Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling combating market confidence - WTL

129771807863531060_86[Review] huzhi closing panorama of negative growth in net FDI fell 0.73%2 month for four consecutive months, March 15-the a-share market received slightly lower on Thursday, decreased for the second consecutive day. In February tera gold, amount of foreign capital actually used four consecutive months of negative growth, combating market confidence, at the same time the National Energy Board Wednesday electricity output plunged, investorsEconomic growth worries heat up. Shanghai composite index closed 2373.77 points, down 0.73%; deep card Chengzhi close of 10086.56 points, down 0.08%. Shanghai and Shenzhen cities sold a total of 215.674 billion yuan a day, compared to the Japanese had shrunk by more than 30%.    In addition, szse down 0.37%, gem drop 1.32%. DiscOn the surface of the industry index decreased most, property shares led the slide the second day in a row, seed tera power leveling, coal, media culture, aerospace defense industry declined the first, but food, consumer, pharmaceutical, one of the few sectors bucked the stronger. China's Commerce Ministry data showed on Thursday, February the month, national foreign capital actually used amount of US $ 7.726 billion, down 0.9%, it isFDI in April in a row a row.    January-February amount of foreign capital actually used throughout the country $, 0.56% per cent drop. Ministry spokesman Shen Danyang and said China's February trade deficit situation is unlikely to persist. Generally speaking this year will continue to be the trade surplus for the whole year, but surpluses will be gradually reduced, per cent of gross domestic productShare is expected to drop further.    In addition, the National Energy Board 1 electricity consumption data released on Wednesday, 1 electricity consumption grew only 6.5% per cent from the whole society, has plunged nearly 6% over the same period last year, the markets worrying slowdown in real economic growth. Property stocks decline hard to change tera power leveling, first city kingberry chase down 9.21%, duolun shares, Shigeyasu real estate, Shun the constant decline in excess of 7%, Zhejiang guangsha, Sky City, jiakai city, bright China holding for investment, Pearl holding, Greentown holding drop in 6% above.    Premier Wen Jiabao said on Wednesday that current prices are far from return to the reasonable price, real estate regulation must not be relaxed. Before the cement stocks also decline closely related to real estate, cement in Fujian, SichuanDouble horse, Tower Group, Chao Tung shares decline in excess of 5%, huaxin cement, qilian mountains, conch cement, also decrease in the peak group of 4% or more. (Panoramic), a share capital financial holding the small property stocks were abandoning a pan network, March 15-the a-share market continued to fall on Thursday. Depending on the flow of funds provided by large financial site data, two cities there is lessFunds from the field, medicine, financial stocks are back in fashion, but property stocks withstand the selling pressure. As of closing, according to dongfangcaifuwang data, a-share capital outflows 7.483 billion yuan. Medicine, food, commercial department store industry have only main inflow, nonferrous metals, coal mining, banking, real estate, machinery main outflows exceeded $ 300 million.SINA finance according to the index of net inflows of $ 1.235 billion, Shenzhen Stock Exchange net outflow of 2.338 billion yuan Chengzhi.    Bio-pharmaceutical, financial, food and wine industry into more than 400 million Yuan, real estate, electronic devices, electronic information, mechanical industry flow of more than $ 300 million. Hexun data show that a share balance of inflow and outflow transactions-$ 1.527 billion,Market 0.7% of all transactions. Food and beverage, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, finance and insurance, wholesale and retail trade sector funds flow into the top, mechanical equipments instruments, real estate, more metal and Nonmetal industries, information technology capital outflow. (Panoramic network/Chen Danrong) Others:

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