Tuesday, April 3, 2012

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129771675249218750_17Facebook co-founder dasiting ・ Moscow dimensional Moskowitz (Dustin Moskovitz) can be transferred through the way exempted from gift tax of US $ 150 million fortune, pictures: yuehan・kenteli (John Keatley) General rich from what these billionaires in the financial planning of lessons learned? If you're trying to distract you expect probably will suddenly the value of assets, then the donor retained annuity trust is a good tool. Opportunities for the transfer of wealth may not continue forever.  Congress and the Obama administration has proposed that measures should be taken to deal with the tax loopholes. In 2010, social review site Yelp Chairman MarkSI・liefujin (Max r. Levchin) sold a Roth individual retirement account (Roth IRA) 3.1 million on Yelp company shares, gains us $ 10.1 million, most of which are profits. But this was in 1998 with the billionaire bide・taier (Peter Thiel) started with PayPalCompany (PayPal), entrepreneur in a row, 36 years old, without the need for such an amount of income paid a penny of income tax.  This is because, on a Roth individual retirement account all earnings are tax free, as long as the account holder waits until the age of 59 and a half is only removed when the money. In addition, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) files, Levkin nowStill by the Roth individual retirement account holds a 3.9 million Yelp company shares (now trading near the $ 22). It would appear that his tax "retirement" value savings of at least $ 95 million, maybe more. For example, we do not know Levkin Roth individual retirement account is a social application developer Slide in publicDivision stocks � the company that he founded in 2004, and in 2010 for 182 million dollars sold for Google (micro-blogging) company (Google). If Levkin retirement does not use this sum of money stored in a Roth account, he can be left to their own children and grandchildren. In accordance with the existing laws, Levkin offspring canThis tax-free income sparingly used decades ago. In the field of high-tech hot group, and Leif gold more than one smart tax consultant was engaged. In the SEC case, in addition to the recent Facebook company applying for listing, we can also find the super rich are other examples of legitimate means of tax avoidance, such as social game developer ZyngaCompany's social network LinkedIn and company.  Although the ordinary man can also use these means of tax avoidance, but when a company or one of the hottest of the hottest entrepreneurs when these means are used in the early stages of his career, then it is possible to save a sum of capital are at first glance the tongue. Just how early? Facebook billionaire founder Mark・ Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) and dasiting ・ Moscow dimensional Moskowitz was only 27 years old, unmarried, no children. But back in 2008, they both set up the donor retained annuity trusts (GRAT). According to our estimates, they can use this account to transfer his heirs or other persons at least 1.85Billions of dollars of wealth and exempt from gift tax.  Is in stark contrast with it, just US $ 1 million gift tax exemption amount for 2008, exemption amounts to $ 5.12 million now. The Obama administration and Congressional Democrats have proposed new restrictions on gifts retained annuity trusts. At the same time, you may also want to follow these social technologies of prodigy wealth managementRoad, high growth investment if you have need of asylum. Super Roth accounts is worthy of note, although people have been warned about the future has the potential to lose large sums of tax, but Parliament is still not on the Roth individual retirement account cap limits the amount that can be accumulated. Nevertheless, the Yelp unit Levkin Roth individual retirement account holdersReally raises the legal issue.  Tax rules and individual retirement accounts or Roth individual retirement accounts invested in his control of the enterprises--such "prohibited transactions" can lead to individual retirement accounts can become the object of assessment, even incurring a fine. Obviously, if you own a small business, your personal retirement accounts or Roth individual retirement accountsHouseholds will not be able to invest. But if you are a non-listed company with many investors Chairman of the Board or CEO, and through your Roth account to buy its shares, it will happen? The Securities and Exchange Commission documents show that in 2001, the PayPal company CEO, high-tech investors tell through their Roth accounts, price of 30 cents a share to purchase the company1.7 million shares. In 2002, EBay (eBay (Twitter)) to 19 dollars per share to acquire a full stock-PayPal-it is clear that move Theil received $ value $ 31.5 million in tax-free income. In addition, found in a case in a Federal Court documents show that early Theil created Facebook companySome investment by the Roth individual retirement accounts.  He is now the Facebook board member. This kind of behavior: legitimate? According to Forbes magazine, master's message diablo 3 power leveling, seeking reward informers are to the United States Office of the internal revenue service reporting (IRS Whistleblower Office) writtenMaterial, they claim that this is not appropriate for such transactions. He works with the internal revenue service tax expert nuoer・Aisi (Noel Ice) that this is a grey area, internal revenue service and the Federal Court of Justice in this area is not clearly defined or guidance. Through close to the individual retirement account to purchase shares in the company may be feasible, subject, personal retirement accountsThe owner (when he was merged with all investments) do not have voting control of the company.  Levkin, tyre and the IRS are all reluctant to comment on the matter. So, deriving what ordinary people can do? Investments with the highest potential value in the Roth individual retirement accounts. Note: If you really want on your non-publicly traded sharesRetirement accounts or Roth individual retirement account, you usually need to hire a special guardian to handle "self-directed" individual retirement account (large brokerage firms, banks and mutual fund companies hold most of the retirement account usually limits the scope of its investments in publicly traded stocks, bonds tera power leveling, mutual funds and Bank term deposits and other fields). Leif jinhetaierduPensco trust company limited is recruiting headquarters is located in San Francisco to a Roth individual retirement account. Facebook gift retained annuity trust of the company because of the tax court 2000 involving a member of the Walton family (Group of Wal-Mart founder) decision, billionaires are now available through the donor retention years jinxinSupport transfer to his successor a large wealth of exempted from gift tax. Trying to transfer wealth to the rich (the donor) can put the stocks into an irrevocable trust accounts, and remain in a certain period (such as 2-15) obtained from the trust account each year an amount of pension rights. If the donor survive longer than this period of the annuity after the end of the withdrawal period, the trust accountAll remaining property can be transferred automatically to the members of the family of the donor. Point is: in the calculation of the final value of wealth will be left (and thus calculate how much donor gifts that are being created), the IRS concern is not stored in trust of real-world performance of stocks on the market, but assuming the trust assets earned by the Government in the identification,Of negligible interest income. In a zero-tax or "Walton" donor retained annuity trust, the donor after the annuity year, leave his successor with the remaining few hundred--if the trust property is determined according to the internal revenue service low rates of growth. If the trust assets grow faster, excess can be left to heirs, and free giftsTaxes (even if the trust assets value, the donor also won't suffer any losses, every year, because the donor may receive to return some stock in the form of annuity). Facebook company listing application to the Securities and Exchange Commission documents show that Moscow d Moskowitz, Zuckerberg and Facebook's Chief Operating Officer (COO), Xie Xue Li・sangdebo(Sheryl Sandberg) to the respective donor retained annuity trust put in 14.4 million, 3.6 million units and 1.9 million shares. They will eventually transfer of wealth so as not to pay the gift tax? We are unable to give an exact number. But Forbes magazine did a number of conservative assumptions (for example, fAcebook stock issue price is $ 40, and is no longer up), and invited the laolunsi・kazansitan Saint Louis lawyers (Lawrence p. Katzenstein) using his invention of "Tiger form (Tiger Tables)" software calculates the data. Calculation results are as follows: Moscow d Moskowitz, ZachBurg and Sandberg, respectively can be transferred through donor retained annuity trusts worth $ 148 million, $ 37 million and $ 19 million tax-free wealth.  Facebook declined to comment. Sandberg is 42 years old mother of several children. Estate planning experts said that Zuckerberg and Moscow-d Moskowitz of the donorRetained annuity trusts most likely beneficiary is another trust account � the account will provide, if they have no offspring, this sum of money will leave other family or charity. Common rich from what the billionaires in the financial planning of lessons? If you attempt to transfer your expected sudden gains of assets is likely to be, then the donor retention years jinxinSupport is a good tool. Opportunities for the transfer of wealth may not continue forever.  Congress and the Obama administration has proposed that measures should be taken to deal with the tax loopholes. Options on LinkedIn and Zynga Game when executives or directors of the company to exercise non-statutory stock option (nonqualified stocK options) when it spreads--that is, their stock prices and stock dividend date difference between the fair market value � is considered remuneration and wages chargeable to tax income, highest applicable federal rate: 35%. Stock appears right after the day's rise as a long-term capital gain (the applicable tax rate is only 15%), precondition is the Executive UnitHolds at least a year before the ticket sale.  Therefore, exercised stock options as early as possible to avoid paying a lot of taxes. However, under normal circumstances, only the option to take effect (that is, your options have a you can't lose legal right), you can exercise this right. But a provision of the tax law diablo 3 gold, 83 (b) terms, a special arrangement for options holders, such as theFruit companies allowed. Under this provision, for tax purposes, in stock options holder can grant before the qualification "exercise" of this right.  This may reduce his tax, but will increase the company's tax payable because employers who pay for the right to advance only in the money as compensation can only be used to offset the tax paid to the employee. For those whoBe cheap stock options before the company listed persons, 83 (b) terms is particularly valuable. Facebook does not give employees the option of the company � it can be predicted that when Facebook employees option is in effect, and the exercise of these rights, the company will appear before a staggering sum of tax deductions. Social game developer ZyNGA--on behalf of the company, including happy farm (Farmville) and crossword puzzles (Words With Friends) � and professional networking company LinkedIn has done. At the time of initial public offerings last year issued, Zynga the company to produce the documents show, founder and CEO make・ping CASS (Mark Pincus) holds a 112 million shares, of which 2.6 million options on shares is yet to enter into force (it is clear that he can to right of row 93 cents per share). As Zynga the company now trading at $ 13 per share, Pincus is likely not for its resulting millions of dollars of revenue in accordance with 35% of tax.LinkedIn company allowed all of the options were granted under the 2003 plan can be exercised prior to the entry into force. According to a securities and Exchange Commission files, founder and CEO of LinkedIn Corporation, billionaire Leide・huofuman (Reid Hoffman) even issued a personal loan to the employee, the employeeIn options as early as possible before the commencement of the exercise of its right to purchase. From this example you can see the option holder how much revenue can be saved. April 7, 2011, the LinkedIn at $ 45 per share price of the company one month before the public, LinkedIn allows directors qiaozhi・bateer (a. GeorGE Battle), sitanli・meilisiman (Stanley j. Meresman) and laisili・jierge (Leslie Kilgore) to $ 22.59 per share price to exercise their right of 22,000 shares. Only when these directors hold office until April 7, 2012, these stocksIs officially granted. At the same time, our LinkedIn company's closing price on March 14 (94 m) can be estimated, every Director can save more than $ 250,000 in tax. Others:

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