, a move that was opposed by some citizens and medical institutions. Due to Spain's public health care system is critically dependent on government revenue to support, in the context of economic recession, sustainability of the health care system is challenged. Question three: how to solve the problems of expensive? "In response to" improve protection standards,Benefit of the expanded population, speeding up reform in public hospitals, the implementation of separate medicine 2010, China's total expenditure on health as percentage GDP 5.15%, health agency visits to 5.82 billion, than the increase over 2005, an increase of 42%. In 2011, the policies within the claims ratio increased to about 70%, under the basic average drug pricesDrop around 30%. It can be said that with the health-care system continues to improve, people started the basic medical and the public has enjoyed. However, due to the large population, does not cause higher levels of economic development, health care lower level, in different regions, and between urban and rural areas in different populations, health care reimbursement policies are not the same, people enjoy the basic medical services are not the same.When seeking medical care, excessive drug use, high drug prices also led to a rise in medical expenses. In the United Kingdom, and India and other countries, and "dispensing" under the system, the doctor is responsible only for diagnosis, prescription, patients can take any prescription to the pharmacy to buy medicine, doctors prescribe medicine for chihuikou does not exist. "Pay attention to the three dimensional effect of the healthcare system, levels of coverage, reimbursement, services coveringCover. System currently in China to achieve universal basic coverage, but the claims ratio is not high, medical institutions, medical and health services do not reach full coverage. "Yao Lan said. Renmin University of China social security research centre Director Zheng Gongcheng said: "the current Medicare actual reimbursement levels are still low, coverage there is also room for expansion, coupled with repeated during the medical examination, dachufangSuch phenomena exist, many people still feel heavy medical burden. "Therefore, to solve the" expensive ", the need to improve protection standards, expanding the benefits people; on the other hand you want to speed up the reform of public hospitals, practice medicine separate. In fact, China is also the direction. This year's Government work report, speed up and improve the universal health care system,Promoting the reform of public hospitals, breaking to herbal medicine medical mechanisms. Health Minister Chen Zhu also said that the new essential medicines list is expected to cover some medical institutions including major hospitals of essential medication, 300 county-level hospitals and public hospitals in 17 countries pilot reform cities will also try water separation of medicine by 2015, individual payment ratio is lower than 30%. Medical securityIs considered to be a worldwide problem tera power leveling, test the Government's affordability, innovation capacity. Hoped that, with the reform of public hospitals, perfection of the system of basic drugs and assistance system for serious disease, a doctor can further reduce the burden of the people. Others:

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