Monday, December 26, 2011

very eyes shining tears after the game

129615039461406250_2223NetEase sports reported September 25: China Team 1 min victory Jordan win promotion London, very eyes shining tears after the game, he said that had the Lakers. AFC Championship to it so it is not easy to give very mixed feelings. Very fanchao the score stood out in the third section, help after he hit two consecutive times in ChinaTeam 40-36 fanchao. Very in the final 4 minutes and 33 seconds, a shot of big hat to rivals in the defence, he has almost heroic efforts were subsequently changed for them. Very cold these days, fierce battle last night Korea let his Burnout, and his physical recovery therapy to 1 point last night to fall asleep. Today's finalsVery spell a 26 minute win 10 points 5 rebounds, WINS him a merit. AFC saidazhi as a whole to play 8 games, played 20 minutes the old republic power leveling, and contribute 11.5 points 5.3 rebounds 2 assists 1.6 tackling, scoring the team's second first rebounds and assists the team tackling the whole team third. In fact, in the third section, and then there were 246 seconds, great extension very singles back turn and jump shot hit, in 54-44, the Chinese team for the first time leading a two-digit number. Then very end, Jordan team to score once in the last section to keep up with, and ultimately rely on free throws the Chinese team is tough victory, though, the result is satisfactory. Burnout very not presentUnfortunately under, regains AFC Championship, he had come to a successful issue. Wang Zhizhi's career has a lot of regret, but in the past has passed away. 17 at war, he is sought after is called, after the ups and downs, but heroes without regret. As he said himself, "the past not to mention, to enjoy the joy of basketball., "One King on his golf courses, true hero he was. In 1994, 17 of the very first elected to the national men's basketball team, maybe then he never imagined 17 years after he ran for the national team on the field. Very participated in 3 games, Asian Games, 6 3 times Asian Championship swtor power leveling, On his military medals were 4 AFC Champions, 3 Asian Games champion and two time Olympic Games the last eight. 2006 Asian Games has just returned very with the help of very strong performance of the Chinese men's basketball team up for lost the Asian Games champion, then very knockout in last year's Asian Games team arena defending third degree Savior. 2009 years, strike again very hope that team regain AFC Championship, he tries but ultimately disastrous defeat in the finals. Asian Championship of shame, is large very career one of the most bitter defeat tonight, two years later, he finally got team regain the AFC Championship and advancing to the Olympic Games. Veterans, aged 34, canClaim to have come to a successful issue. London Olympic Games next year, if he could come, at that time, the game will be his curtain call shows, he will give fans the last show. Eventually he would smile happily retired, no regrets. Welcome to vote

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