Saturday, March 31, 2012

tera gold 2011 in the hot water village scene - ZHK

129770904377968750_85You are here: Home > Home > Guide today from: time: March 23, 12 author: Ho Kwong-Wai font size: large medium small rare earth made by the Ministry after the consolidation of the third day, heavy rare earth in the main producing areas in China released in 2012 for the first batch of production plans of Jiangxi province.Official statistics show that China's rare earths reserves the world 36%, Jiangxi province of China rare earth reserves 60%, main habitats of rare earth in Ganzhou city Jiangxi province. As indiscriminate mining of indiscriminate digging over the years, some people get rich, then, rather than from the valuable rare earth resource in Jiangxi province receive due benefits, but suffered damage to the environment.The rare earth resources, single game with the local State-owned enterprises in Jiangxi province, local government, the redistribution of benefits might also be the resistance of rare earth resources. Investment consultants yuanzhibin, a researcher in the metallurgical industry, integration will contain rare earth mining rare earth stolen control production, in favour of protection of rare earth resources. At the same time prices will gradually increase, to avoid rare earthSale of resources. Businessmen can get a ton of rare earth sold $ 400,000! Of rare earth in hot water so far impressive a few years ago to dig "Grand". ����This is a small village in Gannan, in Ganzhou Xinfeng County, Jiangxi province in Anxi County town, is famous for its rich in rare earth. "Nouveau riche" to be repaid before the village's hot language. Familiar with villagers revealed that dry before voteDeduction of costs, a ton of rare earth can make $ 100,000-200,000, when the market is good and even earn nearly $ 400,000. As the country has no special legislation for rare earth, stolen harvest has not to crack. ����In the view of many people, drug trafficking is punishable by death, but mining rare earth don't have to behead. Grow with weak local government a few years ago to combat theft recovery, many villagersDirectly into the stolen rare earth mining teams. ����What is more, some rare earth bosses and local officials "prosperity for all", officials are involved in rare earth mining dividends. On July 10, 2011 in the hot water village scene, villagers cannot forget. Many of the villagers were beaten by mine owners to the dark, villagers were now interviewed are afraid to reveal his name.Because of the villagers ' committees water village located in the mountains near the black pits sold $ 45 million private, rotten pits excavated nearly occurrences of rare earth, rare earth can produce hundreds of cubic meters of oxalic acid for excavation of water a day (very toxic). ����Miners were mining rare earth causing ecological damage in the mountains, and the villagers did not receive reasonable compensation, then dispute with village committees. The village CommitteeAnd mine only to find some dark to fight, while the villagers with hoes and the stick, taught them. Later, the local government dispatched a dozen cars to hot water to quell the event. ����Many villagers confirmed that people even be punished for being related to SB. HO has committed an offense in the local Bureau of mines on the car, comes with a tool. During the conflict, there are a few cars pushed the side by villagers. There are reports in the official media, confirmedEvents of the hot water. ����Xinfeng County sent 12 teams into the villages to hear people claim, but nothing came of it. ����In the village of hot water after that incident, Xinfeng County have to fully stop rare earth mining area, official warned that "whether it is a legitimate mining, illegal mining, hydraulic mining of all." Villagers said,Because hot water village is rich in rare earth resources, people will suffer, "only to the part of the officials and mine owners made a fortune". Rare earth, dark were once hot water is not arrogant, they even dare to blatantly steal rare earth, rare earth can't out sell that some villagers dug. Some villagers also disclosed that, to ensure the safety of transportation of rare earth before, ownerFull genuine had to guard escort. ����Turbid water landslides but crazy mining rare earth sold stolen a few years ago, some businessmen of Ganzhou rich at the same time, mining rare earth bringing ecological disaster to local abuse. Soil mining and refining of rare-earth metals of Ganzhou in Jiangxi province, brutally simple techniques for many years, near to mine ecological environment effectBlaze of disaster. ����Longnan County of Ganzhou, proven ion-heavy rare earth ions of heavy rare earth reserves of the world's reserves of 70%, its quality ranks first in the world, has been in "rare earth Kingdom" in the world. Is the "rare-earth Kingdom", for extraction of rare earth causing ecological damage is particularly bad, bare mountains everywhere reddish brown, not even a blade of grass grows diablo 3 gold, many riversYellow cloud of foul water, humans and animals are not used, farmers had to store rain water reserve. Is brutally simple technology by refining rare earth use corrosion of acid water leaching fields, basically plants do not. ����According to the local people revealed that from the peak dig a pit, into s-liquid, s-holes in the red soil encountered, it can be rare-earth ion replacement. Liquid fluxPipe flow to the bottom of the mountain reservoir, and then joined acid chemical reactions, fluid is pumped into the top of the mountain again holes, and so on, to get rare earth materials, this means "in situ leaching mining method". ����Because of this method of refining of rare earth simple, once causing soil over the past nearly 20 years in southern Jiangxi province refined rare earth sprouted. Xinfeng County of GanzhouRare earth County City, in which the hot water village, Anxi County, more than a dozen years ago, started the "moving mountains movement"-type rare earth mining. ����Excavators and forklift trucks under the round-the-clock rolling, many hills are square, plain pits. Due to the extraction of rare earth using large amounts of acid etchants, without any treatment of waste water of rare earth excavation, directly in-place within the pit, penetration, the nextRain flood flows spill over to the surrounding. During rainstorms, inclusion of large tailings waste water flushed out, eat a lot of agricultural land and cultivated land, even threatening to the House. ����Villagers worried about mines surrounding bar hoarding bed covered in sediment, could collapse at any time to downstream villagers devastating disaster. More frightening is that even the small fish, small shrimp are almost extinct in the River. "Water of toxic, Soil is toxic ", minimum living environment are gone, many people had to work outside. Extraction of rare earth to the ecological disaster-afflicted people of rare earth mining area. ����Although the official policies on several occasions, hope that the effort to change mine area ecological, but has been unable to resolve the problem. To solve long-term mining causes soil erosion and pollution problems in rare-earth mine,At the end of 2010, Longnan County and Jiangxi province in Xinfeng County has received a $ 43.7 million Special Fund for xiabo, rare earth abandoned mines for environmental governance. Officials hope that the mine will become the "Green Bank" to encourage farmers contracted the used rare earth mines planted fruit trees, digging ponds, running forms such as farms, treasure, the maximum utilization of waste mine resources.Tens of millions of ecological restoration of funding for rare earth mining area, apparently is utterly inadequate. According to Deputy County executive Liao Liping Xunwu County of Ganzhou city, "If the County abandoned all rare-earth mine restoration tera gold, funding amounting to $ 1 billion. "As a whole, Ganzhou, on ecological restoration of mining rare earth minerals, such as destruction of land, capital investment is expected to be up toMore than $ 38 billion. Before if you want to revert to an extraction of rare earth, rare earth mining area of Ganzhou city requires at least 100 billion yuan of funds as a whole. ����Financial revenue of Ganzhou city in 2011, also only 18.032 billion yuan. Jiangxi College of Polytechnic University Professor Wu Yiding, also has standards for ecological restoration, if raising the standard100 billion yuan of funds may be enough. ����Forced integration for China's restrictions on the export of raw materials such as rare earth, United States, European Union and Japan have brought to the World Trade Organization trade action against China, the Chinese side has repeatedly stressed that "rare earth franchise system" is to protect resources and the environment. According to the data of past exploration and extraction volume projections in recent years, althoughHow many years can also on rare earths mining claims, but Wu Yiding considered the overall situation is not optimistic. ����Yuanzhibin says, in five provinces in southern China heavy rare earth reserves drop from 1.5 million tons to 600,000 tonnes, in accordance with the current rate of mining, mining is completed only 10 years. Resource depletion combined with rare earth mining ecological damage caused by abuse, and other issues, ChinaOrdered to further tighten the control of important strategic resource of rare earth action, and finally made the decision to integrate rare earth resources. ����International challenge, China's Ministry of Commerce on export issues, repeatedly stressed that China policy objective is to protect the resources and environment and achieving sustainable development. On March 11, Minister of Ministry of Miao Wei said, to cherish my treasureRare earth resources and sustainable utilization of expensive, rare earth enterprise integration for 2-3 large national, "consolidation does not necessarily broken down by province". ����Mio Wei pointed out that China's export policy is not aimed at a particular country, but rather for the purpose of protecting resources, protection of the environment, sustainable development of resources. Two days later, the heavy rare earth elements in the main producing areas in China in Jiangxi provinceProvince issued the first rare earth 2012 year production plan, Jiangxi Committee said production indices of mineral products in the province made 4,500 tons, smelting separation of product release 3,950 tons. Rare earth Jin of expensive, its wide range of uses, traditions such as metallurgy, machinery, chemicals, ceramics, leather, etc. Which is especially important in metallurgy, as long as the inclusion in the steel and non-ferrous metalsSmall amount of rare earth, will be able to improve the properties of metals. ����China is currently supplying 17 kinds of rare earth metals, on a number of advanced technologies such as aerospace, information and energy industries are very important, such as the iPhone screen on rare-earth-doped. Light rare earth in northern China, mainly in Inner Mongolia, baotou, South rare earth dominated by heavy-ions in rare-earth, the mainDistribution in Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province. ����Department of land and natural resources beginning in 2010 that made it clear that, prior to June 30, 2012, in principle suspend accepting new tungsten, antimony and rare earth mineral exploration and mining applications for registration. In rare-earth mineral resources "limited production" Our Time is Up, single, and dark war between rare earth resources are State-owned enterprises into the hot phase.According to publicly available information, Ganzhou of Jiangxi rare earth Mining Ltd holding 88 mining rights, mining rights in Jiangxi province as a whole is only 89. ����Starting from the 2004 form, Ganzhou of rare earth mining rare earth Mines Ltd Ganzhou is the only mining rights. In fact, at the end of 2012, ganzhoudiqu 88 mining warrants have been concentrated into 42. The industryBelieve that resource depletion is rare earth mining companies and mining to reduce causes of Ganzhou. ����In the rare earth resources, mining is the single focus of State-owned enterprises and local game. Early in 2008, MINMETALS and Minmetals rare earth two enterprises in Jiangxi province set up companies. Minmetals rare earth now has a of 13,600 tons annual capacity,Minmetals group as the world's largest processors of rare earth products. ����If in the rare earth resources, baotou steel rare earth-led integration of rare earth resources in the North, China Minmetals Corporation is bound to lead integration of Jiangxi rare earth. Yuanzhibin believes that integration problems in the final analysis is the interest distribution of rare earths, re consolidation across the province will inevitably need to deal with differentThe interests of local distribution problems. ����Wu Yiding, regardless of which State-owned enterprises-led integration of Jiangxi rare earth resources, you must to rare-earth industry development in the lower reaches. If only for the control of rare earth materials, local governments will not easily get mining rights to single. Wu Yiding believes that if you re all regulated by the State, local interest is not guaranteed, the resistance willLarge. Domestic rare earth of Ganzhou also revealed that if the uneven distribution of rare earth consolidation benefits tera power leveling, local governments will certainly pass the existing mining rights, continue to control rare earth mining. Others:

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