Thursday, December 15, 2011

lucky enough to capture the magic of an emerging cross-harbour "death icicles"

129668731830000000_260According to United Kingdom BBC radio network on November 23, when a photographer recently shot in under Antarctic ice swtor credits, lucky enough to capture the magic of an emerging cross-harbour "death icicles", this "death icicles" can destroy the "growth" of all life on the road. Delay camera, photographers successful record of brine process of extrusion and sinking by sea ice.Subsidence of this high concentration of salt water, its temperature well below zero degrees Celsius, so that surround it around the water sheath instantaneous frozen into ice.   When the so-called "Icicle" after contact with the seabed, will form the ice network swtor power leveling, chilled touch all objects, including starfish and sea urchins. It is understood that this unusual phenomenon is the first time captured by human camera by accident. At that time, Photographer for the BBC filming a series frozen planet. "Death icicles" photographer Miller said they will delay camera mounted under the ice near the Ross Island, Antarctica, was lucky enough to capture the emerging underwater Icicle. "When we at the time of this exploring around the island, encountered a strange area. There had been formed before three or four' Death of Icicle ', and there is a just emerging. "Miller said. ()

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