Monday, March 12, 2012

wot power leveling because you know that the industry - CMU

129733877395002500_171Hong Beijing February 10 (reporter Tong Ming) according to the voice of the economic reports of the company in the world, ancient Bole has selected BMW, BMW sent this beautiful mission network Bole. Has been famous for its marketing bold and surprising on the net recently in the recruitment of personnel of the United States, through buying the single vigorously the recruitment technology, in the form of products and so on. Anyone can recommend suitable persons to the United States Mission networkFor, whenever you get a beautiful network of job offer, you can immediately get iPhone4S one, and recommend more.  More attractive is, who can also participate in the highest win rates in the history of the draw, prizes are BMW 3 series 318i. This "recommendation of excellence, sending BMW" group-single hanging network in the United States Home wot power leveling, posts, including 3 classes: engineer class,Products, design classes, covering JAVA engineer, product manager for mobile development, Web front-end engineer, senior engineer, Web Designer more than more than 20 positions, and specific requirements of only two words: mark! The company in the world to do this interview with us network. Tan Chen Hui, head of the company and a press conference to confirm this. Tan Chenhui said, at presentMany us networks are looking for is not a marketing person, but hard to plan research and development personnel.  After the candidate Prize absolute honour. Non-market research and development, network by the United States Mission personnel selected direction is also surprising, this might be how much it made last year's impressive performance-related, although last year, group buying industry has gone through a whole round of health until I dieTest, not many left over from the enterprise, network is the United States Mission in which live also good business.  But such a grand scale recruitment will really seem too loud? Tan Chen Hui of the network of the United States Mission does not think so. He said, this is just a normal us network recruitment, corporate metabolism every year, but just in time for the Group buy websites of lowPeriod only. In addition to the United States Mission outside the network, began massive recruitment of full network. Well-known e-commerce observers Lu Zhenwang noted the two high profile recruitment of group buying website. Lu Zhenwang believes that high profile recruit is just a marketing ploy, bucking the expansion and do not represent the two group-Web site. In this environment, the network and full network by the United States Mission to recruit on behalf of individual behavior, The vast majority of the group buying site is still in dire straits. Lu Zhenwang: group in fact face greater problems this year, is that you're full, the United States bucked the expansion, they also do not have a large number of bucking the expansion is only one, as to why Twitter through incentives on BMW, iPhone this way, in fact, is their socialMarketing means, as a way to attract some of the issues in the winter a means of high quality talent, but now the US mission, full, they also do not have a large number of extensions, because now this is a very sensitive time, treasure, gaopeng, 24 coupons now have a very big problem, WoWo now belongs to the stage of the second round of layoffs. Now recruitingGroup buying website, recruitment of personnel types, number of employees, and recruitment and recruitment advertising itself, we can conclude that, these coupon site has landed a conclusion? For these Group Web sites, recruitment is now sufficient reason? Economic voice of the guest Li Guangyu says Li Guangyu: companies to recruit staff about it, even if the enterprise at onceAre finished, it still needs, different stages of his needs are different, he needs to research and development of research and development, market needs market of people, even if quickly went, still people who need such as accounting or legal persons. So, in fact, doing business at any time last forever are missing two things, first no matter how enterprises are short of money,Always need more money to expand.  Second queren forever, when the enterprise development, when the enterprise quality, and scale up when need people to go with it, which is always less. Last year's top ten group buying website, has now started to produce differentiation. Treasure NET, WoWo websites such as hardworking, struggling. The United States Mission and the full site,"Digging deep, wide accumulate grain", now "road a horse". Now is ushered in an industry consolidation opportunities?  But this consolidation, really, as the rest of the industry, the 1: 1 is greater than 2? Li Guangyu: relatively speaking, now start lower, cause right now, in fact in some ways is the spring and Autumn period, but when the party to the warring States periodGeneration, will enter into the era of rule, hard to say these things. Personally, I think the possibility is not very big, future now everyone says buying nets last won in the future must be able to have the ability to finance a home, but this is just one aspect, another bottom line also is said to satisfy the customer, meet customer needs can either say you're a portal, likePortals Sina Sohu website, you have a very comprehensive stuff, largest and most of all it is a satisfying, and do the most professional is also a meet. For example, such as agricultural products, agricultural products group you do, because you know that the industry, while at the same time you concentrate more on, so can put other things, more professional than others do, and done better, I thinkThis is also a way of living. Interview group buying website, journalists are exposed to some ready to jump, or being laid off staff group Web site. In conversation, reporters found that those retrenched, or prepare to move employees, the next step of it or stay in the coupon industry, says the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, face an uncertain future group, whichEmployee why nest jump? In addition to optimism about the Outlook for the industry wot power leveling, the employees to be switched to another group buying website, also briefed the journalists expressed the sentiment of a miss. He said that in the space of a year, group buying website-coaster trend very stimulating. He was willing to stay in the group, is to look at where this industry will eventually go. If the vast majority ofIs this attitude of employees, you feel that the Group would finally come alive again? Li Guangyu: standing on the outside can be, so I think the key is that while our Web site is not necessarily good enough for the specific, but obviously buying this business, I did not say that is not good world of tanks power leveling, that is now the State of the world is in there, but said the countryDisputes, disputes also is unifying the warring States period, it is probable that something, you were in the Qin is also in the State of, or at the State of qi or smaller, this is not the same. So, because the market, so many people in need, and used to be called a Word can change your job, but it is best not to wrap you do accumulate in this industry are useful,And suddenly you jump to other sectors, there is a learning process, there is also a process that does not meet.

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