Monday, June 11, 2012

ready to work "under consideration". Papademos said Greece Diablo 3 CD-KEY ready to work "under co

129823520642968750_242Greece EU Summit Europe storm watch back blow NetEase finance (/10) forwarded to the microblogging pedestrians in the crowd on the streets of Athens Greece Drachma silver coin the statue. Greece Athens one street in the capital with his instrument in the streets. Greece outside the branch of the National Bank, many customers queued cash withdrawal from automatic cash machine., a worker in the renovation of Athens in the Greece of the headquarters of the National Bank safe door. one of the pedestrians passing by describing "the euro Greece into a black eye, a clown" Graffiti Wall. httP:// one Drachma silver coin the statue of pedestrians passing by the street of Athens. http://img3.cache.netease.coM/photo/0025/2012-05-23/826PEENJ0APS0025.jpg passers-by in the street newsstand hack the news headlines of the day. http://img4.cache.nOne hawker along the Graffiti Wall selling their tickets. University of Athens in Greece next to the philosopher Socrates sculpture,Greece national flag fluttered in the wind. University of Athens in ancient Greece next to a statue of a goddess Diablo 3 Gold, while Greece national flag fluttered in the wind. to "Greece leaving the eurozone risks exist."Greece Papademos remarks of former Prime Minister once again caused market panic, Greece leaving the eurozone? Meanwhile, yesterday held an informal summit of European leaders, to be held at the end of June the EU Summit set the question. Although the Summit is positioned as "informal", but Greece every move the Summit is a point in the near future, the outside world is also highlyAttention. Papademos contradictory at a time when EU leaders held an informal Summit, Papademos had thrown a "depth bombs". 22nd, Papademos said in an interview with foreign media, Greece has no choice, only continue to implement austerity plans required by the creditor, or will have to leave the eurozone, Greece leaving the eurozoneRisk is real, ready to work "under consideration". Papademos said Greece, abandoning the euro will have catastrophic economic consequences, but also will have a major and far-reaching impact on the euro area as a whole Diablo 3 CD-KEY, that is why the European countries and institutions are considered in response to this emergency. As soon as you exit the eurozone, Greece economy will collapse and inflation rateSoaring society into new turmoil. However, Papademos, yesterday was another media that Greece is not prepared to withdraw from the euro. Papademos said, although did not rule out such a possibility, but Greece leaving the eurozone is impossible. However, EU officials said yesterday that the Eurogroup working group has asked euro-zone countries prepare their emergency response plansIn response to Greece out of the possibility of. Risk sentiment about the market in spite of Papademos to clarify, but his speech was also lit market again on Greece leave the Eurozone worries, financial markets immediately responded to this. Asia-Pacific stocks decreased, MSCI Asia Pacific index dropped by 1.7%, Japan stock market declines of the Nikkei 225 index close 2%�� In yesterday's European trading, United Kingdom in April retail sales figures and the Italy-than-expected business confidence index increased investors ' worries, European stock markets lower low, declines in the three major indexes close to 2%. In international oil prices and the price of gold fell more than 1%, of which $ 91 a barrel oil prices briefly fell through. Euro exchange rates against the dollar after touching 1.263 waterFlat, euro currency rate below 8 integer point wow power leveling, hitting a record low since June 2002. Analysts expect European debt problems is not optimistic, devaluation of the euro could continue. Germany euro-bonds don't Greece mess investors eye focused on the informal summit of the EU, EU leaders will stimulate economic growth, create jobs, to prevent the Greek CypriotLa exit risk "contagion" as well as the Euro bond issue for initial discussion. Recently, Germany advocates fiscal restraint positions constantly under attack, Germany, Angela Merkel, increasingly isolated position, Euro bond issue is further challenged Germany's bottom line. Responsible for economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Commission members Rehn has said that France and Germany in the implementation of the euroHad serious differences on the issue of the bonds, Summit is difficult to reach a consensus. Germany reiterates opposition to euro bonds by government officials, that the euro bonds is not the solution of the debt crisis in Europe. In addition, some analysts are worried that, if Greece out of the eurozone, with $ 1.19 trillion "pig country in Europe" European banks will face the devastating impact of the bond. In view of this, The Summit also will discuss whether to give the eurozone bailout Fund of new powers, to inject directly to possible run on the Bank. But the Council of Europe officials said euro-zone States are divided on this, very little chance of reaching a consensus at the current meeting. 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