Saturday, May 12, 2012

Nebula wow power leveling Nebula - DWDY

129810431495000000_44United States cloud image March 19, 2012, we participate in cloud computing Expert Committee of China society organization "cloud computing United States lines of" mission, to Seattle and San Francisco visits between United States number of cloud computing-related companies, ranging from Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Rackspace the industry giant,Heroku, EngineYard, Puppet and other emerging cloud computing company, also including CloudCamp as the representative of the United States of cloud computing community. Be in a hurry to depart, difficult to communicate in great depth, but broad contact surface, the United States of the cloud computing industry and technology development has a more intuitive understanding. We visit MicrosoftFirst stop is at the Microsoft headquarters in Seattle. Enterprise IT to cloud computing has become the trend, so Microsoft and hardware and software giants IBM, HP, Oracle, Dell same, in active distribution of cloud computing technologies, products, and platforms, or acquisition, or an active research and development. Why cloud computing is now so important? Is responsible for Microsoft's cloud strategy of enterprise RolfHArms from the angle of Economics gives the answer: Cloud=doingwhatyoudotodayforless Cloud=doingwhatyoudotodaybetter Cloud=doingthingsyoucan ' tdotoday MicrosoftOfficial Web site of migration to Azure platform, cost 90%, availability increased from 99.1% to 99.997%, deployment time from weeks down to 45 minutes, improvement is huge. Harms describes a picture about different usage scenarios for private cloud and public cloud, is very clear, as in Figure 1As shown in. Figure 1 private clouds and public clouds for long term, compared to private cloud public cloud with a significant price advantage, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 cost comparison of private cloud and public cloud cloud computing focus of world war one, is how to reduce data center construction and operating costs as well as environmental protection. Facebook open source OpenComputE project have heightened competition in data center technology. Microsoft has significant investment in cloud computing data center, the development of next-generation data center. This time we had the pleasure of visiting Microsoft research data center in RedmondRidge, very advanced in every way, although the density of the device maximum (52U/rack), PUE values remain up to 1.17.It should be said that, on a pure device does not lag behind in China, but that only 10 thousands of square meters of data center is responsible for the operation, while the main Quincy data center to support Azure platform, with 470,000 square feet Diablo 3 Gold, operations personnel and only 35 people, amazing degree of automation. Another charge, because the device density is too large, Cisco's existing switch has noMethod support, must develop a new generation. Figure 3-Gartner Magic Quadrant Amazon IaaS cloud computing concept has been developed over many years, and pop since 2006 as a term, but still bound to different opinions, but this situation at home and abroad. VP of cloud management platform for enterprise enStrausCD BernardGolden United States CIO circle fame, in Exchange, he said in a very interesting phenomenon: many of the CIO of the company one keeps on cloud computing are not safe, not frivolous, the other hand is a very popular use of Salesforce, Workday SaaS software managementAnd sensitive information such as employee. But he also admitted that while in the United States has become the mainstream cloud computing, of differences and disputes are inevitable but we also constantly, because there are too many different background cloud computing vendors and people said they are doing. Calendar year figure 4 AWS publications services (presentations from Jeff-Barr) but one thing is that we have a consensus,That Amazon has already firmly established in the public cloud field has its own advantages. In December 2011, Gartner research shows that AWS since its launch in 2006, rapid pace of product development. AWS cloud platforms on either in the ability to execute in a forward-looking, IaaS provider is in a leading position. AndIt is also expanding in the PaaS. Corresponding to this is that AWS of exponential growth. Figure 5 shows that as of the end of 2011, AmazonS3 762 billion objects are stored, 192% annual growth rate, but also accelerating. In addition, according to United States survey report of the 451Group, AWS has occupied the United StatesState IaaS market share of 59%. Figure 5 Amazon S3 storage growth in the number of objects (presentation from Jeff Barr) Although Amazon rarely announce the scale of Figure 5 specific figures, but we can still do some estimates from various sources. HuanLiu estimation of Accenture AWS servers has 445,000, but general agreement that this figure may be higher. JamesHamilton in June last year has revealed, AWS was daily increasing capacity could support Amazon first first five years of global operations, and at that time the company has close to $ 3 billion in revenue. It was mid-April of DeepField dataNow every day one-third of the United States Internet users visit at least one AWS, it also represents 1% the total Internet traffic, and is already the world's fourth-largest CDN. When you visit Amazon Cloud Computing Department was informed that more than it is about more than 2000 people (including a significant proportion were sales staff), also prepared expansion this year about 500 people. Familiar with United States enterprises transportCompanions of rough work out accordingly, Amazon target should be at least $ 2 billion in revenue this year. 2011 Gartner estimates of this number is 1 billion. Development speed is amazing. Cloud computing users mainly emerging companies initially, but now a large Internet companies and many large companies have turned to AWS. Video service providersNetfilix is a classic case, the massive flow of site completely gave up building their own data center. Using AWS to do mass-storage, data analysis, and disaster recovery more: SAP, Adobe, Samsung, Ericsson, Hitachi, trend in Sth Worthy of note is that in addition to the field of Web application and the huge amounts of data, AWS has in recent years to developProducts for enterprise cloud services, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP all commercial products and open source products can be deployed on the AWS cloud services. The end of April, Amazon also launched the app store AWSMarketplace, the Amazon is responsible for the consolidated billing, more user-friendly. RackSpace and visited the Rackspace OpenStack's we have offices in San Francisco. Rackspace is a RichardYoo ethnic Koreans Americans was founded in 1998, initially just a general ISP. Among the traditional hosting companies, early transition of cloud computing, IaaS areaAnother leading manufacturer, worth close to $ 8 billion, 2011 revenues exceeded US $ 1 billion. Recently revealed that the total number of servers has more than 80,000 units Diablo 3 gold, has been more than 20% per cent of the total business in the cloud, it is estimated that one-fifth it is the size of Amazon Cloud platform. Figure 6 head of relationship with Rackspace founder rObert Scoble photo Rackspace's leadership in cloud computing has a important reason--it is by far the most attention of the open source cloud computing project OpenStack, one of the main sponsors and the actual leader. OpenStack core developer in the San Francisco Office. Visit the day theyLook very busy, not depth interview, it was learned later, was fifth, OpenStack Essex release shortly after. Technically, OpenStack and other cloud technology open source projects do not have an absolute advantage. But due to embrace open source earlier, clear the road map soon gained much-needed private cloud IaaS and platform technology of many manufacturersSupports. Is to a large extent, OpenStack nucleus has become a camp against hegemony in the Amazon. Of course, community-building operation and eco-system, OpenStack, many successful experiences available to domestic enterprises for reference. Now other than to participate in the development of the company in addition to Rackspace, Nebula, RedHaT, and Nicira, and HP, and Canonical, DreamHost, Sina, Wikipedia, Cisco, and even Citrix. In the United States in Exchange, we find that apart from outside must be called OpenStack, VMware-led open source PaaS projects CloudFoundry awareness is higher.Interesting is that both their goals for Linux in the cloud era. By contrast, Citrix has recently donated to the Apache CloudStack (main founder is the author of the year SunJVM ShengLiang) and old Eucalyptus sent a lot of sentiment, but all of them and AWS compatible, can be included in the Amazon camp. How competition between these three great ecological systems, will be one of the shining point of cloud computing. Cloud computing to promote entrepreneurial development is more important than the AWS cloud platform itself is, which has become the United States of cloud computing and the cornerstone of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Because cloud platforms, plus the great opportunities of the mobile Internet, a lot of startupsTo rapidly rise, Silicon Valley wow power leveling, New York, Boston, was in a boom. In San Francisco, for example, we visited in a modest four-story building, the Wired magazine, in which both Wikia and EngineYard. AWS customer lists (100,000 dollars) included in many United States current top companies (others are advertising platform����Pinterest��Dropbox��Instagram��Reddit��Zynga���� Figure 7 most visited every day on the AWS customers (from the presentation of DeepField) erection of the emerging enterprise network services on the AWS platform, which eliminates "to light up ITime and costs spent on t-80% "(Gartner), and can focus on application development, to meet the users needs. For example, recently returned to us $ 1 billion (because most of the stock, the actual value may be higher) was acquired by Facebook Instgram, its technical programme a large number of AWS (host AmazonEC2, AmazonS3,CDN picture database selection, such as AmazonCloudFront). So although Instgram only 13 people (project team only 3 people), has built the most powerful mobile photo-sharing platform, and even Facebook is a threat. In addition to the consumer Internet and mobileApplications, cloud computing has created opportunities for technology providers. This CloudCenter visits we came across Puppet LukeKanies, founder, and a brief exchange. He was a senior systems administrator, after development, science not long before Ruby write Puppet for 2003 was DevOpS one of the initial impetus. Later resigned to this business, because of the open source model, first three years companies are largely have no income and is bearing down. Today, the Puppet had to Google, Twitter, Zynga, thousands of businesses, Trojan raised $ 25 million in late 2011. Puppet's rival, is AmazOn disaster JesseRobbins development of Master Chef, but he only served as Chief community officer at Opscode. Rackspace AlexPolvi, head of the San Francisco Office is also representative of system administrators is a man of success, CloudKick cloud management and monitoring services for his last year wasRackspace acquired. Figure 8 AWS has not just the IaaS is worthy of note, Amazon is now not limited to Infrastructure layer. Can also be clearly seen from Figure 8, it at the same time also to the Platform Development, join the many management and monitoring services. This is no surprise, IaaS recognized profits is not high (although it is higher than the old Bank of the Amazon), PaaS and SaaS is the fertile land. And from a user's point of view, one-stop service is always attractive. But various third parties based on AWS PaaS services are still in development, we visit the EngineYard andHeroku is the best representative. EngineYard is the oldest gauges, model best PaaS platform, Amazon investment. Currently paying more than 2,400 users, including AppleiTunes platform in Europe also rely on their support. Currently 90% application for Ruby, and secondly also supports PHP and node.js�� Heroku is a renowned for superb user experience and technology of PaaS company, the first major support for Ruby (Ruby Matz was the Chief Architect and founder), now also covers Python, Java, Scala, and Node.js. With a 2010 dollar selling SaLesforce, is one of the leading cloud computing platform for mergers and acquisitions. But it is interesting to buy has passed more than a year, Heroku still operate independently, but from the original address has moved to a larger building next to and retains exactly the startups, and migrated from the AWS and the platform is not to set their Salesforce FoundationApplication plan. Equally interesting is that Facebook is not building their own platform, but in September 2011 and Heroku cooperation, so that the latter provide PaaS for social application developers on the Facebook service. For this, special added PHP support on Heroku. Cooperation brings good returns to Heroku:Surge in users, more than 1.4 million applications on the platform. Competition, cooperation and win-win is the mainstream, we focus more on products and innovations, on providing a better experience for the user. This harmonious coexistence of phenomena, particularly those of us familiar with the King struck by the Chinese. Today, an ordinary technician within a short time of using cloud computing platform, holdingAnd the giant rivals were same computing resources, to realize your dreams, this is where the real value of cloud computing. We need to work together for the effort. Others:

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