Monday, April 2, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling China cut its growth forecast from 8% to 7.5% - MYF

129773184430937500_93Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog observation on the foreign exchange markets dynamic USD RMB currency market conditions in the instant analysis of related industries in scroll expert analysis on column mechanismDisk on the HD solutions financial calendar financial products Exchange Center Exchange Tools school online Salon experience exchange finance foreign exchange regulations on investment hexun Wikipedia Forex Forum Forex blog Forex > body font size print RSS March 201215:07 from: hexun special research-overview of 2011-2012 first-quarter industrial investment investors market situation in the 2012 date back 2011 core events despite the global financial crisis is over 2 yearsBut still can be used throughout Europe, the United States and other major economies to see a domino effect. In early 2011, the market focus is on the fate of the sovereign debt crisis and the euro was. Many people guess, will fall before the end of the euro or euros at least cannot continue to exist as a unified currency of the 17 countries of the eurozone. Recently revealed that the expectedEuro in some other form or the fall of market participants including federal Treasury, they consider that the Monetary Union has "highly uncertain". ����Otherwise, United Kingdom inflation remains above the inflation target set by the Bank of England 2%; in China than Japan to become the world's second-largest economy. Japan March earthquake and tsunami, suffered catastrophic tumbled. Markets are extremelyConfusion, listed in the Nikkei 225 index's stock tumbled nearly US $ 500 billion. ����Yen shock recorded a postwar highs against the dollar, due to expected Japan investors will need to sell foreign assets to compensate for the damage caused by natural disasters. Greece and Spain are rating agency downgrades, and more vulnerable countries of the eurozone borrowing costs rising concern. Portugal and ItalyItalian Government bond yields almost unsustainable level of risk. More mature economies also face threat of downgrades; especially the United Kingdom and the United States's AAA rating is questioned. Market uncertainty makes Gold long jump with joy, investor hot scratch haven assets pushed gold prices breaking $ 1500/oz. Rescue of the euro remain 2011 medium-termTheme, world leaders seek ways to avoid collapse of the euro. Switzerland's Central Bank in August to Swiss francs for major intervention, said Swiss francs were "significantly overvalued" shock the investors who traded Swiss francs. Swiss Central Bank set interest rates at levels close to zero. The eurozone crisis, investors have been buying into Swiss francs as a hedging asset; after several months, rising Swiss franc against the euro 18%,The dollar rose by 22%. ����From the visible in March, Japan suffered natural disasters, and in August, Switzerland's Central Bank cut interest rates, extremely shock Swiss francs, most traded industrial investment investors in Swiss francs. Table 1: 2011 diablo 3 power leveling, USD/CHF trading volume distribution to industrial customers in October, the euro in trouble again. France President Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany, Prime MinisterKerr held emergency talks aimed at European financial stability mechanism to expand to around $ 10 million. But in November Italy and Greece called for the agreement to be a referendum, market expectations quickly rupture and gilt yields rose to above the critical level of 7%. ����2011 market overall optimism, but the global economy remains stagnant at the end. Table 2: 2011 industrial customer transaction volumeTop 5 products of industrial products to its customers for the European currencies mainly, as well as precious metals accounted for 4 in the top 5. ����This reflects some Investor bets the destiny of Europe, while other more cautious investors turned to safer assets. 2012 overview 2011 theme continued in the first quarter of 2011 basic themeSovereign debt crisis raises uncertainties about the Outlook in Europe and the United States sustained economic recovery is expected, continue beyond 2012. ����Last year highlighted many of the economic problems and errors, but almost all of failed to resolve. The fate of the euro stability in the relationship between the global market, and will remain so until 2011 year failed to find an effective solution to be found.World will seek United States and China diablo 3 power leveling, the two largest economies in the world to promote global economic growth. ����However, China cut its growth forecast from 8% to 7.5%, one hit to other major economies. 2012 volume top 10 products of table 3: 2012 industrial investment investors traded up to the top 3 and 2011 one spy too many of the same, suggesting that market conditions and basic topics remain similar to last year. Australian top five, became the fourth. 2011 Australian dollar has been one of the most powerful products, but 2012 is drawing back nearly 500 points. ����Disappointing performance of China's stock markets may be the Australian dollar declines in recent reasons. In 2012, select the products tableEuro and European Central Bank Governor Mr Draghi says, there are signs that, at a low level of economic activity held steady, and since 2012 data support this view. ����Relative stability of the euro against the US dollar in early 2012, recorded a slight gain. In March swtor gold, Greece debt swaps be enough participation rates to avoid a debt default, market release. Best ofTube Greece far have security, but it can make Greece more prolonged stay in the euro zone. ����But skepticism has not ruled out Greece in 2012 a no default. Table 4: 2012 EUR/USD EUR/USD in 2012 the industrial investment investors more and more attention; in addition to December fell slightly last year, the productionThe popularity than other investment options, have 6 months on an upward trend. ����March 2012, only the euro has traded against the dollar accounts for all industrial investment investors trading in 63%, the highest trading price range nearly 1000 points. Table 4: EUR/USD: percentage of total monthly trading volume per cent of all products traded spot goldSpot Gold for 2012 years among the most volatility, fluctuations in price range around 270 dollars an ounce. Market suspect the Fed will launch a new round of quantitative easing, pushed gold to hit $ 1800 high, although his March on QE3 mentioned in his speech the price quickly reversed gains. The gold was heavy selling, removingMore than US $ 100/oz. Gold prices are still closely associated with market views on the global economic continuing uncertainties were quite a shock by gold in 2012. Although the United States economy showed signs of improvement, but remains fragile. ����Further economic slowdown in China may have on United States economic ripple. Table 5: 2012 spot gold2012 industrial investment investors interest in gold remains relatively stable, gold transactions per month total trading volume of about 15%. ����Silver trading interest in gold down slightly, but closely related to the price of silver and gold. Table 6: Spot Gold (blue) and spot Silver (red) percent of the total trading volume per cent of all products traded lightOil light crude oil in February, hit 9-month high, because of United States economic data and beautiful, show that economic growth prospects may be improving. ����Another driving trend of crude oil prices are the main factors in the West and Iran on its controversial nuclear programme continued to argue. EU on Iran crude import embargo caused supply fears push crude oil prices rose sharply. China, And Japan and other imported Iran Asian countries has reduced imports of crude oil in order to seek United States abandon forcible sanctions. ����United States energy expects 2011 Iran exports the EU 18% per cent of the total amount of crude oil. Table 7:2012 young oil shocks to light crude oil in February by a big margin, industrial investment investors cautious, but crude oil trading interest continued into MarchRising prices have held steady. ����Investors in February to favor the euro transactions. Table 7: light crude oil trading volumes as percentage of total amount of all products traded Others:

1 comment:

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