Tuesday, November 29, 2011

but on second board stocks is a good thing

129667864374052892_156Friday, and by European stock market received low and the partial empty of message surface effect, CSI two cities index both low opened, by a small wave Xia analysis Hou rebounded, in colored, and media entertainment, and rare earth magnet, theme unit have uplink of led Xia, two cities index continuous rebounded, and to last supplement has day opened gap doubled red, which huzhi short Shi recovered 2,400 points, but volume can bad, coupled with 5th averagesSuppress hampered by fall, finance, petroleum, real estate, steel weight adjustment of shares also dragged down the index, indices of the two cities after shocks pan-green, which in a short time of agglutination, as the housing sector's accelerated down, suddenly short punches to promote stock index continuous small diving, the plates also continued to decline. Back to Alice, huzhi end-plate closed at 2380.22 pointsDecreased 17.33 points, or 0.72%, showing a Yin line with upper and lower hatch daily turnover 46.25 billion yuan, representing Thursday contracted 10%, foreign-backed, paper making, water conservancy construction, furniture, wine, 10 stocks index rose slightly, other sub-index full Pan-ink, of which, electronic payments, smart grid, medical devices, cloudComputing, instrumentation sub-index Decliners, the gem index was down 0.54%, szse SME index or 0.69%, today n listing of new shares up 17.42%,N up 23.91%,N An Jie praised Yu Jin an or 11.07%. Downs to harassing messages on the surface of today can be called "downs to harassing", the air diffuse�� State Council must straighten up all kinds of trading venues. This message is warmer, rectifying the above market, restraining the diversion of funds to a certain extent. But now is mainly policies affecting the a-share expectations, performance trends, supply and demand relations; Mr TU guangshao: International Board is stepping up the process of preparation. This message is a strong, international issues, involving market capacity. The key is when�� Zhang Yujun launched international plate on the a-share benefits the market questioned, not full letters; spin industry next year, the Ministry directed relaxing financial. This message is warmer, urge relaxation of financial markets has the plus side, or will soon usher in reducing reserve cycle; necking in Shaanxi coal and release, this warm, expansion slowing reductions will be good for stock index stabilisingLitres; second board stocks 20 trading days closing below the face value of the delisting, this message is big bad, but on second board stocks is a good thing, the gem weight unit stock if it dropped below face value lay unable to move under the face value for a long time; in industry, nonferrous metals Twelve-Five planned release was imminent, small metal will be supported. Good non-ferrous industries, but the metalBelonging to the cyclical industries, is currently affected by the PMI down it is quite obvious. Open postponed a domestic fuel price adjustment window, next month for Jet fuel prices, or rally. Sector constitutes the incremental profit reduction related to this message for the bad factors. Careful of impaired performance industry. The Commission proposes to start coal and electric power linkage message such as, electricity price hike expected strong positive in the electricity sector and related species; textilesTwelve-Five industrial planning news favorable to the textile industry and related species; first published the list of rare earth enterprises comply with environmental requirements, related to this message of positive of the rare earth; at the international level, and New York were closed for Thanksgiving Day last night diablo 3 gold, main national stock markets fell slightly in Europe, pressure on Merkel, resulting in six European shares even yin, a certain negative effect on a-share; PortugalSovereign credit ratings by Fitch Grand Duke fall. This message bad obviously bad markets, Fitch will be Portugal's credit rating Outlook as a "negative", which means that future Portugal or being further degraded. P implied downgraded Japan rating and poor's said yesterday Japan the Government's financial situation continued to deteriorate, implying that would cut the country's rating, the market also constitutes bad.Three bad debut shares shrink volume Xia analysis today CSI two cities index rendering out rebound blocked, and shrink volume Xia analysis of disc potential, early disc low opened rebound Shi is shrink volume situation, has explicit vulnerable oversold rebound features, two cities index Shang attack 5th averages of Shi are show out "stage fright" traces, although colored, and media entertainment, and rare earth magnet, and forestry, and international version concept, theme unit active, tourChinese go long the driving force in efforts to gather, but helpless financial, real estate, coal, steel, oil and weight unit collective depression directly drag on stock indexes lower and turnover again collapse shows current market thinly, wait-and-see mood is still strong. Index trend repeatedly fulfilled views and predictions of authors since November 7, Peng s Keyuan Waltz on short form, application,Gap, suppressed force Judah in, overall Shang still maintained with resistance sexual Xia analysis of pattern, from message surface to analysis, three is bad message wrapped around stirs, is led today index shrink volume vulnerable Xia analysis of culprit: a is Mr TU guangshao said international upright speed up prepared in the: a message directly effect with market of emotions, is, Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, Member of, and Vice Mayor Mr TU guangshao 24th said: Shanghai to becameInternational financial centre, it is necessary to have configuration ability of international financial resources, so foreign companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange is the result of a natural, or so-called international financial centre allocation of international resources there would be no basis. Also revealed that now is speeding up the process, to build an international financial centre of Shanghai, overseas companies listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange is the inevitable result, ShanghaiInternational resource base is not configured. This message causes the international launch of the wind, as Vice Mayor of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee members, Mr TU guangshao so concerned about the introduction of the International Board, estimation and Shanghai's economic growth at the national penultimate position dependent, launch of the International Board can of course on Shanghai's economy played a large role in supporting and stoking, but will also accelerate the existing a-share marketDiversion of funds, increasingly dwarfed by the market for capital purposes is a bad, Zhang Yujun, General Manager of Shanghai Stock Exchange said the International Board have a favourable impact on a shares only, will only have a favourable impact on China's economy, more effects are beneficial to the investor. This argument was questioned by the market, he further stated that, when the stock issue and how the issue, depending on the marketAnd diablo 3 power leveling, therefore, controlling market structure is the investor's responsibility, not the SFC. Visible, its clear will to control the market structure of blame on the investor. ����This emotion again constitutes a contusion on the market, leading to renewed market caution rich, long on confidence of investors is difficult to recover, the two cities of turnover continued to shrink, index is blocked to come down. Second, the international rating agencies once againAttack in the euro zone: Fitch announcement, as Portugal high debt and financial imbalances, the sector deteriorating economic prospects, meant that the country's ratings no longer meet investment requirements. Portugal former Treasury Secretaries Pina said listed companies are not available from open market financing, Portugal may also need 20 billion to 25 billion euros of bailout funds. Fitch2011 Portugal economic recession will reach 1.7%, down 2.2% of the scheme scheduled to decline the target. And predict 2012 Portugal recession will reach 3.5% and Portugal's credit rating from BBB down to BB, which is equal to adjust the country's credit rating to junk status, Fitch also Portugal before the sovereign credit ratingsThrilling prospect as "negative", which means that future Portugal or being further degraded. Portugal two major unions have held strikes protesting Government austerity measures shows that European debt crisis continues to deteriorate, widely held fear of mental, which is compounded by, p House downgraded Japan rating and poor's said yesterday Japan government finances continue the evil, Implying that would cut the country's rating. The International Monetary Fund warned in a report released in new market Japan fiscal sustainability concerns could lead to Japan the sudden surge in bond yields, resulting in Japan debt situation untenable, the global economic recovery. From this influence, markets to Japan or to be the next debt crisis in Europe's anxiety breeds,Because market Psychology more cautious, wait-and-see mood, rich, resulting in thinly traded markets, stock indexes blocked down: three is the official media assertions "adjusting fine" does not mean that easing: new prospect, November 24 to the central economic work Conference: monetary policy, open local "fine"? The theme written analysis article says, "at present China's economic situation does not fit to continue to useLoose monetary policy, but it is not ' turned ', but ' fine tuning ' and ' fine tuning ' nor overall adjustment of monetary policy, the overall monetary policy also now in ' wait and see, adjusting, waiting for the ' phase. "This is the central economic work Conference, the medium forward, for the first time asserted" adjusting fine "does not mean lax. While this is essentially in line with market expectations, but on the domestic marketCoin policy "further relax" of Super expected expected is a directly of ban, cause "Super expected" burst, market disappointed psychological increased, index blocked Hou also with of entered vulnerable shrink volume Xia analysis of disc potential among; then coupled with, and East Wu securities today started offering, intends issued does not over 500 million unit shares, issued Hou total equity does not over 2 billion unit, pass venture plate a unit 20 a tradingDay closing price below face value will be delisting bad mixture of hit, causing obstruction of indices of the two cities fall, in weak tremors hit potential. In operation, the temporary should be in control positions, subject to timely and effectively adjust the ownership structure, reducing the operating frequency, short-term speculators should also compress profit and stop loss interval, investors can still take shock adjustments when focus on the future,Continue deep mining of national industrial policy support, performance enhancement, recently sustained inflow and sent with high dividends and high converting its expected potential in emerging industries, lock Rd, more or less configuration.

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