Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling - VKT

129773438998750000_1172United States President Barack Obama arrived on 25th Korea, participate in the nuclear security summit in Seoul the following day. Obama arrived in South Korea, and the first station you have selected in the inter-Korean border "38" to visit the demilitarized zone, looking to the opposite of North Korea with a telescope. This is Obama's Presidency, and for the first time in 10 years United States President first visited the demilitarized zone of the Korean peninsula. People know, 26th was the CheonanTwo-year anniversary, March 25 is 100 days of the death of North Korea's late leader Kim Jong-Il. Time sensitive, sensitive areas tera gold, sensitive activities are commentators think Obama's moves in the United States enters the crucial moment tera power leveling, for show and pressure should be Obama's Korea the real intention of the trip (see voice of March 2012Today). According to associated press, also in this month tera power leveling, North Korean Supreme leader Kim visited Panmunjom and the demilitarized zone for the first time, requires the military to maintain a high alert. He Tong in a month, about the same time us-DPRK top leader has stepped on "as withdrawing big guns from" line? This is known as "38" guard-Korean demilitarized zone is the world's most heavily guarded border. Since the 1953 Korean warThe truce, this piece about 4 km wide area will be split between the two Koreas, which attached to the North on the north side, South side attached to Korea, currently stationed about 2 million troops on both sides. North Korea announced that it would be between April 12 to launch Galaxy 3rd carrier rocket, is North Korea's development of the Earth observation satellite "Star 3rd" into polar orbit. United States, Japan and South Korea scolded, JapanExpressed with missiles and "look forward". But the Korean side seems to be unmoved. North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman said the evening of 23rd released news that launch preparations "has officially entered the operational phase". The current "rocket" has not yet been sent to the launch pad could now be launching facility to be assembled. This news release, and immediately the United States, Japan and South Korea heightened tensions. 12 «» Others:

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