Thursday, March 1, 2012

rift platinum products in short supply - JJI

129733877332190000_57Such a platform, 12,306 network will provide direction, cannot but cause us to suspect.   If the future is just as a simple online ticket window is clearly a huge waste of resources, from the point of view of the Internet, 12 age of conan gold,306 networks should be more open, more reasonable and efficient commercial operations. In many domestic disputesDisputes to enter winter 2011 end when all you want to go home with other traveler sat in front of the computer for the new year perseverance in tears repeatedly when left mouse-click actions, a new large "business" site, turned out in a short time, online ticketing is also discussing the hottest topics in the community. Data show that in a 40-day Spring Festival this year, China will be tiredIncluding 3.158 billion passengers by various modes of travel. Thanks to the world's largest periodic population migration has been given tickets yield to nobody in China now top the scarcest commodity. It is reported that 7 days before the year 2012, the Ministry official customer service website 12,306 network hits has more than 1 billion times a day. Experts believe that China's railway "12,306 "instant customer service Web site may reach the" world first ". You know, defeated that year after the eBay company founded in 2003, after 3 years of marketing to reach 9 million people logged; is regarded as growth miracle of Jingdong Mall, size, 8 years after several rounds of financing to expand up to 28 million of registered users after, and just a few months time, 12306-NET is a super must-level, the number of registered users. According to Alexa data shows that on January 12, 2012, users accessing the www.12306.CN website in 7 days 0.902%,12306.CN one-day visits per cent of global Internet users surged to 90 in the world, approaching 80th Jingdong Mall guild wars 2 gold, jumpThe ranks of the world's largest commercial enterprises. However, in all the "Web site" on the user experience, to 12,306 net ranked last, I believe most of the people do not have login slow, could not be paid, deducted the money not see tickets, easily collapse, sitting in front of the computer to rush home passengers lackluster, complained. User statistics, found that on average at leastTo refresh the 500 times to buy a ticket. However, while it has a poor user experience to the extreme, but it is the best in the history of electricity: not a dime advertising, approximation of one-day visit to Beijing East, products in short supply, conversion rates worthy of the first. Seeing this scene, estimated that those who continue to heavily hit by advertising in Baidu, tangled in the service and the user experience of the electric companiesAggrieved cry without cold death. Such a differential shopping experience, we have felt it, the reason is simple, we buy things "the only reorganized one after another". If the rule is allowed, believe the Ministry of railways to price a 20%, everyone is rushing to buy. If 12,306 also can give us inspiration, also in this, it is best to doHigh selling scarce goods, popular, is to rely on a differentiated competitive on price line. "12,306 platform market, valued at more than $ 10 billion. "A senior Ministry, told reporters. In any case, such a platform, 12,306 screen to what is the future direction of development, cannot but cause us to suspect. If the futureJust as a simple online ticket window is clearly a huge waste of resources, from the point of view of the Internet, 12,306 networks should be more open, more reasonable and efficient commercial operations.   Self improvement? At present, the general consensus of the community is, self construction mode of closed in the past caused 12,306, online since the line was suffering all the shameMajor cause of the disease. From defects in design, trading restrictions and limitations are specific performance of payment. Deputy Li Shuyang, Chief Engineer of the Ministry Information Centre said, "because when the system design, underestimated the demand for tickets during the Spring Festival the Internet, caused during the festival tickets before the Festival, Internet ticketing daily trading volume than the system design capacity (up to 1660,000), the system of partial performance, poor customer experience. "Nevertheless, many professionals believe that 12,306 website mainly problems of system architecture. Because the user has a large number of dynamic, interactive access, all requests are sent to a server-side 12,306 website, at the same time too many concurrent users online, resulting in inability of siteContained, causing congestion. According to their analysis, the real problem 12,306 website solution for the use of technology was not mature. 12,306 online ticketing feature, is actually a massive high-speed processing system, such a system does not simply use common programme design, 12,306 websites are likely to be using the Oracle-passDatabase should be set up, using the General system design, the instantaneous mass of the face of the eve of the Spring Festival network ticketing requirements, the system becomes very vulnerable. Zhiqian, there is public opinion blamed for 12,306 12,306 site provides hardware system integrated network content distribution and CDN Accelerator shares two listed companies of Tai Chi (002368,Unit) and network technology (300,017, shares), people in the industry think, problem is not with the hardware, and software design.   MOR server stack in an attempt to address the insufficient software design, but it is clear that the power of hardware and software systems to meet an imperfect process the request. Due to network congestion, there have been Web sitesNot received timely or complete success of bank payment information, resulting in passengers successfully paid website booking was not successful, paid deviation occurs. On the method of payment, 12,306 website recommends using industrial and commercial bank (601,398, unit), the agricultural Bank of China (601,288, unit), Bank of China (601,988, unit), merchantsBank (600,036 shares) of bank cards, other bank cards working through "China Cup" indirect payments.   Limitations of the payment selection will make payment concentration, bank payment system connection is not smooth, user transaction time longer and, secondly, as soon as the payment is successful but unable to purchase, that accumulate on the Web users more and more. Ministry of railways has taken a number ofKinds of responses. For example, to 12,306 Web site servers and bandwidth, some enough to ease the congestion symptoms. 12,306 bandwidth of the site has expanded from the initial 400 trillion to 1.5G, but the hits 1 billion times a day, still can not make up for the short Board login and pay online. In addition, the Ministry invited well-known e-commerce operations teams to assistAnalysis of the problems, streamline the booking process, reducing pay bias. 1230 and future network runs 6 also intends to separate booking and payment online, it is learned that 12,306 network is currently undergoing a background debug to get booking and online payment systems run separately, cross each other, avoiding jams, make the booking payment process more smoothly. From the Vice Chief Engineer of Ministry information technology centerLi Shuyang disclosed information, next-generation ticketing system on the basis of the existing ticketing system, provides a full range of information consultation, rich ticketing channels and a wide range of payment methods, fast and out of the station, for fine chemical ticketing of railway enterprises with intelligent ticket management, scientific organizations, capacity allocation, and introduces cloud computing technologies, building supporting Hyper-scaleTransaction.   Opening up? Of course rift platinum, the future has a simple and effective way to go, ticket sales can follow the air ticket sales, open data interface, flow. Face is online to buy train tickets of many difficulties, many travellers and the industry comment: why railway authorities did not draw on the practices of the aviation system, online ticket sales qualification is granted for businessWeb site? As a result, not only tickets sold, 12,306 pressure will be greatly reduced. Travelsky Travelsky system open to, for a variety of air ticket sales agency provides a data interface for domestic and international airlines provide air ticket distribution information services, online travel sites, as well as the traditional ticket sale can gain access to the system. Analysis of many professionals,Authorized booking qualification to the commercial site, avoiding both 12,306 "one person alone can not save the situation" embarrassing and widening the channels in the off-season for the railway transportation system to attract more tourists. However, the Railway Department has done nothing to open system. 12,306 website Home has a striking statement on "without authorization, similar to other website services. "During the Spring Festival, onlineTourism Web site and train tickets for sale on the Internet had to offer limited services, like network is gone posted a "train tickets during the spring rate is very low, where net new orders suspension of train ticket reservation service" announcement, but ticket sales and service delivery. Dig under reported in various media, 12,306 website exposure problems seems to be more of beginning and end of the line isThis look forward to pouring a pot of cold water. It is learned that 12306.CN mainly from the information technology center of Ministry of railways and railway Scientific Research Institute for development and maintenance, small businesses such as substandard to paid access, hardware integration system of the company. 12,306 website design bidding, the declared programme only China Academy of railway Sciences e-technology InstituteAnd ease of drive technology company limited by two, and "z/TPF Internet-based booking engine" patent of IBM's proven solutions and Web and software technology research center of Tsinghua University Master's proprietary distributed solutions, was rejected by the Ministry very early. If IBM's programme has been adopted and high costs related to realCan't find any reasonable explanation out of Web and software technology research center of Tsinghua University. Massive high-speed processing system development, Web and software technology research center, Tsinghua University, is currently the leader of research in this area, has valuable experience, iron Academy of electronics is located in this area are not well known. Academy of iron in the rest of the electronic and vulnerable by Cheng KeTwo, iron under the Academy of the Ministry of railways e has the last laugh. In fact, the process also has a very close relationship with the Ministry of science and technology. Yi Cheng technology was established in 2006, the Ministry expanded when the high-speed rail network was also the envy of many interesting projects. Responsible for developing around the train ticket machines installed in railway passenger station, also won in Beijing-Tianjin Intercity, Shanghai-Nanjing intercity rail ticketing system integration project, Shanghai HongQiao integrated transportation hub and information integration projects, such as the Ministry of railways and of course, adoption of less natural after all, for the Ministry of railways, process technology, after all, is the other party, or are you under the rail section of the first electronic.   Value-added service is there? However, if the Ministry of railways over the next 12306 ticketing system data interface open, is likely to be a win-win situation. First, the Web site is not for the public, or a small number of public, but only in the individual agent booking site, similar to those now relying on traditional booking agent booking points, due to the amount of data you need to host a full scale of predictable and far less public, proxy site to the traffic diversion effect, All public access is easier to solve than a bear. But it is also huangniudang, transactions, security, and other issues to consider (at present, the railway sector for the country "one Web" online booking train tickets during Spring Festival network paralysis occurs in the first year, is studying the implementation of "open store"-network operation of decompression, due to timing issues, at least the spring of next year can be achieved. However, this is clearlyNew investment is not necessary, can be put to the market, will be more rational allocation of resources, more efficient). Huge market of rail travel, 12,306 can be widely introduced and carried out a variety of value-added services. Industry analysts believe that rail transport has a certain amount of public welfare, from ticket sales, site does not get too much profit. However,You can train ticket sales and hotel and ticket package, designed as a tourist product, make money from the value-added services.   At present, China's rail travel times is probably 10 times of civil aviation, on such a large customer base, as long as the value-add services, does not have to worry about not management prospects. In fact, already some companies looking for that all potential business opportunities. For example, carTicket booking site rail network is providing a ticket service. Some visitors by 12,306 after booking successfully, than go to collect the tickets. Tieyou network, users on the site to submit 12,306 after the order number and order information, Web site is responsible for the preparation and delivery to your door. Every order $ 20 service charge. However, after the user submits the order information, site and offlineDid confirm vote after the point of sale communication, lack of real time feedback function. Commercial sites can offer better ticketing, need hope for the release of the online qualification. One-day visits over 2 million of the current rail network reflects the demands of heat. Ctrip CEO fan min said "weak weak to hope a MOR direct-attached, guarantee ticket rates, better benefitsThe common people. "Migrant workers ' ticket purchase or a great deal of market demand in the future. Migrant workers suffer from the ticket in the cyber age has risen to a height of the livelihood problems, how to help these vulnerable groups before you buy tickets on the Web has also become a hot topic. Spontaneous civil moral assistance is certainly cannot be solved in the next few years, standard purchase enterprises or third-party networkNow, of course, certainly there are a lot on the specific actions on legal, security and payment barriers, need the perfection of the regulatory system. In short, open interfaces, online ticketing qualification granted for commercial websites to 12,306 network is currently the simple mode of selling tickets online to find new profit point. Access various online travel sites in particular services, will greatly expand the originalTicket trading connotations. Reduces stress can not only help the Ministry of railways Web site, reach more potential customers can also use more than one Web site.   Such as certain incentives to commercial Web site, multi-channel marketing, can help resource idle high iron to improve attendance, to better compete with civil aviation. However, owing to the strong purpose of everyone using the booking website,Even if the ticketing platform brings together a large number of users, developed a small business market space. These "platforms", the user and not on them time on the viscous, users accumulate effects do not occur, it is difficult to produce regardless of the travel needs of these users open and sharing of resources, would have no value.

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