Friday, June 15, 2012

reference number SWTOR Credits reference number - BZQJ

129836429987500000_229[Color network] qingyun 12,066th Lotto analysis: two 05 13 Big Lottery 12,065th lottery numbers: 10 28 29 34 11. 012 0:4:1. 22 after combination. Lotto analysis of Tsing Wun 12,066th first: issue 1 on road number 10, than 3:3:4 nearly 10 road, now the road big balance. According to the big trend in this issuePriority reference code 2 road rally anti-1; 10 odd 8:2, odd big advantage. Note even cover this period continue to recommend: 01 02 next: issue 1 on road number 22, nearly 10 road 3:5:2, currently 1 big relative advantage, according to the trend of big, main road 1 yard out for the current period, anti-2; 10Odd 4:6, even dominant, this choice odd digital out, reference number: 05 third place: issue 1 on road number 28, nearly 10 road 2:3:5 wow cd-key, currently 0 poor code. According to big movements in the past, 0 yards, 2 road-proof code; almost 10 odd 6:4, odd-numbered slightly dominant SWTOR Credits, this priorityDigital continues to, reference number: 18-20: out of the 2-way on the number 29 Diablo 3 power leveling, nearly 10 road 5:2:3, currently 0 big performance, according to big movements in the past, this relatively optimistic about 2 yards continue to almost 10 odd 7:3, odd big majority, consider digital to cover the departure for the current period, reference number: 26Fifth: issue 1 on road number 34, near 10 road 4:3:3, currently 0 Prize on the road ahead. According to the trend of big, big priority good 2 codes for the current period, anti-0 code; almost 10 odd 5:5, odd-even big flat, preferred an odd number for the current period. Reference number: 33 recommend outsole: 01 02 13Selected 18 20 26 32 33: 02 13 26 35 tank coding: after 13 20 recommended: four codes: code 03 06 08: 03 10 heads up: 03 (color), (personal opinion, for reference only) Others:

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