Thursday, March 8, 2012

rift plat implementation of appropriate systems of stock index futures - WKE

129742939373593750_392In my view, stock index futures, haven of Treasury bond futures and more visible price discovery, participant institutions feature will be more significant, on the professional requirements of investors is also higher. In fact, Treasury bond futures low participation threshold does not, is not easy for the average investor to participate. Threshold of the full understanding of the stock market simulation of individual investors in Treasury bond futures contract 3% Percentage margin should be given a full and correct understanding. Current simulation contract with $ 1 million in face value denominations, 3% the minimum margins, coupled with futures margin increasing proportion, about $ 50,000 to do, commensurate with the level of copper and gold. On the face of it, bond futures threshold seems to be less than the stock index futures funds, thus attracting manyStrong interest in the medium and small investors. In fact, participation threshold for Treasury bond futures, not low. Currently, implementation of appropriate systems of stock index futures, account threshold of 500,000 yuan, of appropriate systems in stock index futures have made a successful experience, therefore, of Treasury bond futures will also implement appropriate systems, believes that its opening threshold will not be lower than the stock index futures. As far as the security deposit, 3%Is determined by the bond fluctuation characteristics of the spot market, Treasury bonds spot intraday volatility is generally small, less than most every other day fluctuations in 1%, but the resulting higher leverage means more risk, more violent market fluctuations, may bring greater losses, this individual investors had plenty of psychological preparation. Financial players enter the market requires priorDeposit, while increasing the percentage margin in spite of market risks can be better controlled, but will inevitably raise the financial players enter the market cost, and ultimately to enthusiasm for institutional investors into the stock market, which in turn runs counter to the original intention of bond futures and, so the ratio of 3% is more suitable for the current market situation. Institutions with strong professional bonds futuresAs a professional safe haven eq2 platinum, more suitable for institutional investors. Of course, have a certain economic strength and risk management experience of sophisticated investors can take part in it. Futures as a derivative financial instrument, must be based on a spot trading. Stock markets and commodity markets, lack of understanding of individual investors and trading rules on the bond market, treasuries futures pricing of mechanismIn commodity futures and stock index futures are more complex, non-professional who wants to learn and master is not easy. Treasury stock market participant determines the structure of the futures market is more suitable for institutional investors. At present China's bond market is divided into market and over-the-counter market, internal market mainly refers to the stock exchange market, over-the-counter market, mainly interbank bond market and commercial bankCounter market rift plat, interbank bond market in 2011 than at 98.87%, become a Treasury spot absolutely major trading venues. Interbank bond market is not an ordinary individual investors, institutional investors become absolute protagonist, which banks take close to the 65% share, then followed by insurance companies, funds, brokers, etc. Most of theIndividual investors buy bonds and hold through the Exchange or bank counter system expires, to guarantee the safety of principal and interest income. Spot structure greatly limited the participants at the beginning of the varieties listed individual as the subject of investment possibilities. Institutional investors as the subject of trade in favour of the establishment of a sound and stable market. As China's national debtRapid developments in the field, body haven demand and growing risk management awareness. Currently, about $ 6.4 trillion public debt scale in China, annual settlement of interbank bond market has already exceeded 100 trillion yuan, managed also broke through the $ 10 trillion, and serious shortage of financial instruments for hedging interest rate risk in the market, institutional investors demand for Treasury bond futures made strong. FromThe experience of developed countries, development and growth of institutional investors and is conducive to the formation of a healthy and stable market. Institutional investor actions are more objective and rational, his investment style aion kinah, once dominated the market, futures market trends will be more close to the spot and reflected fundamental changes, so as to further play the function of futures markets, stability of the futures market will be further strengthened�� Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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