Friday, March 30, 2012

tera power leveling and this group of people - QMF

129762893004062500_11Of the ordinary man an ignorant person exposure April 28 national character posters released Young director Yang Shupeng 61,690 NetEase entertainment on March 13 (click to see Yang Shupeng film of the war) tera power leveling, blood work, of the ordinary man an ignorant person, scheduled April 28 national showing. After initial 90-second trailer, released a few days ago "ordinary man an ignorant person helped" General of eight single posters. Huang Xiaoming (click to see Huang Xiaoming film and video, and the fragrance of the HanEmperor under), and Zhang translation (click Watch Zhang translation television works new door son-in-law under, and leigelaofan under), and Xinyi Zhang (click Watch Xinyi Zhang television works new door son-in-law under, and Sophie of confessions under), and Lie Wang, and Valentino Bao led of "ordinary man an ignorant person help" members partnership play, or stiff cool, and or charming, or publicity, and or bloody--style of very strong of poster design, order role XuSuch as health. Eight character roles distinct blood model fashion free single edition poster of the publishing of the ordinary man an ignorant person, eight "ordinary man an ignorant person to help" clean sweep of members, taken personally by the Director Yang Shupeng Zhang eight portraits, event, atmosphere is lonely there, eight "violent criminals" fully assembled: Huang Xiaoming translate open-minded easy laughter, and perseverance perseverance stare, Xinyi Zhang bright and braveFearless, Lie Wang atmosphere of calm detachment, little Cedar outface the Quartet of charming, Jingyang Ni cool Phantom of the sough, Sun Lei steampunk-like mania, Yue Luo Li Fan Er �C beyond the evil code human blood are heating up. Yang Shupeng, said: "the ordinary man an ignorant person to say is ' courage ', is a selection of courage. A group of people who would have no purpose, purpose has encountered a strongPeople, then go do great things, and this group of people, everyone shenhuaijueji, everyone's character is full of tension. These stories of people can come together to form a story full of tension. "Yang Shupeng Zhang Jing himself single poster to Huang Xiaoming a smile" day "on the first launch of the ordinary man an ignorant person before," big-headed "Huang Xiaoming, the scene showing ordinary man an ignorant personHelping leaders of iconic laugh, while Yang Shupeng said: "the smile on Jamie was difficult, he never laughed before. And when you take a single poster, because he has been fixing from the group, he is still crying. I say don't do it, I have to ' manage Affairs ' wild, in order to capture the smile, I took my camera, has been told a lot of jokes, teasingHe laughed a moment, I took this picture. "In addition to" ordinary man an ignorant person helped "style of expression of strong tension, Yang Shupeng eight more members of the gang blood separate Tibi" biographies ", like the rivers and lakes like the unofficial biography, a few pens tera power leveling, one by one point breaking of character and destiny, as played by Huang Xiaoming is expected to," World Wind tight, brother love long, gentle village-drawn steel knife, whileHome, Shang battlefield ", Zhang translation played of high pillars is is" who home good son, riding to Lance, into enemy position, thorn despotic, is home country pillars ", and Xinyi Zhang played of Fang Zizhen, is for" person sister-in-law Grandma, character unrestrained expansive, who let creator lane people, case Shang you this juvenile lang ", half text does not white, fit has they of origin background and identity encounters, read to Rao has fun. PoplarSaid: "before releasing fragments the Leopard zitang diablo 3 power leveling, I'll give you Huang Xiaoming to save three people. Why did the three men worth saving, what do they all have something different? I have seen to the audience, so as to establish a complete system of ordinary man an ignorant person gang, that's what I say, everyone has its own help to mix. "" Ordinary man an ignorant person "what exactly in order to heatBlood play, a bloody war in the end how to become a legend. On April 28 the ordinary man an ignorant person play, for audiences to tell a never before seen �C legend of the gang. The ordinary man an ignorant person cast of characters are expected to: Eagle folding wings, Tiger comes down, World Wind tight, brother love long, gentle village-drawn steel knife, large-headed, on the battlefield. High leaders: who's better son, riding Lance, into the enemy position, thornThe powerful, is our country. Fang Zizhen: personal sister-in-law Grandma, and bold expansive, who created man, you caught this young lang. Han Kui: the man is a rank growth of grass, enthusiasts will rush the enemy, a lion roaring, drink off when when when Yang Bridge. Black Dog: on the tracks of a wanderer shadow Lakes, melancholy thousands who say? A good man caught in difficult circumstances, long black dog. Gakuzo gun: gun-artillery bomb-making, Iron Hammer iron knifeHan, dares to kill Yan Wanggan kill ghosts, holding the flower pot when. The herbalist CHAN: bewitching men, heartless doctors, hanging pot the world, tried to King Kong. Good: I can't read, I want to go to school together. Fluttering skirt angle drift, iron knife Clank sound. Others:

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