Wednesday, December 21, 2011

four young men forcibly broke into the home

129668731588281250_17CNS, Taiyuan, November 27 (reporters Lv Wei and and Wu Junjun)-a relationship between men who have sex with several men and youth. And one of the men "work" does not pay, "comrades" joint set robbery.   On 27th, yangcheng, Shanxi Jincheng City police reported abroad, "comrades" were all captured. The investigation, suspect Xiao Qiao, little dragon, smallHao is gay circles of friends, and both victims and the King had a sexual relationship. The incident occurred two weeks ago, the King of a small relationship between Joe and later promised to buy a cell phone or to $ 2000 in cash, but relationship between were not realised, but lost contact.   Subsequent chats, Xiao Qiao aware that little dragons, little Hao has cheated the same experience. In November18th, small qiaohexiaolong, white in the urban areas an Internet Cafe Internet, talking with Wang, the King did not respond, it landed the QQ numbers of others chat with King. Chatted, Wang and little Joe videos, for fear of Wang saw it, and the little Joe was sitting next to White King and a video, after the King saw the little white in the online, want to just call it sex yangchengRelations, and said that reimbursement of tolls. Xiao Qiao was suddenly angry thought had promised the King a now online to find friends, so he and little dragon, small Hao said Wang and find friends on the Internet.   4 people with brief discuss coinciding, the Director following a farce. 23:40, 4 people from the urban areas the rental, the yangcheng appointments.White entered the King's room alone, and Xiao Qiao with dragons, small Hao waiting in front of the room. In accordance with prior discussion. After a moment, little give away free of charge information said Wang Xiao Qiao Fa took a bath, five minutes later swtor power leveling, Xiao Qiao, who rushed into the room for Wang, a curse to the King. Later, Wang away cash and mobile phones, notebook computers and other objects, then fled the scene.November 19, yangcheng County staff of a company Xiao Wang (pseudonym) who reported to the police: November 18, four young men forcibly broke into the home, assault, restriction of the freedom of action and other means to steal the cash, such as laptop, mobile phone, bank card, ID card, worth thousands of dollars. Upon receiving the report, yangcheng police investigateVisits and on-site investigation, after 1 days of effort, lock the identities of three suspects and arresting criminal suspects Xiao Qiao, and dragons.   Cjoltest the last suspect (male, aged 22, in Jincheng city people, pseudonym) policy ' by the police, turned himself in to police in the evening carrying stolen goods. At present, the yangcheng police suspects Xiao Qiao star wars the old republic, who has been in criminal detention caseWere in course of further investigation. (完) ()

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