Sunday, March 25, 2012

tera gold are unlikely to happen again like the cultural revolution "Maoist terrorism". However - X

129764484662343750_59A political leader in the leadership after a decade of rapid economic growth, outgoing self-sentiment on the occasion, not too much.   However, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao issued "Declaration of farewell", is both serious and disturbing. Yesterday, the last time in the national people's Congress, Wen Jiabao when warned that if political chaos in China, has been the economic results achievedThere may be lost. He said that if China chose the wrong path, "history of the cultural revolution, this tragedy could happen again. "In some ways, people should be on Wen's warning a little doubt in a few minutes. The cultural revolution occurred between 1966-76, extreme poverty, isolated in China at that time. Today's China is much richer, moreAnd maturity, are unlikely to happen again like the cultural revolution "Maoist terrorism". However, Wen Jiabao said that it is true, that is, China is standing in a dangerous "political crossroads". Signs of China's economy and society are vulnerable, but Wen I will be retiring within a year, China's entire top leadership also faces general election. In the new leadership will guideCountry towards a new direction – might be better or worse than it is now. For many years tera gold, Wen Jiabao argued political reform in China. He called for the strengthening of the rule of law, do not avoid talking about democracy.   But some liberals on Premier Wen Jiabao's speech in China now have doubtful attitude, saying that his words and actions are not consistent. However, in a speech on March 14, Wen JiabaoPointed out that the current reflection on the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee tera power leveling, municipal government, Wang Lijun events must be, then he was declared no longer serves as the post of Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal CPC Committee. He is famous for its populist style of leadership, he reminded people of the cultural revolution in the local "red" campaign, his interpretation of the rule of law is merciless against "organized crime"--is the law for political and commercial interestsBattle. Premier Wen Jiabao warned right: more open and run counter to the rule of law, reverted to a more volatile and more on the dangerous road of populist politics. That perhaps is not a new "cultural revolution" tera power leveling, but it will endanger the country has established a number of economic freedom and social freedom, has shattered hopes of further progress in China. (Abridged,Change) "author: FT" (Editor: Chen Jun) Others:

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