Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera power leveling that can mitigate the impact of international oil price on China's economy - EN

129773184389218750_10Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog rolling financial capital history of the domestic economic and industrial economic current affairs news consumption in international economic life financial reviewThematic depth interviews a week topic hexun Newsweek predicted public laws and regulations cover data reading business school training weather collection luxury calendar finance ministries financial products news weekly issue 2012 influence > body print RSSFont size-March 26, 2012 from: weekly shopping guide-influence author: Pei Fei for ten years, our oil prices increased 10 times, oil imports has doubled to more than 1 time. One-fifth consumer incomes only by Europe and the United States, China, bear the cost of high oil prices is5-6 oil prices in Europe "in-situ" burning flame of CPI-reporter Pei Fei in the previous month, the State Statistics Bureau announced in February's consumer price index (CPI) rose to 3.2%, and finally 3.5% is less than one-year fixed deposit interest rates, nearly two years of "negative interest" era is finally farewell for the time being.But as the media just some comfort, when you haven't been rejoicing, another blockbuster immediately strikes: on March 20, gasoline and diesel prices increase $ 600 per ton. This means that consumers in China is high oil prices 5-6 times the cost is borne by Europe and the United States, and just be cool the fire of the CPI in the price of oil "in-situ oil" is about to rebound quickly under.Up 10 times the increase in the oil price from last ten years only after more than 40 days, increase far exceeded market expectations, time, people she did not complain, are ahead of the March 20 gas station lines long--storing oil. ����Not many people remember the cheer was robbed several times in recent years. As can be seen from March 2005 toToday, oil price increases 20 times, down 7. According to statistics of the national development and Reform Commission, 2000 China's apparent consumption of 110 million tons of oil products, 2011 has 243 million tons, an average annual increase of 7.5%; at the same time, increased degree of dependence on foreign oil by per cent in 2000 to per cent in 2011. That is ten years, we haveOil prices increased 10 times, oil imports has doubled to more than 1 time. ����One-fifth consumer incomes only by Europe and the United States, China, high oil prices 5-6 times the cost is borne by Europe and the United States. For the price, national development and Reform Commission also explained: when 22 consecutive days of crude oil in the international market when the moving average price changes over 4%, appropriate adjustment of domestic productOil prices. On February 8 after the oil price adjustments, Iran nuclear crisis and other factors, rising oil prices in the international market. In late February and early March tera gold, the United States and West Texas intermediate crude oil United Kingdom price of North Sea Brent crude oil futures reached $ 109.8 per barrel and $ 126.2, the highest level since April 2011. On February 24,22 consecutive days moving average market three crude oil prices rose more than 4%, current gain is more than 10%, so countries raise domestic prices of gasoline and diesel. Significance of this is that price leverage regulating and guiding role to play on the one hand, and curb oil consumption growth, promoting resource conservation; on the other hand, to take full advantage of international and domesticThe two markets and two kinds of resources, to meet the domestic demand for oil. Down still no pricing power, however some scholars say: 50% per cent of domestic crude oil imports, has maintained high input and high output. The increase in oil prices is market fluctuation, follows the international oil price hike. This also reflected the market direction is right, but cannot keep up not down. In addition, the transverseIn comparison, the United States national income of residents is much higher than China, Chinese consumers on high oil prices 5-6 times the cost is borne by Europe and the United States. ����Therefore, many scholars have suggested, as the executive regulation of oil prices was not smooth, and adjusting the pace a little lag, the delegation of pricing power could give the companies? On this issue, now both dissenting voices have also endorsed theVoice. Opponents believe that "China's refined oil pricing mechanism is not transparent, for oil companies, the pursuit of self-interest maximization is the enterprise must, therefore, pricing power delegated or will push up the price of oil; agree with that" decentralization of refined oil pricing is the marketization of China's oil product prices and complete a step, meet the trend of oil product market reform. "And the national development and Reform Commission tableAs shown in the "Twelve-Five" during the reform of China's oil market will continue to move forward. At present in the field of exploration and development, in addition to PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, three companies, also has extended more than oil and other local companies and foreign companies to participate. Upstream crude oil production and imports comparatively strict government control, openness is still not enough. Therefore, in areas of upstream exploration and development, nationalCan further relax, and sufficient market competition, improve efficiency, and achieve the maximum social benefit. ����But in the upper reaches of release at the same time, States must strengthen supervision. Development and Reform Commission said PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, three large companies seem to have not won the civil widely trusted. Is a contradiction of the focus: three company losses, administrative subsidy needed,But people seem to have felt that the three companies to bring you benefits. ����Instead, on the eve of the price, PetroChina, Sinopec, will be reluctant to sell out of toilet paper, oil, price momentum. According to the monitoring, in front of the two associations, International crude oil prices continue to change, as of March 13 tera power leveling, three 22nd move average price of us $ 122.998 for crude oil barrel, 27th a benchmark price up 9.77%. Therefore, during the two sessions, two major giant Sinopec, PetroChina has submitted price proposals because of high international crude oil, business losses a lot. Reports that Chairman Jiang jiemin said recently that oil group, the Group's refining business losses as high as 50 billion yuan last year. According to industry forecasts, Sinopec 2011 refiningOil stocks loss may also have many tens of billions of dollars. ����Effect of agricultural subsidies to be Cha after price increases, in order to curb rising prices brought about by volatile oil prices as much as possible, national development and Reform Commission has also taken a number of remedial measures. First of all is to subsidize farmers. Wen Jiabao specially emphasized that when the investigation after two sessions of Henan rural, "will continue to increase the minimum purchase price of wheat this year, per kgHigh 7-4 is in fact underpin. Fluctuation of international oil prices this year, please rest assured that, if oil prices increase, also ready to give direct subsidies, because the large mechanized operations must use oil. ����"Throughout the remedial measures, policy is also particularly important for farmers. According to the oil price subsidy system has been established, will continue for grain farmers, fisheries (including offshoreFishery), forestry, urban public transport, road passenger transport in rural areas (including Islands and rural waterway passenger transport) subsidies and temporary subsidies given to taxi price before adjustment. Central financial dynamic adjustment mechanism of agricultural comprehensive subsidy requirements, arrange comprehensive subsidies of agricultural materials in full in a timely manner to ensure that grain farmers profit from reduced diesel price adjustment should be. At the same time until the end of April 2011Year for grain farmers, urban public transport, fisheries, forestry, rural road passenger transport, a taxi part of disadvantaged groups and the public welfare industries, such as oil price subsidy disbursement of settlement funds and subsidy funds set aside part of the 2012 years earlier to defuse the impact oil price adjustments. Local people's Governments and relevant departments will also be limited to subsidies granted in full, in particular in accordance with social assistanceAnd assurance standards linked to the price linkage mechanism of requirements, take into consideration, such as petroleum products, liquefied petroleum gas price and the market price changes. At the same time, to ensure that market prices basically stable, preventing the price chain, after the oil price adjustments, closely related to the lives of railway passenger transport, urban public transport, rural road passenger transport (including Islands and waterway passenger transport in rural areas)You will not be adjusted. Local people's Governments and relevant departments will continue to implement "green" policies, and vehicle to vehicle lawfully mounted the fresh agricultural products free of charge tolls for vehicles. All localities should strictly implement the relevant policies, such as the green channel, strengthening the inspection and monitoring of market prices, and resolutely put a stop to a lift prices, to stabilise the grain, edible oil, meat, vegetables and other foodstuff prices�� CPI will ignite the fire of these compensatory measures can prevent falling CPI growth economists said further: oil price hike expected within the premier over the weekend also raised the issue after the oil price subsidies for farmers, so the oil price increases in line with expectations tera gold, but the oil price hike will not be the CPI factor, first in proportion of the CPIStill dominated by food, oil prices accounted for more than a very small, from the direct impact is difficult to affect the CPI trend. ����In addition, due to the oil price hike, industrial demand is suppressed, such as auto demand, demand was suppressed, but may help control the CPI. But there are still a number of objections. Xiamen University experts, believes that the oil price rises to a certain level and then toWalking on space should not be very large, needs to consider the capacity of the people. And with the rising international crude oil prices, prices of crude oil and refined oil prices hung upside down, only a two-part single large clamping and Enterprise subsidies. Analysts also said: "from the windfall tax had been raised last year, losses of two single large clamping and enterprises should be reduced. Also, two single large clamping on the enterprise as a whole isProfit, the State should not be excessive for the oil refining sector losses. "And, although the price compensation measures are largely concentrated in agricultural products, but what is the effect of not conclusion. A securities analyst said: the rise in oil prices was very large, including many Terminal products, food prices are rising, oil prices and has become a domestic logistics costs throughMajor factor in expansion, and directly transfer to food prices. In addition, impact on the automobile market should not be overlooked, a continuous price increases in recent years, especially the "breaking of eight", owners of the vast majority of respondents said that when oil prices rose to $ 10 per litre will reduce automobile use, if the $ 15 will be largely up to drive. At the same time, many taxi drivers said that although each priceSubsidies, but basically to make ends meet. ����Even there are many taxi companies in the proposed raising taxi rates. Rising oil prices will inevitably have an impact on prices, but there will be less advanced. Observers believe that this increase in oil prices brought about by changes in CPI, will start appearing in May-June. To solve the dilemma of the refined oil pricing mechanism, most short way from extinctionStarting with tax, consumption tax relief on the basis of continued to adjust the price in accordance with the current oil price mechanism, that can mitigate the impact of international oil price on China's economy, and can maintain the seriousness of refined oil pricing mechanism. Others:

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