Friday, March 23, 2012

tera power leveling USBKey is still vulnerable - CLX

129764786889218750_287Assessment element of security is the largest electronic banking. Through Internet banking theft cases and a few domestic, manage account security on the Internet is not secure, which is more secure? Daily usage summary below the following security tips: first, in a clean and safe operation of the computer and Internet banks use this premise is a safe use of Internet banking, for mostCan use a dedicated computer for business users, in addition to the operation and use of the network outside the Bank, and not for other purposes, and closed the computer input such as: floppy drive, optical drive and USB port to prevent virus infection. But for most only have a computer for home and personal users, is difficult diablo 3 gold, you can have system restore options for implementation,And computer operating system recommended high security system, will be provided by the manufacturer after driver installation, all security patches, then installed the latest genuine antivirus software, make sure that no virus in the computer, the Bank provides online banking software or plug-in patch installed, finally, you can do a system backup using GHOST software, or installed directly ProMaGIC program, do an instant restore. Each time before using the Internet Bank, System Restore, in the use of Internet banking has been completed, then do a system restore, ensure that the computer does not have any of your online banking information. Second, not regularly and continuously modifying your Internet banking password each time you or you can do a day after Internet banking transactions, change your password now, or at least once a weekModify the Internet banking password at a time. Absolutely do not use your Internet banking password, or account number to electronic documents stored on your computer or in your e-mailbox. Third, with two account management in your Internet bank payment transactions directly in the account without money or less money in payment transactions before transactions in matching funds to the payment account for the transaction. Four, virusReal-time monitoring for online banking transactions, turn on the antivirus software virus real-time monitoring features, prevents Trojan viruses, rejected some of the commercial plug-in on your Web site as much as possible to prevent malicious Web sites steal your online banking information. Five, strengthening management used SMPT and POP3 e-mail when sending and receiving e-mail, note that antivirus and do not openStrange attachment in a message, not to directly reply to a reply to email to a stranger, to prevent disclosure of your personal information and online banking information. Six, improving the security level of the computer system to improve computer security level of WINDOWS systems, including system passwords, settings and permissions, monitor network data transfer and data flow, preventing remote intrusion and remoteRemote control, usually when connected to the network should be "network and dial-up connections" in the open "Show icon in taskbar when connected", observe the network connection icon blinking, judge whether data transmission and data flow anomaly, also note the MODEM or broadband data light blinking to be judge of the cat, if unusual, find a reason, or shut down your computer immediately.Seven, closed, other online channels in online banking transactions, close QQ and other instant messaging tools, preventing remote control and remote view. Pat, firewall software, and set the maximum security level, please note that some of the so-called firewall antivirus software works only on the part of the virus, instead of the true meaning of a network firewall, you can install the Skynet firewall softwareTo prevent some of the malware or Trojan software disclose the information, and you may be surprised to find that some components of WINDOWS itself will also be sent to North America some of the IP information, you can use firewall software to be blocked. USBKEY for nine, use the high security level in Internet banking transactions, as far as possible using the high security level of USBKey and restrict trade size without USBKey or prohibition of trading without a USBKey, landing when banking online, attention to the Bank's Web site has not changed, note the last login time is no exception, take immediate measures, or unusual circumstances make banking services calls. Ten, note changes in the account data is now some banksSMS notification of changes in data from the household account services, this service allows you to detect abnormal changes in your account data, avoiding greater economic losses in a timely manner. XI, avoid phishing sites for phishing sites, there are 2 types, one is disguised as an online bank, lured victims land theft of customer information, I ran across, only need pay attention to online banking Web siteIs not difficult to find cheats tricks; another is disguised as a commercial site, or simply a cheat to open commercial Web sites, online banking transactions, note that at the time of payment, whether you are in your bank's Internet banking system for payment transactions, and you reserve online banking authentication information on a Web page are correct, abnormal findings immediately stop the transaction and calls the BankService call. Some phishing site plugin should reject the installation of the Web page, or visit these Web sites, you will be poisoned diablo 3 power leveling, antivirus software virus prompt appears, it is best to stay away from these sites, do not deal with it to prevent falling. 12, promptly unplug USBKey despite the higher security level of the USBKey, can avoid online bank accounts being stolen, but the remoteRemote control and hackers cracked, USBKey is still vulnerable, so when using the Internet banking transactions tera power leveling, payment plug in the computer, at the end of paid immediately when you unplug USBKey, for the security of your online banking account is absolutely useful. 13, not easily activate e-mail received a variety of network Bank of unknown origin comes to your online banking account of electronic mailAnd message says, note to be alert, don't go for the so-called activation and validation, if you do not rest assured, can give the Bank the service calls a phone consult, before making their decision. ����Bank service telephone is only one, it tells you different bank services phone numbers, please note one of true and false. Online statement Gold: Gold-line reprint of the aboveContent does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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