Monday, December 26, 2011

faceNatural climate and cope with difficult questions of coordination

129667864348115392_89 <a href="">the old republic power leveling</a>On October 17, 2011, tianshan textile 111,157th received the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the notice of China Securities Regulatory Commission on administrative licensing items review feedback. Submitted by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on company Xinjiang tianshan wool weaving company limited to issue shares to buy assets of approved administrative licensing application materials made a feedback, and requiring the companyIn the feedback within 30 working days from the date of receipt of notification to reply in writing the feedback. The feedback received after notification, the company in conjunction with the relevant agencies the need feedback material has been actively preparing; under the Fang Kaidi mines and mine information note submitted by the company Western extension of mining, between the following, and related matters in the feedback notification needs to be furtherImplemented, is expected to not be able to finish his reply within the stipulated time material and submitted to the China Securities Regulatory Commission. 1, significant asset restructuring company planning to inject assets-mine entered the official pilot stage still needs time. After entering the pilot 2, mine, its operating profit levels requires a period of observation. 3, as this report on the restructuring of financial information has passed expiration date, and the need for mine2012 business earnings, in the audit reports and earnings is under way at present. Company has submitted to the China Securities Regulatory Commission the applications for extension of replies submitted feedback material swtor power leveling, relevant information added after the complete feedback response documents to the China Securities Regulatory Commission, presented in a timely manner. Because mine entered the formal trial production has been in existence a certain amount of uncertainty, faceNatural climate and cope with difficult questions of coordination, corporate board carefully remind investors that investment risks.

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