Saturday, April 7, 2012

tera gold and Syria - MHY

129773438993750000_1159New Seoul, March 26 (zxs) Chinese President Hu Jintao 26th in Seoul this afternoon met with United States President Barack Obama. Hu Jintao on bilateral relations development "to ensure positive interaction between China and the Asia-Pacific" 4 tips. During the meeting, the two heads of State will further promote the development of Sino-US partnership and common interest of internationalAnd regional issues in-depth exchange of views and reached positive consensus. Meeting was constructive. Hu Jintao said, President Obama took office for 3 years, Sino-US relations maintain stability and development. In the important field of bilateral as well as on major international and regional issues of coordination and cooperation more effective and efficient. In particular, the two sides decided to jointly build mutual respect, mutual benefit and win-win Sino-USAs a partnership tera power leveling, a direction for long-term development of Sino-US relations. At present, the international situation continues to profound and complex change, unstable factors of uncertainty in the world economy is still more. Maintaining the overall situation of the Sino-US cooperation in partnership-building, is related to China and the interests and well-being of the peoples of the two countries will also have a major impact on peace, stability and prosperity in the world. The Chinese side is willing to work together with the United States, alwaysFrom a strategic high plane and a long-term point of view, is dedicated to strengthen dialogue, exchanges, and cooperation, to respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and properly handle their differences and sensitivities, promoting the construction of Sino-US relations along the correct path of partnership development, better to benefit the people of the two countries and peoples. Hu Jintao 4 proposals concerning the development of bilateral relations. A stand partnersRelationship direction persistently promote the building of partnerships. Second, the all-round development of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, and strive to create a multi-level and wide-ranging, the Omni-directional pragmatic cooperation, strengthen infrastructure construction and local cooperation to promote the bilateral economic and trade relations to a new development in breadth and depth. Three is to ensure positive interaction between China and the Asia-Pacific, the Chinese side respects the US presence in the Asia-Pacific region andLegitimate interest, welcomed the United States to play a constructive role in regional affairs, and hopes the United States will fully take into account Chinese interests concerned and to respect, and should strengthen the dialogue between the two sides, to achieve win-win cooperation. Four is to continue to inject power into Sino-US relations, and adopt a more flexible way to ensure high-level strategic communication of high quality in a timely manner. The Chinese side welcomes us to China this year newRound of Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue, cultural exchange of high level consultations, as well as strategic security dialogue on the development of Sino-US cooperation on a new consensus and new initiatives. Obama said that after I became President, with Hu Jintao President has held 11 meetings, which fully reflects the great attention to the two sides to maintain good us-China relations. In recent years, through a series of high-level contacts between the two sides and the US-China strategic and economicDialogue mechanisms such as Frank and in-depth communication, enhance mutual trust, deepen cooperation, and effectively dealing with differences and disputes in a constructive manner, and positive results have been achieved, to the satisfaction of the United States. The United States looks forward to strengthened with China on important international and regional issues and bilateral dialogue, coordination, cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win partnership tera power leveling, which is critical for the United States and China, and the world. LastMonth, both the United States and joint commemoration of the 40 anniversary of President Nixon's visit to China. US side is willing to continue to work together with China tera gold, Sino-US relations over the next 40 years building a better. Both North Korea announced it would launch a satellite and present an in-depth exchange of views on the situation on the Korean peninsula. Both sides also Iran, and Syria, North-South Sudan exchanged views on such issues. (Editors: Meng Xiangwu) Others:

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