Monday, March 12, 2012

world of tanks power leveling which refers to the Golden - KVQ

129756477875937500_253Summary: Yanzhou Xinglong Tower buried underground Palace of important archaeological finds of the Buddhist relics, Lu top stone tablet, letter box, stone letter within a gilt silver coffin, Golden, saris some tablets, tooth relic of the Buddha, two, round bottles and long neck bottles. Relics of Golden (information) abstracts: February 17, 2012 Edition of the popular daily, author: Ren Yubo, originalTopic: Underground Palace of culture in the Xinglong Tower mystery of Yanzhou, is one of the ancient Kyushu has always been a cluster of merchant converges, and scholars. Today, Yanzhou also is creating a new history. In September 2010, official sponsors of Yanzhou brisk cultural Park, relying on more than 900 years old sero Tower, is in accordance with "Park," General layout plan of construction, seeks to build aStrong base of Buddhism culture tourism and cultural exchanges, formation of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism mountain in Shandong province (Tarzan), Baycon (Qufu), Buddha strengthens our mind andbody (Yanzhou) classic cultural tour of the new gold line. According to successful cultural park construction Headquarters Office suede introduced, the conception and design of cultural landscape, its excellent for inspiration arises from the Tower underground Palace new archaeological discovery of Buddhist sacred objects。 Fawu most excellent, exquisite well in the first tower, is located in Yanzhou City Museum home. On August 17, 2008, the underground Palace was completely open, displayed in front of the world. It is located under the base of the Tower Center, bottom square, 2.28 meters long, center top 3.1 m high, green-brick masonry. Top of the underground Palace for the dome-shaped, brick-wood structure of 16-detector row-eachPatio square formation. Yang covered the Lotus seat is placed in the middle of the underground Palace, rectangular stone on their letters world of tanks power leveling, letters on the cover. Underground Palace Centre, on the circle below the diameter 0.26 m deep 1.68 meters, well water is extremely clear. From the cultural layer, as well as artifacts excavated from the underground Palace speculated that experts tentative judgments underground Palace was built in the Northern Song dynasty. The underground Palace of the north side of the East a chronicle Tablet, Closing above the Northern Song dynasty extended for eight years, in 1063, and further substantiating the above judgment. All archaeological finds, relics of the Golden brilliant, containing 47 Bhagawan jinding bone colour body. Height 13 cm, weigh 62 g, gold products, bottles for the song typical of the Prism-shaped, qiuyan sit quiet at the top center, looked grave, sitting solemn, Combination of Ten salute, fast the carved drop front, line simple and powerful. Inscriptions in the text "the buried relics of the Golden one or two", which refers to the Golden, first discovered. Unearthed stone letter which is also a must. Stone letter about two long sides, depicting the Buddha Nirvana, all the disciples and the Buddhist guardian was informed in time to, and persuaded to stay, accept the last to support this scenario, and "Van Gogh Wang Zhong "," dishi "," Kings "," wave "," monk "list topics, such as inscriptions. Before and after image of Buddha and King respectively on both sides, cover depicting dragons, peonies and Golden-winged bird pattern. Character lines, fine and smooth, lifelike, pattern patterns full, down wind, the song heritage unique in existing in the country. Gilt silver outer coffin of stone letter long0.45 m, wide 0.25 m world of tanks power leveling, high 0.28 m, to silver made coffin of form, surface gilt gold wot power leveling, used has playing for, and hammer fold, and SA engrave, and bit carved, and riveted, and mosaic, and gilt gold, multiple technology means, is known song gold coffin in the technology most fine, and image most rich of a crafts, is in China archaeological found in the body volume maximum of gilt gold and silver Zeng houyi Tomb, while period unearthed of similar BuddhistSpecifications of unmatched, bit nirvana of Buddha figure carved above were stared by experts that took part in the eyes. The mahaparinirvana Sutra records, on February 15, the Buddha Nirvana, Pu will beings: all sentient beings have suspected, may ask is this, asked for last. Great disciple dajiaye, law of King Kong Cunda Guinness, the Buddha's final dependent people while standing around to listen to the Buddha finallyVertical training. On a gilded silver Zeng houyi Tomb, all sentient beings, head of hands, called mourn, or with physical fibrillation Su, collapsed to the ground, weep choking. But there are a few unusual characters, a rare appearance on the gilded silver outer coffin is rather surprising. At the foot of the Buddha, has a female image. Experts speculate that Zeng houyi tomb depict the silver in one touch of his feet of women, should be his biological mother moyefuPerson. According to the Buddhist scriptures speak, when nirvana of Buddhism, moved his mother moyefuren, she comes from the temple room, and son good-bye. Other images, but let the experts was incredible. In this quiet sad nirvana of Buddha on the map, suddenly there was a scary face. This person not only superhuman powers, also wore a skull, hands the Sun and moon. In their view, this is Zuo Daomi teaching lawGod ash Crimson Luo Wang, Nirvana in Buddhism, he is about when Security Center. However, Golden, gilded silver Zeng houyi tomb from where? Who is going to bring? Why is Confucianism's central area of Yanzhou, has unearthed a secret teaching pattern of Asura King? Also, in what experts call "Nirvana" on the screen, there are two rare images of the Northern barbarian tribes in ancient China were chisel to carve out

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