Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling Guangdong province's social housing coverage to reach about 20% - FFV

129771798623999810_55Just released the housing security system reform and innovation programme proposed in Guangdong Province, Guangdong will suspend new affordable housing in the future, as well as new public rental housing protection system main.  This "rent not sell only" housing security system tera gold, many experts and scholars have not been promising, considered "throw away". The proposed programme, progressively in Guangdong ProvinceDirectly managed by low-rent housing, public housing and public rental housing, affordable housing combination of running, unified classification for public rental housing (social housing for short) tera power leveling, not to sell. In addition to projects that have been approved, suspended new affordable housing, its supply of objects included in the scope of supply of public rental, including housing problems of urban low-income families, new jobs without workers and migrant workers tera gold。  Under the programme, the newly completed public rental every area of 40 square meters, planned by the end of 2015, Guangdong province's social housing coverage to reach about 20%, so that low-income families in the town (including special hardship case families) housing problem is resolved. The past few days, this "not to sell only" raised about new housing guarantee mechanisms. GuangdongProvincial members of the Association of real estate experts Tan Jinzhao said in some places a jingshifang built, 200 square meters of the "Mansion", a cheap and "scarce", easy to breed unfairness to tackling social housing difficulties did not help. But experts doubtful for the programme. Well-known real estate researchers Han Shitong in southern China with respect, "cannot beBecause jingshifang is lying to buy the suspension, this practice is choking.  "In his view, the prevention and elimination of corruption in jingshifang, should increase system, severely punish corrupt behavior, and jingshifang there is no listing for profit space. Chinese Academy of social sciences, Institute of industrial economics of investment and market research director Mr CAO said criticism saying, "since the cessation of jingshifang is to protect the system in Guangdong ProvinceRegression. In fact, jingshifang as long as the loss of investment profit-making features, you do not purchase of corruption. Reward, and punishment, may be better able to put an end to this negative phenomenon. "Commentator chopper has always been fierce: social housing can put an end to the" house rent ", supervision is a major problem. System is not straightened out, can't build more houses to people in genuine need,Rental management is not good, the consequences can be severe.  As regards the programme proposed, extraction of 10% from land revenue as financial subsidies for social housing construction, experts agree that "is too little". The "two sessions" after "regulation of real estate" tone not loose, further negative property. Han Shitong believes that cessation jingshifang this year, Guangdong Province, if theAfter the implementation is still unable to meet the housing needs of the public, may also promote some demand to the market. Others:

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