Sunday, June 10, 2012

also includes the industry-leading Diablo 3 gold also includes the industry-leading - WDMM

129828564399218750_117Kai Chong then punches to build Beijing's first digital publishing centre Kai Corporation announced at the fourth Conference of cloud computing, first digital publishing center was established in Beijing, digital culture and the digital publishing industry IT cloud computing services and platform solutions. It is reported that this was Kai in digital publishing technology following the first Cloud Computing Center after one year of successful operation, investment in cloud computing center again. Beijing digital publication CenterMember of Beijing Kai Kai Group's excellence in technology, business direction is to provide IT for the digital culture and the digital publishing industry platform for cloud computing services and solutions, committed to the integration of information technology and digital culture and digital publishing, with cloud computing services, in the field of digital publishing and cultural expansion of digital content distribution and promotion channels, as well as for the enrichment of digital cultureState to create a professional online community platform. Kai Li Yalin, group Chairman, said in a media interview, which covers the post-PC era, art gallery, community and self service digital culture areas, will provide a one-stop IT services for users. Beijing Kai Kai Li Yalin, Chairman of a group of excellence in science and technology limited company CEO, Chairman of Wang Kai in creatingBeijing Kai Li Yalin women and create superior technology Ltd CEO Mr Wang Tao media records: questions: what results we achieved this year? What difficulties are encountered? Can tell us about? General Lee: Tianjin digital publishing center was completed, preparations are now one year and one month, but the on-line operations providing services to the public and now 8 months. 8 monthsDevelopment is rapid of, is we themselves of business positioning is in digital published base inside for digital published of content, and processing of enterprise, and software of some secondary of enterprise, also has is content of provides commercial, and content manufacturing, also has original of team, provides from underlying of digital Center, from cloud host, to cloud storage, to professional of digital published related of digital processing, also has content minCloud services, is the whole chain is to provide to them. Should be that, it 8 months we have two functions: the first is for digital publication of the base quickly reached a much more rich biosphere, was growing up here, and also our customers more and more. We have 8 months, has now reached a contract, have already deployed solidApplication, or are interested in customers, has nearly 100, be said to have made great achievements. And then in this 8 months we had to do another thing, is the atmosphere. We and Tianhe, first signed a strategic cooperation agreement. What does it mean? I can use it very rich quadrillion calculations at the level of resources, to give my energy of television customers with Super pretty. ByThe rendering process provides the core computing power. In addition, we signed up nearly 40 strategic partners, including the national super computer center, three operators, mobile, Unicom, Telecom, also includes the industry-leading, cloud computing, cloud product partners, like IBM, like a golden disc and digital publishing in this areaSome of the more famous content processing enterprises, as long the source journals, and so on. This is a major step we, did a lot of attempts. Just ask to the difficulties, is to perform all day at night to be full of difficulties. Really many difficulties, two points: the first is our own business, we feel that the most difficult is to let the market, so that our service businesses authorized security, convenience, low cloudsService brings the benefits of enterprise, in order to have it recognized, this is the first step, is the thing we want to do as a whole last mile is the most difficult. That is to put this technology today leaders talk about cloud computing, and cloud application well, you want to let it fall into real revenue, into a real win-win outcome, this is the most difficult. Some difficulty because IIs a IT services and the integration of digital publishing, the opportunities in digital publishing inside its core, it exists a bottleneck which channels, that we are still groping. I think the last is precision a best way to dig in this market segment, this is the situation we now feel. Basic is as two points. Question: we're soon in BeijingVertical cloud centers, including Nanjing over there for the next stage, I would like to ask: what's the difference between Tianjin and Beijing? Focus or something. General Lee: digital publishing center of Beijing and Tianjin have many common operations, also is this chain for digital publishing services. But differentiation should be here in Beijing have two points: 1th, in Tianjin, Beijing does not like digital publishing base,Beijing of market is very rich of, Beijing has several culture creative industry Park, has Shijingshan, has Lama Temple, also has 798, also has now out was new of County, so it of market is comparison stereo of, and market of energy also will more, so we in Beijing will more punches build with digital culture related of cloud service, this on does not necessarily is digital processing has, may moreChannel expansion digital culture, so that more products can become to the culture of the network platform, cloud platforms, and finally into the hands of our target customers. Mean let us producers of digital culture, and our cloud service providers to win-win, and finally allow end users of entertainment to enjoy, becomes a win-win-win. This is a bright spot, and it's personality. Another point, usThe cloud Centre in 798, so this time we try to work with several services related to art, may involve browsing of Digital Museum of art virtual cloud, cloud services. And then there will be an auction of these things, the poly auction we are and reached a strategic cooperation agreement, also taking into account some of their auction, opportunity, they want from high auctionExtend to the more popular among the crowd at the end of, so that we can enjoy some affordable auction. Future auctions may not necessarily have to go to the site, through online and interactive to bid in real time. So this we develop an art in Beijing, this is a bright spot in Beijing. Question: you are responsible for the operation of Beijing? Wang:�� Question: you from your perspective and then some information about it? Wang Bing: Beijing Kai 08 excellence this company was established, the companies start set up is based on IT the Internet and services some of the cooperation, the company set up for a long time. Cloud Center once again fell to the ground at Kai excellence, market compared to Tianjin for Beijing are very different, from a place, from the population, from the application than the skyTianjin and will have more features. Li always referred to our current exhibition in Beijing out of this art, culture and arts, is a feature of Beijing art auction. One market in Beijing we are harnessing the power of cloud computing subsequent strong research and development, product more than people do, digital culture and community, and so on these applications are richer and more exciting. Question: is there any specificWork goals? Wang Bing: specific objectives at the outset is Beijing Kai still digital publishing excellence because we published in Tianjin last year creating the first digital flower cloud, so digital publishing must be firmly down. Next is based on a broad market prospects in Beijing, we might have to be more associated with cloud we developed product to do channel salesTowards Beijing households, small and medium enterprises is on the one hand, or even to each of our clients to enjoy Kai cloud service excellence. Question: is there a specific digital data sharing? Wang: If the digital. Kai Group in their own research and development from the original size of dozens of people in Tianjin, Beijing is also a change in the number. The second, from the productionOn the product, when we in Tianjin last year, from the product relatively single this year, we will put more power from a development perspective, making more products. Final also was in Beijing this year for the purpose of more cloud the market promotion of products. Question: after Beijing and Nanjing will establish a focus on digital publishing in more places? What development is�� Lee total: we entire extended of mode, we does is comparison original of a way, we this expansion of mode should is so of, we called "a longitudinal" or "two longitudinal", is we to fast implantation national all culture creative industry and published base inside to build we brand of cloud Service Center, Tianjin is first station, Beijing is second station, we and Nanjing hasIn a couple of weeks ago signed a cooperation agreement TERA Power Leveling, we opened the third cloud Service Center in Nanjing, and the fourth, we are in Chengdu, and Chengdu high-tech talking about a final agreement now. This year, we expect our cloud Service Center, in addition to Nanjing and Chengdu, it will be possible to open a, this year's rate of something like this. Then, Wang also said just now, is subject toThe cloud Center of digital publishing base, our external channel partners for cooperation with us, our agents and strategic partners, they will help us push on our cloud products from channels. So to our own cloud Service Centre becomes a meeting, our brand shops there, our channels to promote to our provinces, we basically extendedModel it is. Question: in the era of cloud computing, we are mobile intelligent Terminal, such as tablets, cell phones may seem more important than traditional PC. We were pushed to smartphones, isn't it? General Lee: we have some points in the trial. Question: is doing its own brand of mobile phone? General Lee: his brand. Question: why do it yourself? Because cell phones now more thanMore, but is rather intense competition. Wang Bing: first formed the Kai and moved as well as other US carriers initially cooperative, after doing our own cloud services a lot of experience through the Terminal experience for users, both IPAD and Smartphones. Terminal we have accumulated a lot of experience in the field, why is it that you want to make your own brand? Development and application of our ownTerminal reflected by our own customers, which is what we want to do. In other words, we now own terminals of brands we have to position it as a feather, so see our official online publicity is "cloud @ feather", is the experience of cloud services at the end of the final has to rely on our experience in Terminal. Terminal and we also have and several major carriers in China for a longTime of cooperation, Terminal quality inspection and recognition of a lot of consumers as a whole, but in the end must be through the application of end-bearing capacity, so inseparable from the clouds and end is forever. So both ends and Kai in the group there, naturally work together. Apple is pushing a collaborative concept now, it's just a personal synergy, in fact, end of a lot of our future andWe work together, can do to a company-level, beyond an individual's collaborative TERA Gold, real synergy in their platform, will be easier to achieve on their own Terminal. Question: I Kai is not very well, I would like to know, 08 to set up how to enter the digital publishing industry? Due to the system operator and platform operators to find many opportunities, such as industrial parkOperational efficiency is still pretty to get, how do you want to do digital publishing? Because of the digital publishing industry information is in operation, for example is the most simple books, you also have a digital Exhibition Center, especially in these digital photos, is it simple is not necessarily well rendered in the electronic version, I wanted to ask how do you think digital publishingIndustry? General Lee: into the digital publishing industry should be a fate, was also a chance. It should be said that our company is at the IT level, but the chance to throw, throw caught in the process. You just said it, digital publishing of this chain that's a different link, actually very long, from digital processing, which hasNot new, have been doing this for a long time. Handed out to the last, selling out, so we want to do is to put this digital product how cloud platforms, platform via the Internet, through various forms of distribution even better, it can insert some content in our terminal, finally allows us to become cloud platforms and cloud servicesCommercial. Question: we just said we need to push the phone, if it's a 798 APP? Above are the exhibition centres information bar, and then there are also paintings, what kind of a show? General Lee: you just said that may be a small point, the key may have two points and we now want to seize, may in the future there will be a new EastWest. Now we have some outstanding opportunities to know, puzzles of the original team or artist, is that art is a special niche, but for people outside is very elegant, very niche, not touching Diablo 3 gold, but sold for artists too little. Prior to the sale so that more people could see the art in different ways, enjoy the paintings behind as a result of funding, Fast retrieve, the sector information, introduction to the artist, and let those who want to buy authorized it, and finally through the galleries to buy, or galleries on the net to buy or auction, let more people buy more art and artists to expand his sales of works of art. This is what we focus on things to do. News releases are included with additionalValues, we will come to wonder, but up to now we have mainly in the development of art. Question: as digital publishing industry customers to share our cloud computing, cloud services, products with special emphasis on the concerns of what? General Lee: we used on the publishing industry really is a layman, so many years together with them, who found that publishing IT themselves say, isI an IT Department and a class for the driver is exactly the same, they know about IT not, is to get used to, now that is the case. But the publishing industry to move towards more platforms, to sell his products in addition to the traditional channels to more channels, networks, the Internet, so it must have to do digital processing to push. They eat a lot of them, maintenance costsIt was a heavy burden. But digital publication can sell as much money? Also do not receive money online, so it can't take such a cost. Clouds can actually really good to solve this at first they don't know what is the cloud. Low cloud can cut costs of service make it slowly bear the corresponding costs depending on the amount of distribution, it can be accepted. So it should beIs from the start of a chisel ice, ice melting slowly, slowly come to accept this procedure. Here is small, because the publishing industry we feel now have the opportunity, we agreed on this market, then I think this is very red question: at present we mainly comes from what? Newspaper or journal? General Lee: typical of our customers, such as CCTV networksTV, China Film Group, there are also journals, like the long Yuan journal, there are a few online games business, in all its aspects. Now standardized from the ground, now everyone is doing such as cloud hosting, cloud storage, now we do cloud-Security Office also provides private cloud scheme for package delivery. In addition, we may also now is about to launch two new products,The be released two months later to everyone. Question: because it turns out that digital publication Center is particularly fast, as Tianjin, Beijing, Nanjing, can you give us? General Lee: Nanjing is a digital publishing base and the Nanjing municipal government in cloud Park. Why do then? Because it has three newspapers group, Jiangsu,A Xinhua media is, there is the Phoenix media, three content providers, so we will come with three work together to do a universal contents, featured content-related system of cloud services. In addition, local government or culture related to the start of the Fund, which would hatch, the inside of the hatch platform, we will also offer our cloud services�� Planning should be very great, but now has just started, and we hope our first phase of the project will be completed in two months, so at the time of publication, members also witnessed in the past. Others:

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