Sunday, March 18, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling "the ' Dragon ' in following the police action of wind - WDV

129733522802190000_5A hill in the center of the top of the reservoir project was almost completed, according to people familiar with the KTV, a large Casino, sauna, gym, games room, swimming pool and other facilities, building design costs over hundreds of millions of dollars. Chief Reporter of the daily sunshine Zou Wei Zhu Hongbo/Wen Chengjiang interns/"Dragon" grab land when carrying out illegal construction videos: Shenzhen manholeBlack boss caught the Secretary of sources surveyed the street: Shenzhen satellite TV of the 30-noon "manhole flourish many now everywhere, in construction and development. "In a manhole, a former villagers told reporters. Local real estate boom, many of the villagers the manhole also worry, because many of them were locals known as "dragons" of the "boss" at a low price and othersBuy local little available, indigenous villagers for the survival of the next generation of some concern.  Manhole black case, many of the villagers are slightly slow breath. According to local real estate agents, say nearly 5 years, in addition to Hung Rong Yuan, wanke such regular real estate company in the world, manhole a lot of real estate under construction is "Dragon 's" monopoly, they willReal estate in the name of Tongjian building built in the community, is a "grey area", the Government hard to manage, Tongjian building, farmers ' housing construction cost less, sales profits high, "Dragon 's" willing to defy the law. Two years ago, two sets of the economy and a half hours of CCTV columns have a manhole to expose the illegal construction of situation, the matter was relevant central departmentsAttention. Manholes of the illegal construction at one point down, but return to shortly. According to unofficial statistics, manholes there large Tongjian building, farmers of the illegal construction of housing about more than more than 10.  So, for the black operation, many real estate brokers praise. For this, can on the other hand seem to be confirmed: the case, the original StreetParty Secretary Liu Shaoxiong, Chen, head of the City Office of the Working Committee and "Lok".  Manhole Street office staff told reporters that, Liu Shaoxiong driver stepped in several times to his "work",, also was implicated. Liu Shaoxiong and "Dragon 's" what does it matter?  Sources said Liu Shaoxiong is "Dragon 's" protective umbrella, the "Lok" is not surprising. It was whenPeople say, manhole "underworld" also spread in a statement: "the ' Dragons ' main recycling, after he tries to monopolize the bright, new komeito rejects takeover of a large community, and thus was identified ' Dragon ' and the men guilty of murder, this time, relevant departments will all call up those cases, investigation again. "To the above statement, police said the case is still in intensiveIn the investigation, temporary inconvenience to disclose. Hotels in possession of a large quantity of jade curios yesterday, media reports the Sha Jingduo star hotel was quarantined messages search. This reporter has learned that "Dragon" is one of the main shareholders in the hotel entertainment. Reporters learned from the person, police had entered at manhole Center road next to an unremarkable star building,JETCO business hotel room 901, in search and the seizure of "Dragon 's" possession for many years in the room of a large number of Emerald, jade, curios, the last substantial police presence, with 4 trucks all curios to be removed.  Insiders say, 901 room there are several doors before, when police broke in. However, this is only the "Dragon 's" property owned by the tip of the iceberg. YesterdaySaid: "the ' Dragon ' in following the police action of wind, has burned a lot of cash in the House, then prepared absconded when being apprehended. Bank receives notification of the relevant departments in the near future, quickly freezing the ' Dragon ' store a huge amount of property in a bank. "This reporter tried to Sha Jingduo bank check, but was told by involving the customer privacy not disclosed.Pok reservoir is Reservoir Hill villa built in Songshan reservoir, hidden within the Pok Kong community industrial area, residential area, reporters asking several passers-by, was finally found in this quiet haven. Looking far over 6 building, a hill in the center of the top of the reservoir built townhouses, as well as an office building, a luxury Pavilion, and built a reservoir at the water Pavilion,Process is nearly complete. Local residents told reporters that after the incident, all the workers on the site have been deported.  When entering the site the gates closed, police seal affixed. Local indigenous villagers, Chen told reporters, the reservoir and the land belongs to the State-owned land property, "Dragon 's" powerful local forces in manhole, last year it was the reservoir Hill in the form of gifts to "Dragon"," Dragon "and rebates located in Baoan, a villa and a Porsche SUV, Mr Chan said, these villas the building of luxury, invited foreign renowned interior designers, KTV, a large Casino, sauna, gym, games room, swimming pool and other facilities. Feipinzhan in possession of "the Palace" is Baoan, Pok Kong Kong Tau Road 70th renewable resourcesLimited Sha Jing Jingchang acquisition station sites, when the journalist arrived here yesterday, here is build-up of police force.  Police said no leaders approve of, a person must not enter. Mr Chen told reporters who have entered the acquisition station, the acquisition station were set aside as early as a few years ago and later in feipinzhan was later built three bearing the yellow ceramic tile outside the ordinary building, "' Dragon brother' Is based on the acquisition front, few building repairs that luxury, he let his play enjoyment, this is their insiders ' Palace ', never open to the public. "Journalists climb the manhole of a hillside park under construction, see Sam down the doors and Windows have been affixed with the seal of the building, you can see it has a large swimming pool and a water golf driving rangeFarm. Provide a photograph of Mr CHAN, the reporters saw the building has "Dragon private wash rooms", hanging in front of warning signs to remind the cleaner "indoor swimming costume, towel, swimming gear not moving", only to clean. Mr Chan said, "' Dragon ' cleanliness. "" In one of the buildings is punching on the 4 floor of the gym, because ' Dragon ' buildSmaller, less than 160 cm in height, to be safe, he invited several veterans acting as beaters, two bull to follow on is called every time you go out, punching also called ' Dragon ' they set up a gym in order to exercise the muscles.  "Mr Chen said, gym inputs up to millions of dollars. According to people familiar with the matter said, "Dragon" from Chengdu,Celebration of performing arts company, and models company employment has about 50 name second-line models, and second-line actor, "air" to deep competition posts, does not meet requirements of on returns, these girl of height are in 1.7-meter above, they apart from daily in "Palace" within eat sleep zhiwai, also to accompany "triad members" gambling, and sauna, and karaoke OK and went to bed, and this consumption of members were does not needs paidA penny. Police in this campaign, outside spread there are a number of Porsche, Ferrari and other vehicle was impounded. At a press conference yesterday, "the Palace" peripheral observation, was seized in the feipinzhan Park luxury cars such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, Mazda, Corolla, Honda classic cars, another Nanny is JMC saloon cars, Hong Kong, and sports cars onlyA license plate for Guangdong B2222Z Ferrari.  According to reliable sources, the car is a few years ago, manholes diablo 3 gold, another powerful Chen of "big brother" to a birthday gift to "Dragon". According to Mr Chen said that police actions in the 7th, had also seized a large number of gambling, "the Casino minimum bet is $ 100,000 diablo 3 power leveling, there is no upper limit, some members of gambling, such as life,Breaking up is often the case. "Liu Shaoxiong was dismissed Vice Governor Xie Xiaodong, Baoan, served as Secretary of the manhole Crystal (reporter Lin Peiwei) reporters from the propaganda Department of the Communist Party, Baoan, confirmed that the cadres, held in the afternoon of 8th Street on the General Assembly, by decision of the Communist Party, by the Vice Governor Xie Xiaodong served as street, Baoan district, and Secretary of the work Committee of the party, original xinan street party vice bookIn mind, the Office Director Zhao Junping district, and the discipline inspection commissions (Inspectorate) posted the sixth Mao Jianqiang, Director of discipline-inspection and supervision as a manhole Street, Deputy Secretary of the work Committee of the party, replacing Liu Shaoxiong shajing Street Office of the Central Committee and Secretary of the party, Director. The district, comes with a capable force full street team. Vice Governor Xie Xiaodong is mainly in charge of public security, urban management, and search against, the planning sideWorking many years ago in several Street, Luohu district diablo 3 power leveling, served as the main lead, has a strong grass-roots work capacity. Deputy Secretary Zhao Junping in xinan Street served as Deputy Secretary, principal charge of the masses, urban management, education, and many other works, was impressed by journalists in nearly two years, Lok Terminal renovation, Baoan district, central area of 100,000 square meters building materials market regulation of large operations in the field, such as the totalCommanding, gnawing down the "bones" have achieved outstanding results, was a solid work of grass-roots cadres.  Mao Jianqiang, Deputy Secretary of the original district, discipline inspection commissions (Inspectorate) presence of the sixth head of the discipline inspection group, mainly responsible for GuanLan, Shiyan 2 streets of the discipline inspection and supervision work. According to the responsible person of the manhole Street introduced, the current focus is to support initiatives, full lifting manholeThe work is imperative as soon as possible into the familiar main street leadership status. Ongoing work arrangements, go all out to eliminate all doubts, safeguard social stability.  Hope manhole construction has a new face. In Street Office Government Web sites, has been fully removed the former Director of the Office of the Secretary of the work Committee of the party, Liu Shaoxiong-related content.Police response to the municipal Public Security Bureau has set up a special team Crystal (reporter Zhen Yi) yesterday, on the street Office Director Liu Shaoxiong "mafia" Lok, Baoan district, said officials of the Public Security Bureau is responsible for the promotion, currently not many know about the event, details issued centrally by the municipal Public Security Bureau. Municipal Public Security Bureau official said, the case if have more relevant material published, A unified informed the media. Reporter was informed that, at present, the municipal Public Security Bureau, anti-triad operation manhole has been the establishment of the special task group. Municipal Public Security Bureau, said, in recent years, mastered the shajing, Baoan, Shenzhen Public Security Bureau regional activities of the gang forces, through investigation, destroyed in one fell swoop of alleged Mafia, led by Chen, arrested a number of suspects involved, according to the attachmentA number of companies involved, company, is currently under further investigation in the case.  Shenzhen Police urged people involved with the surrendered, seeking lenient treatment, at the same time appeal to the masses and victims to report to the public security organ discovered. A few days ago, police in Shenzhen Baoan shajing district was destroyed in one fell swoop of a suspected mafia, shajing Street Liu Shaoxiong, former Secretary of the party's Working Committee of the original manhole constructionA Chen, manholes gang leader nicknamed "the Dragon" so and so have been the Lok Ma Chen, led, it has also become a manhole on the local population of recent hot topics. Yesterday, reporters deep manhole visits, well learned that sand mafia investigation which lasted for many years, people involved with the complex, police seized "Dragon" with several stars of hotels outside entertainment, also seized his manhole bollard gangReservoir built luxury townhouses and hidden within the Jing Chang acquisition station "Imperial Palace". "Dragon 's" Introduction to its people, according to local residents, this person is a manhole "celebrities", surnamed Chen. As early as the late in the last century, the "Dragon" or just "Dragon", 1992 following from the deity "big brother" so Chen monopolized the Baoan district of all wastes recyclingMeaning "Dragon" was only quite trust Chen drivers; after entering the 21st century, "big brother" Chen so take a back seat behind the scenes, and recycling business to "Dragon" take care, "big brother" started moving real estate projects. According to people familiar with the "Dragon" were introduced, the growth in the manhole Pok Kong, was low-key, with Hakka people of access to be polite, dressed in simple specialIn nature, although slight of figure, but her voice loud, full of gas field. People familiar with the matter said, after one's criminal conspiracy was unmasked, "big brother" so Chen has twice investigated, but all of them were released. According to rumors, Chen has absconded and exit from the recent reshahar.

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