Friday, April 13, 2012

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129779313202500000_5Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing Twitter pioneer financial management training in the daily limit of the unit gather Forum stock > body font size print RSSApril 03, 2012 from: Shenzhen 30th 2011 Fund annual report disclosure is complete, 64 Fund's Fund lost $ 500.4 billion. Through the Fund annual report, what a unit Fund top holdings? Fund managers on 2012 shares how to look? What is the investment strategy of the Fund by early afternoon?Worthy of note is that fund losses last year after 2008, Christian Democratic plunge of property at the same time, the fund company "ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain", Fund executives earn millions of dollars have been criticized. ����To balance the fund company and the interests of the holders of the Fund, or future regulatory problems to be solved urgently. 1, 971 Fund huge losses last year $2011 revealed yesterday the annual report of the Fund is completed, statistics show that 64 Fund's 971 fund losses last year amounted to $, second only in 2008, become the second biggest loss in the history of the Fund. Average daily loss of more than $ 2 billion loss $ 500.426 billion what is a concept? Stripping out the weekendAnd statutory holidays per year to about 250 trading days calculated, Fund loss amounted to $ 2.002 billion a day. ����If by 971 funds split, each fund losses amounted to $ 532 million last year. From the fund company's situation, 64 Fund, all losses. Among them, 18 for losses of billions of dollars or more, Chinese, e, and k real, GF, Onari, southern, and YINHUA, Boshi, Hua and the facilities top ten. From the perspective of individual funds, 971 funds, 814 Fund there have been losses, loss of area up to 83.83%, more than 2008 years in extreme environments than 74.5% this level! Among them, harvest CSI (300, Fund) lossesAmounting to $ 7.35 billion; post core growth (590,002 Fund), e deep card (100, Fund) ETF, the e value growth (110,010, funds), Huaxia advantages, guangfa poly (270,005 Fund), rongtong szse (100, Fund) and Chinese CSI 300 single fund amount is more than $ 5 billion. ����In addition, losses of over $ 1 billion worth of 155, remove 4 QDII Fund, remaining mostly on the unit funds; the amount of more than a billion dollars of 492. Unit base as losses hit statistics, in addition to money-market funds and capital preservation fund, all losses, on the unit baseAs losses hit gold, stock funds and mixed funds loss respectively $ 314.659 billion and $, taken together amount to $ 466.921 billion, "contribution" Fund 93.3% for all losses. ����Followed by closed-end funds, losses 21.903 billion yuan last year. Low-risk products, debt-based performanceFar from satisfactory. Statistics show that 2011 Bond Fund $ 2.57 billion overall losses. Benefit in 2011 more tense capital and currency markets of high interest rates, IMF and capital preservation fund to produce a book of comfort, 5.798 billion yuan in profits, respectively, and $ 26 million last year. Currency of which Chinese cash profit of 4.7$ 700 million, becoming the most profitable funds last year; in addition, cash, when you harvest money Bo (070008 tera gold, funds) increased profits, also well compensated and the South, respectively, $ 466 million in profits, $ 461 million, and $ 344 million. QDII Fund was dragged down in the poor overseas investment environment, $ 14.855 billion loss for the whole year.2, the Fund's top holdings: several few worry it with joy from the annuals, favor the consumer sector fund. Peng value of China's largest holdings are American appliance (000527, unit), the fifth largest holdings of gree electric appliances (000651, unit). Jin Niuji Jin Yinhua wealth (180,012 Fund) topic's largest holdings for midea electric appliances,Six large holdings of suning appliance (002024, unit). ����Selected blue-chip Thai (290,006, Fund) first holdings to spark electrical appliance (002298, unit). Wah Fu Estate Fund company, which has more unique units, there are 21 unique unit. Wah Fu Estate, owned by the fund company earnings enhancement enhanced returns a, Wah Fu, Wah Fu quantum healthOptimization of competitive forces, China (410,001, funds), huafu growth trend (410,003, Fund) selected and Wah Fu policy (410,006 Fund) 6 funds are unique, such as the East Tower (002545, unit), the day the wind (002531 shares), Shougang shares (000959 shares),Lake shares (600,257 shares), seedling of one bridge (002447, stock) and Tangshan port (601,000, stocks) 21 stocks. In addition, the long letter, Lion, Morgan Stanley huaxin, southern Chinese 7, Boshi tera power leveling, merchants and companies are also holders of more than 10 unique stock, respectively, 16, 16, 15, 14,11, 10 and 10. ����Then, Fund holdings last year what about performance? ����Holdings with last year's stock market performance is not satisfactory tera power leveling, but also has holdings in the Fund last year to force. Cathay Pacific Golden Eagle Fund funds owned by Cathay, Cathay Pacific and small-cap funds together hold a blue cursor (300,058 shares) of more than 9 millionUnit blue cursor since the second half of last year rose by more than 37%. ����Xinhua Fund (blog, Twitter) owned Xinhua Fund study of optimum growth and environmental protection (300,072, unit) 5.45 million shares 6% per cent study environmental flow unit, study environment in the first half of last year rose by more than 42%. Invesco great wall Fund (blog, Twitter) its King Shun longDomestic demand growth (260,104 Fund) funds, the Fund totals Invesco great wall domestic demand growth, second day boat culture (300,148, unit) 1.89 million shares, day boat culture rose more than 110% in the second half of last year. Wah Fu arm huafu growth Fund (410,003, Fund) trends Fund, Wah Fu gains enhanced funds together hold hualu (300,212, unit) of more than 1.5 million units, Wah Fu Estate was recorded in the Fund for the end of the third quarter of this year China's largest institutional investor, China registered shares rose more than 42% since the second half of this year. ����"Black Swan" event funds dragged down, however, also has holdings of the Fund, "Black Swan" events being dragged down. The third quarter of 2011, the FundCangwanbangda (300,055, unit). Changing faces and because performance for insider trading, Wan Bangda encounter hit share prices tumbled 71.59%, become the biggest stock 2011 gem. In many positions in the unit Fund, China Fund and YINHUA Fund dragged down by heavy losses. According to the Chinese Fund at the end of the third quarter the total float is 12636,800, Yinhua fund high into the end of the third quarter shareholders reached 11.3308 million units. Dae won shares (600,146 shares) in the 2011 reorganization failed or 65.19% during the year, and GF market growth (270,007 Fund) held its 5.4998 million unit, rich tianhui growthHolding 4.5004 million shares, Thailand and the quality of life (290,004, Fund) holds 1.7 million shares of stocks. ����If ownership does not change, three funds in a loss in the quarter reached $ 150 million. 3, the fund company "ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain" has been criticized in the Christian Democratic fortunes shrink while fund companies "ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain" status also suffer from shameDisease. ����Fund management company charged fees last year reached 28.864 billion yuan in 2010, representing fell by only 4.48%. ����28.864 billion fund management fees last year recorded a second largest loss in history, but limited fund management fee income fell. Statistical data show that total 64 fund companies charge a management fee last year reached 288.6$ 400 million, more than $ per cent in 2010, just $ 1.355 billion, fell to 4.48%. From fund companies, industry potential of differentiation, both hot and cold in a bear market continued to deepen. According to statistics, the management fee income total income up to 10 companies reached 13.428 billion yuan, per cent of industry revenues 46.52%, tubeFee income of more than 1 billion company to reach 7, Huaxia fund management fees of $ 2.527 billion firmly held the top spot, and only a company earning more than $ 2 billion. After China, harvest Fund (blog, Twitter), e Fund, the South, the GF Fund, Boshi Fund and Fund revenues exceed $ 1 billion. Ranked secondHarvest Fund management fee income 1.668 billion yuan, one-third less than China. ����Statistics also show that last year, 14 companies management fee income is less than $ 100 million, whose revenues add up to only $ 606 million, in particular there are 8 companies whose income is less than $ 50 million. From the Fund types, open equity fund 2011 wonManagement fee income $ 15.2 billion, more than half of the industry; mixed type fund management fee income for 2011 get 9.044 billion yuan, compared to last year's $ 9.998 billion decline in the range of about three; $ 1.053 billion 2011 bond fund management fee income, debt-based management fee of $ 674 million the previous year almost doubled. "The droughtEnsuring harvest "was criticized the Fund does not make money, management fee according to receive false positives are trite topic. 2010 Fund $ 5.082 billion profit, management fee took out $ 30.2 billion; fund losses of 500.426 billion yuan last year, also took the management of 28.9 billion. Christian Democratic fortunes shrink at the same time, fund companies are "ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain" status is also suffering fromMuch criticism. Permits investments in Zhang Zhimin said, fund managers are still taking millions of annual salary. This is equivalent to fund losses or make a, Fund Manager income has not changed! ����This "ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain" mode is not a reasonable! Insiders said the Fund charge management fees were too high, that "ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain" is not reasonable. In addition, fund managers and fund companiesIncome of fund performance and management, leading to fund investments team sense is not strong, is a cause of mouse position seemed impossible to irradicate the Fund. A well-known fund analysts, the current company according to the size of the Fund management charge is an expediency. Public fund will eventually be going index and fixed income in both directions, other active management of funds will be gradually toward thePrivate or account of such absolute return funds closer to extract performance, rather than "ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain." Others:

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