Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"in cases where the Mid-Autumn Festival

129668688769843750_57Despite last week's pig slaughter fell 1.7% price, but reporters found when visiting some of the market pork prices, retail prices are still no significant decline in the market, five flower prices still at between $ 26 and $ 30 per kilogram. On 25th, this reporter had an interview with animal husbandry Bureau of science and Technology Branch Chief, Hu Xiahui, Jining city, Shandong province, in his view, the end-markets of retail prices are generally"Call not bearish", so pork slaughter prices just let the slaughter and retailers make a "Grand Slam", but no purchase pork prices have much impact on the citizens. Pork prices were mixed with the "supply side" control Chief, Hu told a press conference, people have learned that pork prices rise or fall, means the price is around 110 kg pig slaughter, on the marketTerminal retail prices are not entirely under the influence of slaughter, most retailers are "bulls do not put". However, the pig slaughter price is affected by market supply and demand to regulate and, of course, there will be some seasons led elements, "in cases where the Mid-Autumn Festival, new year and Spring Festival, slaughter of the pig prices there will be some floating diablo 3 power leveling, especially Chinese New Year Eve, due to increased demand, pig outBar prices also rose. Therefore, the retail prices of pork before the Spring Festival this year will be a rising trend. Bullish Chief, Hu told a press conference before and after the Spring Festival, "after the Spring Festival, pig slaughter prices will start falling from highs slowly, and by August reached the low season, from August onwards, prices slowly rebounded. "But in recent years the price of pork was one of the more specialConditions, particularly after 2007, the pig slaughter per kg price had risen to $ 9, many pig farmers have seen about profit, a substantial increase in the number culture. That by the year 2009, supply and demand imbalance of the market for pork, pork prices plunged all the way, last year, the lowest retail price dropped to $ 14 per kilo of pork. "However, entered the end of last year, the city's manyLow survival rate of livestock breed piglets causing pig slaughter rates fell sharply. Yields down, demand reduction, supply less than the demand arises, so that this spring when the slaughter of the pig prices and retail prices are climbing all the way, cut prices in previous years became a price increase this year. Later, because meat prices have been rising, October country intervention, macroRegulation, first State reserve of mobilization of pork, followed by the introduction of imported meat, which before the slaughter of the pig prices fell to around $ 20 per kilogram. As of now, the pig slaughter on the market has entered a phase of more reasonable, pig slaughter for general retail price less due to the backyard, the market price is around $ 13.12 per kilogram in diablo 3 gold, large price in each publicCatty about $ 16.46. Retailer "bulls do not put" "pork Terminal price controls you need Interventional management of departments concerned," Chief, Hu believed that under normal circumstances, acquisition of pork from pigs to slaughter to ious sale of pork, go through several intermediate fare increases, and finally reached the pork is in the hands of the people killed pig, "is being cut into pieces, Except meat and steaky pork. "Some stores on the market today in pork prices are still about $ 44 per kilo, slaughter price and retail price gap is very large. "Under the current retailers ' bulls do not put ' in the case, as the pig slaughter of price rises, before the Chinese new year retail market pork prices will certainly also have risen. "

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