Sunday, November 27, 2011

high response pneumatic components

129667889667959142_165Formation of a number of annual sales income over billions of large group recently issued by the Ministry of the machine components, the underlying manufacturing processes and materials industry "Twelve-Five" development planning with a clear, through the efforts of five years, the "three basic level" up creativity in industry have markedly improved, and manufacturing standards have markedly improved, can basically meet the development needs of major equipment, productionDevelopment situation of serious delays are changing the face of goal. Implementation of the plan, will further enhance the machine components, the underlying manufacturing processes and materials industry overall level of development and international competitiveness. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved!Concrete development goals for 2015 year of the plan is clear: first, supporting capacity enhanced.����Major equipment required basic matching capacity to more than 75%; basic manufacturing skills improve, high-end large-scale and basic to meet domestic demand for precision casting and forging; materials supporting the basis required for major equipment levels increased dramatically. Secondly, innovation capability upgrading. MachineryFoundation of reliability, performance, consistency and stability is significantly improved, product service life improved capacity, breaking a number of key components diablo 3 gold, the underlying manufacturing processes and materials technology of core technology and industrialization, forming a number of research and development and test public service platform. Third, the organizational structure optimization. Establish coordination with host development, technical high starting point,Specialization, bulk system; formed a number of annual sales of more than 10 billion internationally competitive large enterprise groups, cultivate 100 companies with well-known brand "specialized, refined, unique" enterprise, optimized 30 characteristic industrial clusters. IV, energy-saving emission reduction and reduce consumption. Comprehensive application of green manufacturing technology and equipment, raw materials increased utilization by 10%,Tons of qualified castings 0.12 tonnes of standard coal less energy, tons of qualified forgings 0.08 tons of standard coal less energy, when tons of heat-150-kilowatt less energy, pollutant emissions are significantly reduced. The plan is clear, around heavy equipment, and high-end equipment requirements, focus on the development of 11 categories of machinery basic parts, including high speed, precision and heavy-bearing, of large and high parameters of gear andTransmission device, high pressure hydraulic components and large power hydraulic components diablo 3 gold, intelligent, high response pneumatic components, etc; 6 classes based manufacturing process, and 2 types of basic materials.����Centralized resources, focusing on development of 20 kinds of iconic machine components, 15 standard basis and 12 signature based materials manufacturing technology and industrialization. In order to guarantee smooth implementation of the plan, the Ministry will furtherContinued carrying out and implementing the fundamental mechanical parts industry revitalization of the programme for the implementation on the basis of, organizations deploy basis and the implementation of machine components and manufacturing processes of double promotion project. Strengthening industrial policy guiding full play to the guiding role of industrial policy and draw up a "three basic level" industry technical specifications conditions, raise trade barriers, curb low-level duplicate construction, make the machine components, baseFoundation product promotion manufacturing processes and the underlying material catalog. Continued the implementation of the existing infrastructure finance and taxation policy to support research and the State encourages the development of key "three basic" product to implement key parts, raw materials import tax policies.

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