Monday, November 21, 2011

Naomi Watts

129626123513125000_1450The Hoover first exposes poster frowning Li harsh sword movie King Star Edition of the Hoover Institution poster. The Hoover black floor poster. Mtime time network October 8 from "old cowboy" Clint Eastwood directed, Leonardo DiCaprio, lingxianzhuyan, tells the United States Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) founder j · aidejia·hufo (J. Edgar Hoover) tales of the life of filmBuddhism today for the first time exposure "black" and "Star" two official posters, deep atmospheres and rushed aofan full. Regular publicity routine different diablo 3 power leveling, the trailer first outflow of the Hoover, official poster is coming. Poster small facial features Lee takes up half the screen, flagship of its classic "frowny" face, harsh anger from Wei. White inkA sum of over, the whole poster style dignified, temperament and movie are consistent. This biography of Oscar's masterpiece will make the Leonardo DiCaprio movie King dream? Mao die Gold Medal of the old cowboy East wood can once again holds the small people? Only the first wait and see how the performance of the film in fall/winter awards season. The supporting actor lineup is the luxury of the Hoover, aimi·Han Mo(Social network), Naomi Watts, Jeffrey Donovan diablo 3 gold, Judi Dench have the mirror. As an r-rated film, the Hoover on November 3 for the United States film Institute Film Festival (AFI Fest) was opened later in the 9th landed in North American theaters, 11th in the world exhibition.

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