Saturday, June 9, 2012

and know not only how much money when my parents pay SWTOR Credits and know not only how much mone

129833894441671250_18Ms Yuen is the father of buying health products part of the documentation of the hand.   I said, buy a dozen kinds of health products for the elderly, which is only one part. Wuhu an old man suffering from cerebral atrophy and heart disease, medical treatment, within a period of two years, from a company buying health products. According to reflect their children, its purchase health products worth up to $ 250,000, of which$ 130,000 has been playing into each other's accounts, but did not pick up.  Until recently, suddenly in a coma in hospital for the elderly, the children, only to find it. Readers reflect: 1 hour $ 250 TERA CD-key,000 documents "father's poor health, suffering from cerebral atrophy and hypertension, but he was suddenly in a coma in hospital, we still do not know, master two-year $ 250,000 to buy health products. Money goesHealth of people, and know not only how much money when my parents pay, book, or even know the password! We feel it is inconceivable. "The morning of May 30, Wuhu Ruan angrily said that the people, she found her old bedroom on the desk, under the bed, full of health, also found that more than one document, Wuhu, which involved army health advisory service of company documentsUp to $ 250,000. "The company sold his father's health products, without an invoice, all-white strip. I clean up for over an hour, only to find the documents marked up to $ 250,000. "Ms Yuen after the father came, patient asks that, cheapest is $ 390 of these health products, expensive amount to thousands of dollars. With 130,000 yuan health products, the other has not yet shipped.After you know the truth, children of the elderly have found this in Wuhu company representation on the pedestrian street, please return the 130,000 loans that are not shipped SWTOR Credits, rejected the result.  After extensive consultations, the other replies: to fall back only $ 30,000. Regularly issued certificates to the elderly old man's child, told reporters, after the parents in the community free of a blood pressure, and "the company"Understanding of a man and a woman. To the old days of salary, these people will get to the elderly, a home called her grandparents, affectionate than the child. "After the father in hospital, also said their good, later found that these children do not see him, is not happy.  "Ruan said. Old man's child told reporters, his father before retirement was a singleLeadership, honor see. The company bought certificates, the company name, issued certificates to the elderly on a regular basis, also invited as honorary consultant of the company for the elderly. "He was in hospital, wearing an old shirt, broken Rift Platinum, I couldn't say. We bought two, put on the elderly. The money he spent on health care up to $ 250,000. "Department:Violation will be investigated and dealt with it, the health care company practice is this illegal? On May 30, the Kiang Wu, Director of the gongshangsuo inspection provided for journalists "military company" information, the business scope of the company is "health advisory services", the registered capital of $ 50,000, registration is April 25, 2011. "They first registered lsquo; we rSquo;, register after one year of lsquo; Wuhu health products sales dept rsquo;, scope of business is lsquo; rsquo of retail health products. Mother-child relationship is the legal representative of the two companies. "Inspection Director, told reporters that" If the old man from lsquo; rsquo; companies buy health products, they suspected irregularitiesCamp by the food and Drug Administration should be investigated and dealt with; if it's coming from lsquo; we rsquo;, then we have no right to check.  "From the documents to see, health care for the elderly is from" the company "to buy. Journalist survey: companies have deserted on June 3, this reporter went to "the company", but the door closed, no one answered.Reporters also follow the Kiang Wu provided by business phone number, dials "military company" artificial person b a phone, but the woman claimed that journalists have the wrong phone. Journalists also called "the company" legal representative phone, phone appears to be empty. (Reporter laochun photo essay) Others:

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