Monday, May 14, 2012

after the stock market lower transaction costs Diablo 3 gold after the stock market lower transact

129809694348750000_598Financial case study: market warm white collar working families can gallon blue chip My House weekly to talk about financial management: financial advisor team: Minsheng Bank Guangzhou Branch of Yu Jian, Chen Minna Qi Yu, senior analyst of securities industry veteran conservative fund this week, 51 holidays since the start of market fundamentals of the endless stream of good information, stock market before delisting details, the gem was launched, after the stock market lower transaction costs, the Government continues to introduce improved management of private enterprisesGood policy. Market institutions generally considered: not changing markets trend. In the international market, the information is mixed, France elections were under pressure again by euro and precious metals, gold, futures, foreign exchange market movements are still not appropriate for short-term speculation. For normal city investors, the investment idea, after 51 and 51 before larger changes. FiveA cautious wait-and-see attitude before Rift Platinum, sound investment, conservative, 51, is a sound investment, but should be based on the centerline, biased and aggressive investment, investment increased stocks and future risk to chonggao multiple investment risk financial products, you can buy currency funds with banking products. Gold city and then into the trough Diablo 3 gold, group-long-term investment. Case study: Dragon-I 37, is a doctor, the annual salary of $ 150,000; wife of 38 years, medical school teacher annual salary of $ 120,000. Children 5 years of age, in kindergarten. Family is $ 2.5 million worth of real estate, 110 square meters, is located in the city center; another $ 200,000 in bank deposits, funds market value of $ 120,000, about $ 30,000 in cash. Case study: Dragon family, with total assets of $ 2.85 million,City high-value real estate, debt-free, annual salary of $ 270,000 families, precipitation should be more than $ 100,000 of assets, belonging to the large income stability of ordinary white collar working families in the city, is a family of three in a financial case. Financial status quo of Dragon zhongguizhongju, real estate assets had accounted for more than 85%, weak asset liquidity, further accumulation of liquid assets. ExistingIn current assets, deposits, cash proportion of overweight, you need to increase the overall proportion of aggressive and steady financial products. Families generally use similar to the Dragon sound financing strategies. In the current situation, the stock market go step by step, center line, can be changed to favor progressive way, and for short, more international and domestic data released this week, next week, uncertainty is still strong,You can bargain buying, flexible investment. For consumption, inflation is expected to remain high in the future, global quantitative easing monetary policy has not ceased; dragon has no liability, it is recommended that consumption and investment, both are delayed, and encourage positive attitudes of living within our means, in health, education, to increase long-term consumption. Financial news a week: this week, the CPI data are published in mainland ChinaTrade data for further domestic macroeconomic policy guidance role, will affect the general population stock, Fund, future of real estate, trust and investment gains, the Dragon is no exception. Last week, a series of stock of good information introduced, first, the delisting rules, there are transaction costs reduced significantly after 25%, overall, provides the basis for stock market strength in the middle of the, and DragonAttention. France Euro election results, gold market pressure, in this case, gold is located low, long-term investments, but for progressive financial products such as futures, foreign exchange, central route of future volatility increased, investment yields worrisome, not notable. Financial advice: increased stocks invested $ 80,000, while reducing the unit investment fund. Bull primary stages, purchasesValue of blue-chip stocks, investment space is better than investing "try to smooth things over" style of the Fund. In time this week, brokers, real estate stock selection, group-buying, domestic investors against Huron, finance Street, can be taken into account in the shares and two stocks. As the market warmed, recommends switch of style, began to buy traditional closed-end funds, such as fund new century, baseJin Tian Yuan, and so on. The original $ 200,000 deposit is divided into three, $ 60,000 still retain the deposit, as part of family investment in more conservative, gets a stable income. 80,000 yuan proposal to buy physical gold, bought about 250 grams of gold at low, bargain buying long-term investment. Another 60,000 dollars to purchase Bank product or mixed funds, increasedRate of return on investments, as domestic investment in the sound section. $ 30,000 in cash to go buy the International Monetary Fund, increased yields TERA Gold, as the family's emergency reserve. A unit, the unit Fund operational flexibility, style can be converted at any time, to strain the future uncertainty. In addition, as shown in the table below, in the context of inflation, it is recommended that Mr long after their finance, total family annual consumption can be increased to$ 150,000, increased input in health, sports, tourism. Investment advice above applies to future financial planning in the middle line of the 3-6 months, consumer proposals for the next 3 years. Under this proposal, Mr long years yields can be increased to 6% per cent annual balances of $ 110,000 or more, life, money and ease. Others:

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