Monday, November 21, 2011

for the unfair practices. In fact

129626142994843750_1612Nanyang business daily: the United States passed on contradiction sword refers to the Renminbi to be reflections Zhongxinwang, October 8 Malaysia 5th the Nanyang business daily published an editorial saying, United States Senate recently programmed by the "2011 currencies oversight reform act of" creation of plans, a move China, intent to persecute its currency to appreciate significantly again, this is the United States in trying to put the relevant contradiction "passed on" to China. In response, the United States members concerned should be rationally askProblems in real mutual trust is committed to developing Sino-US bilateral trade. Any imagine just RMB appreciation's own forces can give United States economic recovery transformed the is unrealistic fantasy. Excerpts of the article follows: United States Senate program through the "2011 currencies supervisory reform bill" creation plans. Under the Bill, if the United States's main trade partners meetingRate is considered to be undervalued diablo 3 gold, the United States will impose punitive tariffs on countries concerned. Although the project plan does not say country-specific, but discerning eye universal knew that it was in China diablo 3 power leveling, again intended to force substantial appreciation of the Renminbi. Sino-US trade issues in recent years, coupled with the United States unemployment rate is still higher than 9%; and the face of trade deficit and the insufficient reserves and other economic difficulties, Tried to lead the US side about contradictions "passed on" to China, the United States felt its domestic economic problems are caused by the exchange rate. Obviously, United States national elections approaching, politicians to vote-were once again speculation currency issues, but China's Central Bank warned that does not help to solve the problem of economic issues, would complicate the issue, the global economic recovery, andConfidence negatively affected. United States members concerned should be rational view of problems in real mutual trust is committed to developing Sino-US bilateral trade, and stop by means of legislation or of political currency, to put pressure on the Chinese side. The past more than 10 years, low end of the processing industry and general manufacturing industries, traditional industries in developed countries to the developing countries, in particular human capital inexpensive "workshop of the world"Countries such as Vietnam, produce highly competitive prices of consumer goods and reselling it to large market of the United States. Industrial structural change in transfer of the developed and emerging countries, as well as the United States on imported consumer products is highly dependent on, hitting the United States the low end and exacerbate unemployment. United States-based commercial and security interests for the purpose of considering, restrictions on the sale prices of high-end equipment or productsTo China, in fact, is one main reason to promote the trade imbalance. United States trade deficit and a rise in unemployment will only be passed on to other issues such as country, for the unfair practices. In fact, according to data from the Chinese side showed appreciation of the renminbi in the past 6 years has China have also been consistent commitment to adjust the trade balance and the exchange rate, United States should be cooperation to facilitate tradeBalance, not trade protection policy instead, disturbed situation. In the Senate after the adoption of procedural, such bill shall enter the House of voting procedures, customs clearance or not and wait and see. The so-called hand in launching the whole body, forcing a stronger Yuan would seriously damage China's interests, once a trade war will neither, the global economy remain in miserable conditions, recovery is weakSituation. United States to rethink its financial structure, financial regulation and welfare system, "occupation of Wall Street campaign" hating the demonstrations reflected the anger of the people on the dark side of the financial system in heating up. The Washington Post that the Bill will not help United States job creation. United Kingdom by the financial times described it as a bad idea; United States 51 commercial organizations also issue protests, Show that the Bill is very controversial. United States Government and the democratic and Republican Party politician should not be ignored and all responses shall remedy to solve the United States the current economic problems, any imagined only RMB appreciation's own forces can give United States economic recovery transformed the is unrealistic fantasy. Responsible editor: NF062

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