Wednesday, April 4, 2012

tera power leveling does everyone need to have room - NPD

129777222360312500_78Hot read: "big guns" – real estate businessman he is controversial, major impact on people's opinion and highly respected Internet celebrity, ren Zhiqiang the transformation of the Department as he comments on how there are different? The Frank "guns"? Prices should drop? Dilemma of how affordable housing? 2012, the fall in interest rates, low down paymentContinuous, individual sale discounts, "rescue" means April should release you want? Interpretation of ren Zhiqiang, young people should earn enough money to buy a House. [Young people to make down payments and then buy a House not later than] publishing business weekly question: young man when is the best time of the purchase? Ren Zhiqiang: we also sell cabbage fried Apple pomace, hundreds of profit would have been very happy. ISince, by the young people. ["We all go rent" without actually] China business times questions: rental market is chaotic, if rental markets sound, does everyone need to have room? Ren Zhiqiang: Beijing has a large number of housing reform, price is very cheap, rent, sell high. If over-dominated market to a market economy, theProblem disappeared. Only build 20 of the market economy in China, efforts to resolve the problems require several generations, dozens of generations. [Investment property market will see benefits] China business times questions: housing and investment of several sets, and even no room, you on what they have to say? Ren Zhiqiang: do people clearly see in the social development of the investment risk, some of them receivedBenefits should be. I do not recognize the bad because house prices rise is devoid of the power to buy investments tera power leveling, we can go three or four cities to buy investments. [Prices within a short time there will be no big changes] HENNESSY's question: will the trend of house prices will rise this year? Do you there is a problem of the transformation of ren Zhiqiang: prices depend on long-term, government intervention only shortPrice, long to see the inevitable situation of economic operation. Real estate investment is a long-term behavior, will not change policy. [Prices next year test] mobile phone user 1,109 tera gold,878,324 's question: General: the General began a book! Top! Total of 1-2 I would like to ask what the future price movements of ren Zhiqiang: House prices next year test tera gold, forSeeking relationship will fully reflect the next year. [[US News] was a grocer]nerdy4fun question: Hello, ask you to examine the two largest commercial real estate company "SOHO China [US News]" and "Wanda" their respective advantages and disadvantages of it? For example, Wanda 59gewan Mall has been built in the country are located in 45City, SOHO Zhang Xin said focused on Beijing-Shanghai, what are the advantages and disadvantages of both? Congratulations, you have a new book published, in replying to the comments of anyone. Ren Zhiqiang: SOHO is a store in China, Dalian Wanda [US News] was a grocer. Two different business models. Others:

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