Saturday, June 9, 2012

and Poland as well as the Euro 2004 champions Greece with the group. On Friday Diablo 3 gold and P

129823466953125000_257Roman Shishkin due to food poisoning out of the European Cup of Russia has been the main force nine Yeah sporting May 24: following the Moscow Central Defender bieliezuosiji out of the army after this summer's European Championship, Russia again reduced the list of European Cup. Coach aidewokate confirmed at a press conference, locomotive Moscow Defender Roman-Roman Shishkin for gastro-intestinal diseases will not be the country of the European Cup. Roman Shishkin (information), 25 years old-GreekFrederic Mishkin was a defensive all-rounder, he scooped up right guard, and can be both central defender and defensive midfielder position. 2004 mo ' Spartan debut, 2010 join Moscow locomotive, so far as the contribution to the team to play 70 games 3 goals. March 24, 2007, Russia 2-0 beat Estonia game wow power leveling, Roman Shishkin playing House, completedHome team's debut, so far a total play 8 times for their country. In today's Russia national team, he is the main right Defender, Ze aniukefu nit players alternate, he has been named in aidewokate 26 man provisional list for the European Cup. This week, the Russia team euro began preparing for war, but Roman Shishkin was suddenly fell ill. On Tuesday, Roman Shishkin admitted to hospital because of food poisoning, introduction to aidewokateSay TERA CD-key, "Roman Shishkin have also had the same symptoms before. "Once you miss a few days in a row, aidewokate confirmed at the News Conference on Thursday, Roman Shishkin will miss this summer's European Championship. It is understood that cause big problems for Roman Shishkin gastrointestinal food poisoning Diablo 3 gold, his current weight loss, doctors suspected that his stomach out of the serious problems. After consultation with the hospital, peopleDewokate had to accept the cruel reality of the Roman Shishkin was unable to participate in the European Cup. Aidewokate also confirmed that the European Cup during the Club's First team has by and large have a framework, "8 to 9 players will act as the first, because they have very good performance in the qualifying stages. 1 to 2 locations, we also have some doubts. "This European Cup, Russia and the Czech RepublicHost, and Poland as well as the Euro 2004 champions Greece with the group. On Friday, Russia and Uruguay to warm up. On Tuesday, Russia and Lithuania match. On June 1, Russia also will join teams in the world Italy match. Others:

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