Thursday, December 15, 2011

the establishment of urban levels "of the independent Commission against corruption risks

129667697064990392_12Report from (reported by reporter Sun Qian) yesterday, Beijing municipality held further advancing the work of the independent Commission against corruption prevention and control of risk management to the General Assembly, the deployment of the implementation of the Beijing city's observations on the further strengthening of the independent Commission against corruption prevention and control of risk management. The opinions put forward, we should focus on strengthening decentralization and restraint mechanisms building, strengthen the principal leaders of the departments and units of power restriction. Party Secretary Liu Qi attended and spoke at the meeting. The municipal party CommitteeDeputy Secretary, Mayor Guo Jinlong chaired the meeting. This opinion stressed that to thoroughly promote the reform of examination and approval system, further cleanup, reduction and adjustment of administrative examination and approval. Strengthening the powers of the principal leaders of the departments, units, and make reasonable limited powers, of regulating the right to use specific measures, implementing the system of collective leadership and responsibility. Administrative examination and approval, administrative penalty, judicial, Government, public resource transactions, special financial funds for the investment management units and departments in such areas, we should focus on strengthening the construction of the separation of power restriction mechanism. Views, the independent Commission against corruption risks, prevention and control of the core is a specification for power. Will focus on normative power of the city and its operation, efforts in prevention and control, power monitoring and power structure configuration information, such as to achieve a new breakthrough, respectively, establish healthScientific allocation system, the whole power structure power standardization system of supervision and risk information, prevention and control system of the independent Commission against corruption. ����Liu Qi pointed out that deepen the independent Commission against corruption risks, prevention and control of, regulate power operation involves reconfiguration of power resources, related to the interest structure of adjustment, is a major reform measure. Liu Qi requirements, to promote the power to open and transparent, to the communityOpen does not involve State secrets, trade secrets, privacy, and do not endanger national security, public safety, economic security and social stability in terms of directory, power running workflow and administrative jurisdiction of benchmarks, consciously accept the supervision and power running in the Sun. ����Focus moves 1. Pinpoint risks Liu Qi made in order to do theRights, separation of work, finding a power run the risk, carefully searching for each Department, unit, position in the ideological and moral powers, institutional mechanisms, such as the independent Commission against corruption risks. According to powers, powers the importance of exercise frequency, probability and damage degree of corruption, for finding of the independent Commission against corruption risks assessed risk level, the implementation of risk management and toTargeted categories develop risk control measures, establish and improve the power restriction mechanism to optimize power structure to ensure that the power exercising. 2. the eye area made Liu Qi, we must highlight the independent Commission against corruption risks, prevention and control of key areas, key object, the key sector. To construction, land, property rights trading, corruption-prone-prone areas, requisition, education, medical, Food and drug safety, livelihood of the people of the areas as the prevention and control priorities, implementation of project management. At the same time, master the right of people to act, law enforcement, leading cadres, especially leading cadres of the right of judicial, examination and approval, supervision, as well as key positions such as personnel, financial, and material management as a key object, and specification using power of leading cadres. 3. greater transparency also said Liu Qi, toInnovative management methods, technical means into modern information technology in particular, prevention and control of the independent Commission against corruption risk management processes, constantly improving the ability to effectively prevent corruption. To strengthen internal oversight, project supervision and social supervision of power operation, the establishment of urban levels "of the independent Commission against corruption risks, prevention and control project management account", formed risk prevention and control of forces. To carry out party-open, the open,Open, making public the Affairs of the judiciary, making village affairs public and public enterprises and institutions act in public, promoting transparent power running, widely accepted social supervision. 4. institutional Guan Liuqi requires good, to do a long-acting mechanism, continue to carry out administrative examination and approval system, the cadres and personnel system, institutional mechanisms to end corruption. At the same time, to accelerate the development of a specification power operationSystems, right through a system to manage people. In addition, to improve the work of the independent Commission against corruption risks, prevention and control mechanisms, establishing an early warning process, dynamic management, and check the assessment mechanism, through the straw, tendentious issues in time to be alert and disposed, ensure that the independent Commission against corruption risks swtor power leveling, prevention and control measures to the letter. Immediately visit to curb corruption Beijing must first decompose the power anti-corruption experts believe the independent Commission against corruptionManagement of proper institutional anti-corruption expert Li Yongzhong said, Vice President, China School of discipline inspection and supervision, Governments at all levels when referring to the independent Commission against corruption risks for years, the main ideas and solutions to stay in the management of the risk positions, as well as the powers of supervision, while it is possible to play a certain effect, but have struggled to curb spread of corruption. Li Yongzhong explained that the independent Commission against corruption risks, prevention and controlThere are three levels, the macro is configured power structure, view-power operation mechanism is micro-post risk management. We see that the local government top leaders "Lok" situation occur, from the microscopic point of view swtor credits, this is their job risks, problem, of course, need to be resolved at this level, but only from the micro level is very difficult. "Wanted to intensify their efforts in investigating and handling, Wanted to increase the intensity of supervision, but nobody dares to supervision, "Li Yongzhong said," this is because excessive concentration of powers, cannot be reasonable checks and balances. "He thinks, not just top leaders have concentrated power of officials, such as personal qualities, but also not reasonable its powers decomposition of configuration. "This is one of the years did not jump out of the predicament of the anti-corruption".Li Yongzhong thinks, the independent Commission against corruption risks, prevention and control with emphasis on power, you first need to decompose the power, not decomposition power no matter how configurations are at risk, the power structure of science are also very important. This problem has been solved at the macro level, meso-and micro-level issues will only be effective. Li Yongzhong said from Beijing, the independent Commission against corruption risk control views on rightReallocation, make adjustments to the interest structure, in line with this approach. But he also suggested that because there is currently no very successful pilot experience to draw on, further implementation of the observations are needed. Reporter Sun Qian ()

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