Sunday, March 18, 2012

tera power leveling came 2009 2011 - KDM

France " echo signs up for " an investigation that announces 28 days shows, the France of aggravate of international banking crisis that second half of the year erupted 2008 goes industrialized process tera power leveling, in the plant measure that shut inside 3 years in the past numerous tera gold, accompany have a large number of papering cutter. This invests the investigation that Telundeao has advisory company to show by France, in the past inside 3 years diablo 3 gold, france closes 880 plants in all; Inside contemporaneity, france opens 494 new plants in all. Investigation shows, came 2009 2011, france shares 870 factories enlarge to enrol, but 1170 enterprises announce to cut down the member of persons employed. Amount of post cutting down the member of persons employed enrols a number than enlarge 100 thousand many. Anabiosis as a result of economy lack of power, a few enterprises begin to suspend outspread plan from Spring 2010, 2012 obtain employment foreground more show pessimism. Responsibility edits: NF018

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