Sunday, May 20, 2012


129809647037242500_89Introduction to character names Ferdinand von Richthofen (Ferdinand von Richthofen;1833 – 1905) professional Baron was a Germany travel, geography, scientist and geologist. More life after 1872, Richthofen returned to Europe as a geology professor, who in 1875Years between 1886 and stayed at the University of Leipzig in 1886, then go to fulidelixi·weilian University of Berlin (Friedrich Wilhelm University), in the midst of his many students, was the most famous Sweden Explorer Sven · kHz (Sven Hedin). Ferdinand von Richthofen in his later years serving as Germany geography societyPresident of many years, and has assisted in the establishment of the Berlin Institute of hydrology. In the area of modern geography, Richthofen was seen as an important first, he in the geological record around the world and observe the results, documents are very detailed, award-winning scholars respected. Famous pilot Manfred von Richthofen in world war I (with a Red Baron thE called Red Baron) is a Richthofen's nephew. Western mountain range on the southern margin of the Gansu corridor, there was a part of the name in English is named after Ferdinand von Richthofen, Richthofen Range, which is today the qilian mountains. In 1860 and 1868, Germany famous geographer, Geologist Li XihuoFinland twice to visit China's geography, geology, write macros that have a major impact on the development of China's geological story of Magnum Opus--the China. Two geographical, geological survey of China 1860-1862, Ferdinand von Richthofen accompanied Prussian "expedition" in Eastern Asia geological investigation, in 1861 and arrived in Shanghai, China. But thanks to the Qing dynastyGovernment restrictions, he only Shanghai Kunju, actually failed to conduct any investigation activities. In 1868, Ferdinand von Richthofen obtained Bank financing in California, came to China again, for geological investigation on the ground. Later, he and Shanghai foreign funding, carefully design a study on seven routes, to Shanghai as a base, from 1865, four years ~1872 years,Traveled in 18 Chinese provinces, geography, geological survey, its scope of investigation arrived in Shenyang, Liaoning in the North, West to Chengdu in Sichuan province, South to Guangzhou (including Hong Kong), East to the Zhoushan archipelago, length of time, place, and neither can and others. Ferdinand von Richthofen from the Shanghai foreign financial assistance will be provided on condition that, on inspection gets in the geographical and geological information, products, people,Traffic, customs, and socio-economic profiles, gave presentations to the Chamber of Commerce in a timely manner. Thus, also highlights the aims and background of Lee's visit to China. Lee's inspection route roughly follows the first of seven routes between 1868 11 December, major is in Hangzhou, Zhenjiang, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, especially to Zhoushan Islands, visit the most detail.The second route from January 1869, again went to Nanjing Diablo 3 power leveling, Zhenjiang, Hubei (Wuhan Hankou). The third route: beginning in March 1869, with six months in succession, mainly inspected tancheng, linyi, Taian, Shandong, Jinan, zhangqiu, boshan, Weifang, Zhifu. In 1877, he had specifically reporting the Shandong geographyAnd mineral resources, the article stressed the advantages of Qingdao's geographic location, and rendering of Jiaozhou Bay Harbor said. Sea-crossing and arrived after the Liaodong Peninsula, including WA, gaiping, Xiong Yue da Cheng; enter dagushan, arrived in Shenyang, Benxi, through Shanhai pass, visit Kaiping, luanxian, rolling, Yutian and several coalfield; Tongzhou entered Beijing and again near the Western hills, conducting geological surveys and studies, Outcropping of ancient South Gate of Beijing named the sinian strata. In Beijing after the break, back to Shanghai. Four routes starting in September 1869, mainly in Jiangxi province (near Jiujiang, Jingdezhen), go to tunxi, Anhui Province, by boat after the anjiang, Qiantang River returned to Hangzhou and Shanghai. Route v in late 1869 and early 1870, fromShanghai to Hong Kong, into the North River in Guangzhou to Yi Zhang, CHENZHOU, Hunan province, along the Xiang River, Dongting Lake by boat into the Yangtze River to Hankow in Luoyang, Henan, Jincheng arrived in Beijing to Taiyuan, Shanxi yangquan to zhengding, returned from Tianjin to Shanghai, focused on investigation of Shanxi and Shaanxi coal resources. In this mission, about 1870, Lee has issued a letter of colours up from Beijing"China is the world's first Carboniferous powers! "" In Shanxi province coal consumption is available for thousands of years around the world! "And made China the first painting of the China coal map. Sixth course in 1871 between 6 ~ August, from Shanghai to Ningbo, Tiantai, Tonglu County in Jinhua, when water enters in tianmu mountain, cross, and Anhui ningguo, Jing County, Arrived in Wuhu, by boat, to Zhenjiang, where several times between Nanjing and Zhenjiang, carry out more detailed geological investigation and measurement. Section VII of the road from September 1871, he visits one of the longest in seven routes. By seagoing vessel from Shanghai to Tianjin to Beijing, visit Xishan zhaitang again, via jimingshan, XuanhuaMembers of a family, go to Datong, wutaishan investigation found "five Green Clay schist." Taiyuan fenhe River Valley southward to tongguan, in Xian, Shaanxi Province to Baoji. According to historical records: mountains on the southern margin of the Hexi corridor, has been named after Ferdinand von Richthofen, such as "RichthofenRange", that is now qilian mountains. Richthofen turned to Baocheng, into the overflowing counties, five dAfter mountain arrived in Chengdu to Mianyang, Guangyuan, Sichuan Zitong. Richthofen praised in Chengdu in the Sichuan in mind is one of China's largest cities, beautiful and most elegant cities, also lamented the dujiangyan irrigation methods improved, unparalleled in the world. Subsequently, he transferred to the Jiading (Sierra), the Min River, along the Yangtze River arrive in Shanghai, is a detailed review of the three Gorges area on the way, "harvest" the most.Ferdinand von Richthofen in the investigation of the seven routes, recorded a large number of field geological information gathering and collecting a lot of fossil, rock and mineral specimens; draw a topographic map of the study area, sketch maps, geological maps and stratigraphic diagrams, and so on. Investigation of intermittent, he reports in a timely manner, as observed by sight, as promised to foreign reports. Foreign in 1903 as Lee "Will "into two volumes, named the Ferdinand von Richthofen, China travel report. In 1872, Richthofen returns Germany, awards and recognition by weilianershi, academic, and social status of the ascendant, transition is global. Macro text into publishing the Magnum Opus of the Chinese books supported by the Prussian government, Ferdinand von Richthofen and concentrate on finishing writing in China-Geological Survey monograph. From 1877-1912, after 35 years, completed the macro with the China-personal travel and study of outcome (referred to as the Chinese). The book consists of five volumes, there are geographical and geological Atlas of the two sets. The first volume was published in 1877, he wrote mainly on the regional geographic profile and Central Asia and China,About the history and geography of China, more rich and precious. The second volume was published in 1882, by the editor in Chief of his own, which mainly includes the investigation of nature, geology and mineral resources of the area, as well as social and economic content, involving in Liaoning, Shandong, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and other places. The volume covered the richest: 1822 in Wutai MountainAre of five green mud schist, for established in China old formation system-Cambrian of five of (Shang) and hutuo of (Xia) lay has Foundation; 1871 made "Aurora" a Word, to early Paleozoic to Yuan ancient a large group carbonate rock mainly of formation, named for Aurora of, and to Beijing South mouth out dew of formation for standard; in Hexi corridor South margin investigation has this qilian mountains mountains,In his own name, and also pointed out that the location of Lop Nur and loulan ruins; Zhang Qian directions along the Western Han dynasty called the "Silk Road"; in the investigation in the North, Northwest, made of loess formation "wind accepted theory". Third volume was published in 1912, was published in five volumes in the last volume, e by his students. Editor in Chief of devotion, Ferdinand von Richthofen7 years had passed away. This volume includes Li in Sichuan, Hubei SWTOR Power Leveling, Hunan, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, study notes, study materials which also elected Lee never study areas, Guizhou and Tibet, is using other people's information included. The fourth volume was published in 1883, major collection of paleontological fossils collected in the investigation SWTOR Credits,And research, invites the famous paleontologist, identification, description, and classification of categories, the palaeontological F. Fulin se, e. Kaisher, and G. Linsiteluomu, c xiewaluoer, a. Xie Hengke, collection of the most valuable in the study of information and pictures. Volume v was published in 1911, by the editor in Chief of devotion. Two-figure set, volume IFounded in 1884 by Lee's own organization, published in 1885, including geologic, geographic figure 12 in northern China. Book II in 1912 by m. Dr geluoer editor-in-Chief, revenue inspection belong to the geography and geology in South China in Figure 15. In the Atlas to select and edit, also made reference to other literature and Atlas, belonging to the CrownPublished material, there are 160, reflects the knowledge of Chinese geography and geology can achieve heights. Author profile Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833-1905), Germany famous geographer and geologist. On May 5, 1833 born in Kars Lu kHz of Baden Wuerttemberg, Berlin University, 1856。 Early investigation of the Alps, Carpathian Mountains geological, engaged in the granite and volcanic rock, dolomite and the study of coral origin. In 1860 and 1868, Richthofen twice to visit China's geography, geology, 1872 and returned to fame after Germany, employed at the University of Berlin, University of Bonn, the University of Leipzig as a Professor, served asChancellor of the University of Berlin, re-elected President of the geographical society of Berlin, was elected as President of the National Geographic society, as well as Germany, and France Academy, became a famous geographer, Geologist, died on October 6, 1905. Others:

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