Saturday, December 24, 2011

investor-friendly development

129667840424990392_44The last two days, international board topic was instituted again swtor power leveling, investors attention. Message from Shanghai says, "now is accelerating the process". Relevant personnel said "to be prepared at the level of legal, accounting, and other infrastructure, in addition also consider market level preparations", but "expedite the process" wording is more Kiss. Then, the internationalWhat should I do? What should I do? I noted that the Shanghai Stock Exchange General Manager Zhang Yujun publicly for the first time the International Board positions, there are some new ideas, he says, "conducive to the development of the a-share, favorable to the development of China's economy, investor-friendly development, is our most basic premise of the study on the International Board. "I think that, if in the preceding words" must "two words,A more complete, better reflect the aspirations of ordinary investors. That is, the so-called international Board must be conducive to economic development, it is important to financial developments, be sure to benefit investors. The objective the old republic power leveling, we see in early descriptions of the relevant international programmes, see the three "helps"; it is four "advantage" packages: you can promote it fullyFree exchange, you can create shared international economic growth opportunities for domestic investors, can facilitate domestic enterprises close transnational corporations can facilitate China's stock market matures. And recently was the BNP Paribas said, "the Chinese people can use renminbi directly buying foreign stocks or bonds of the company, so you can imagine, China's contribution to the global economy would be even more dramatic."We hope that the Chinese people to buy any shares, are based on commercial considerations rather than the other. International Board if you have to do, it is necessary to take into account the general situation of the market and should grasp well the rhythm of the opening. We do very much welcome foreign companies enjoy national treatment, came to China's exchange-traded, but the rules inside and outside the same, alike. If set"Took a seat", investors cannot approve of. We are opposed to engaging in "took a seat" edition of the world, but supported and actively promoted internationalization. A certain sense, the "International Panel" relative to "internationalize" is contradictory: since the internationalization of the market, why do we need a separate international Board? Facilitator at the early stage of the International Board has done some preparatory work, including the demonstration, Technical preparation, and more, in June, Shanghai has outgoing base, marketing, accounting, technical preparation of news of the four conditions have been fulfilled. But no matter how ready, make sure that one: do not set took a seat. What is the system we now, how to send to foreign companies. Foreign exchange turnover should not open is too large an opening them as foreign exchange control of process synchronizationShould not engage in special cases. Listed a-share market to foreign companies to institutional design of the real and the a-share market instead of transplantation a NYSE stocks, let and its practice. (

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