Monday, March 26, 2012

swtor credits we have basic pension for enterprise retirees for eight consecutive years - BOD

129756711572187500_786Mr Yin: pension adjustment-oriented tilt toward senior title of retirees [China economic times, China economic news reporter] retirees of enterprises and institutions now treatment difference is large, strong reactions among the masses, States take measures as soon as possible to resolve the dual problem of retirement? Thank you. [Mr Yin] I note ahead of the two sessions this year, the majorNews media seek the ten hot issues of public concern over two sessions, in which people's network of social security listed in the first place. On social security in this regard we are concerned about is the problem of the poor treatment of the journalist's retirement. Poor retirement was because we are different as a result of the retirement system. As we all know swtor credits, our country enterprise pushed social securitySystem, and this system has been perfect and move forward. But our State organs and institutions implementing is different from the enterprise retirement pension system. These are two different systems. Both of these approaches made by the basic pension system in meter and adjustment are different, so producing such poor treatment. On the poor treatment of the problem, we, as head of the Social Security DepartmentDoors close attention. As we all know tera power leveling, we have basic pension for enterprise retirees for eight consecutive years, annual adjustments in recent years are up to 10%. On this basis swtor credits, we focus on to enterprises retirees with senior title tilt, so that their standards of treatment in General adjusted on the basis of increased to some extent eased the conspicuous contradiction. From longWell, to solve this problem is to promote organ and the reform of endowment insurance system. Last year on this issue adopted by the provisions of the Social Security Act have made the principles, we are also actively promoting, now in five provinces and cities carried out experimental reform of endowment insurance in the future we need to improve the system on the basis of summing up, to the appropriateWhen implemented on a national scale. On this basis, we will promote the reform of endowment insurance system for staff members. So I think the most fundamental solution still is to promote the reform of endowment insurance system in institutions. Thank you. ((Editors: Xun Zhiguo) Others:

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