Sunday, May 20, 2012

this Diablo 3 power leveling this - YPFH

129809744349117500_2$(document).ready(function() { $(".newgame").hover(function() { $(this).addClass("newgame_on"); $(this).removeClass("newgame_out"); } Diablo 3 power leveling, function() { $(this).addClass("newgame_out"); $(this).removeClass("newgame_on"); }); }); var __JS_DG_RANDOM = 5; News Home ranked picture inventory of mainland media topic quote feature an interview with global industry review figures show grand 囧 Atlas collection of celebrity news ∴ > News > sword spirit news > body 2012-05-08 17:09:45 "welcome correction/comment" "hot news TOP10" I would like to comment (0) [guided reading]var summarize=document.getElementById ("summarize_content"). innerHTML; if(typeof(summarize) != "undefined"ock";   }5 8th Korea NCSOFT companies open Korea women combined in the Secret of the sword spirit party wear performance clothing production process. Click here to enter the sword of the spirit of the game feature the sword spirit party Secret performance clothing manufacturing process category: online games/spirit swordIn the day of the sword of the spirit of party, wearing a costume based on the sword of the spirit by the Secret costumes based on the role in the production SWTOR CD-key, by Cui Meishu clothing designers and artist Jin Hengtai inserted stressing. In the video Rift Platinum, you can see the process of clothing and performances of the day. (Text: small Korean) Note: some pictures, you can view the next (click here to see larger image)On this page read the full text Others:

and at the request of the chairpersons SWTOR Credits and at the request of the chairpersons - MUAR

129809664465680000_41Guest Photo Sina entertainment directed by Stanley Kwan producer, and Pan Yuanliang, Cecilia Cheung wow power leveling, Gladys, and King of sweet, Ding Chuncheng, Angela Chang, film starring Jing Bo ran. shadow of love on May 11 national screening SWTOR Credits, 8th, the film director Pan Yuanliang bring movies starring Gladys, Angela Chang, Ding Chuncheng visit SINA chat room, and share it with everyone in the movieThe love story people think over. Field, Korea film stars Gladys daxiuzhongwen, and at the request of the chairpersons SWTOR Credits, interpretation of multiple versions of "my day". Figure for the group photo of participants. (It was midnight) Others:


129809647037242500_89Introduction to character names Ferdinand von Richthofen (Ferdinand von Richthofen;1833 – 1905) professional Baron was a Germany travel, geography, scientist and geologist. More life after 1872, Richthofen returned to Europe as a geology professor, who in 1875Years between 1886 and stayed at the University of Leipzig in 1886, then go to fulidelixi·weilian University of Berlin (Friedrich Wilhelm University), in the midst of his many students, was the most famous Sweden Explorer Sven · kHz (Sven Hedin). Ferdinand von Richthofen in his later years serving as Germany geography societyPresident of many years, and has assisted in the establishment of the Berlin Institute of hydrology. In the area of modern geography, Richthofen was seen as an important first, he in the geological record around the world and observe the results, documents are very detailed, award-winning scholars respected. Famous pilot Manfred von Richthofen in world war I (with a Red Baron thE called Red Baron) is a Richthofen's nephew. Western mountain range on the southern margin of the Gansu corridor, there was a part of the name in English is named after Ferdinand von Richthofen, Richthofen Range, which is today the qilian mountains. In 1860 and 1868, Germany famous geographer, Geologist Li XihuoFinland twice to visit China's geography, geology, write macros that have a major impact on the development of China's geological story of Magnum Opus--the China. Two geographical, geological survey of China 1860-1862, Ferdinand von Richthofen accompanied Prussian "expedition" in Eastern Asia geological investigation, in 1861 and arrived in Shanghai, China. But thanks to the Qing dynastyGovernment restrictions, he only Shanghai Kunju, actually failed to conduct any investigation activities. In 1868, Ferdinand von Richthofen obtained Bank financing in California, came to China again, for geological investigation on the ground. Later, he and Shanghai foreign funding, carefully design a study on seven routes, to Shanghai as a base, from 1865, four years ~1872 years,Traveled in 18 Chinese provinces, geography, geological survey, its scope of investigation arrived in Shenyang, Liaoning in the North, West to Chengdu in Sichuan province, South to Guangzhou (including Hong Kong), East to the Zhoushan archipelago, length of time, place, and neither can and others. Ferdinand von Richthofen from the Shanghai foreign financial assistance will be provided on condition that, on inspection gets in the geographical and geological information, products, people,Traffic, customs, and socio-economic profiles, gave presentations to the Chamber of Commerce in a timely manner. Thus, also highlights the aims and background of Lee's visit to China. Lee's inspection route roughly follows the first of seven routes between 1868 11 December, major is in Hangzhou, Zhenjiang, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, especially to Zhoushan Islands, visit the most detail.The second route from January 1869, again went to Nanjing Diablo 3 power leveling, Zhenjiang, Hubei (Wuhan Hankou). The third route: beginning in March 1869, with six months in succession, mainly inspected tancheng, linyi, Taian, Shandong, Jinan, zhangqiu, boshan, Weifang, Zhifu. In 1877, he had specifically reporting the Shandong geographyAnd mineral resources, the article stressed the advantages of Qingdao's geographic location, and rendering of Jiaozhou Bay Harbor said. Sea-crossing and arrived after the Liaodong Peninsula, including WA, gaiping, Xiong Yue da Cheng; enter dagushan, arrived in Shenyang, Benxi, through Shanhai pass, visit Kaiping, luanxian, rolling, Yutian and several coalfield; Tongzhou entered Beijing and again near the Western hills, conducting geological surveys and studies, Outcropping of ancient South Gate of Beijing named the sinian strata. In Beijing after the break, back to Shanghai. Four routes starting in September 1869, mainly in Jiangxi province (near Jiujiang, Jingdezhen), go to tunxi, Anhui Province, by boat after the anjiang, Qiantang River returned to Hangzhou and Shanghai. Route v in late 1869 and early 1870, fromShanghai to Hong Kong, into the North River in Guangzhou to Yi Zhang, CHENZHOU, Hunan province, along the Xiang River, Dongting Lake by boat into the Yangtze River to Hankow in Luoyang, Henan, Jincheng arrived in Beijing to Taiyuan, Shanxi yangquan to zhengding, returned from Tianjin to Shanghai, focused on investigation of Shanxi and Shaanxi coal resources. In this mission, about 1870, Lee has issued a letter of colours up from Beijing"China is the world's first Carboniferous powers! "" In Shanxi province coal consumption is available for thousands of years around the world! "And made China the first painting of the China coal map. Sixth course in 1871 between 6 ~ August, from Shanghai to Ningbo, Tiantai, Tonglu County in Jinhua, when water enters in tianmu mountain, cross, and Anhui ningguo, Jing County, Arrived in Wuhu, by boat, to Zhenjiang, where several times between Nanjing and Zhenjiang, carry out more detailed geological investigation and measurement. Section VII of the road from September 1871, he visits one of the longest in seven routes. By seagoing vessel from Shanghai to Tianjin to Beijing, visit Xishan zhaitang again, via jimingshan, XuanhuaMembers of a family, go to Datong, wutaishan investigation found "five Green Clay schist." Taiyuan fenhe River Valley southward to tongguan, in Xian, Shaanxi Province to Baoji. According to historical records: mountains on the southern margin of the Hexi corridor, has been named after Ferdinand von Richthofen, such as "RichthofenRange", that is now qilian mountains. Richthofen turned to Baocheng, into the overflowing counties, five dAfter mountain arrived in Chengdu to Mianyang, Guangyuan, Sichuan Zitong. Richthofen praised in Chengdu in the Sichuan in mind is one of China's largest cities, beautiful and most elegant cities, also lamented the dujiangyan irrigation methods improved, unparalleled in the world. Subsequently, he transferred to the Jiading (Sierra), the Min River, along the Yangtze River arrive in Shanghai, is a detailed review of the three Gorges area on the way, "harvest" the most.Ferdinand von Richthofen in the investigation of the seven routes, recorded a large number of field geological information gathering and collecting a lot of fossil, rock and mineral specimens; draw a topographic map of the study area, sketch maps, geological maps and stratigraphic diagrams, and so on. Investigation of intermittent, he reports in a timely manner, as observed by sight, as promised to foreign reports. Foreign in 1903 as Lee "Will "into two volumes, named the Ferdinand von Richthofen, China travel report. In 1872, Richthofen returns Germany, awards and recognition by weilianershi, academic, and social status of the ascendant, transition is global. Macro text into publishing the Magnum Opus of the Chinese books supported by the Prussian government, Ferdinand von Richthofen and concentrate on finishing writing in China-Geological Survey monograph. From 1877-1912, after 35 years, completed the macro with the China-personal travel and study of outcome (referred to as the Chinese). The book consists of five volumes, there are geographical and geological Atlas of the two sets. The first volume was published in 1877, he wrote mainly on the regional geographic profile and Central Asia and China,About the history and geography of China, more rich and precious. The second volume was published in 1882, by the editor in Chief of his own, which mainly includes the investigation of nature, geology and mineral resources of the area, as well as social and economic content, involving in Liaoning, Shandong, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and other places. The volume covered the richest: 1822 in Wutai MountainAre of five green mud schist, for established in China old formation system-Cambrian of five of (Shang) and hutuo of (Xia) lay has Foundation; 1871 made "Aurora" a Word, to early Paleozoic to Yuan ancient a large group carbonate rock mainly of formation, named for Aurora of, and to Beijing South mouth out dew of formation for standard; in Hexi corridor South margin investigation has this qilian mountains mountains,In his own name, and also pointed out that the location of Lop Nur and loulan ruins; Zhang Qian directions along the Western Han dynasty called the "Silk Road"; in the investigation in the North, Northwest, made of loess formation "wind accepted theory". Third volume was published in 1912, was published in five volumes in the last volume, e by his students. Editor in Chief of devotion, Ferdinand von Richthofen7 years had passed away. This volume includes Li in Sichuan, Hubei SWTOR Power Leveling, Hunan, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, study notes, study materials which also elected Lee never study areas, Guizhou and Tibet, is using other people's information included. The fourth volume was published in 1883, major collection of paleontological fossils collected in the investigation SWTOR Credits,And research, invites the famous paleontologist, identification, description, and classification of categories, the palaeontological F. Fulin se, e. Kaisher, and G. Linsiteluomu, c xiewaluoer, a. Xie Hengke, collection of the most valuable in the study of information and pictures. Volume v was published in 1911, by the editor in Chief of devotion. Two-figure set, volume IFounded in 1884 by Lee's own organization, published in 1885, including geologic, geographic figure 12 in northern China. Book II in 1912 by m. Dr geluoer editor-in-Chief, revenue inspection belong to the geography and geology in South China in Figure 15. In the Atlas to select and edit, also made reference to other literature and Atlas, belonging to the CrownPublished material, there are 160, reflects the knowledge of Chinese geography and geology can achieve heights. Author profile Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833-1905), Germany famous geographer and geologist. On May 5, 1833 born in Kars Lu kHz of Baden Wuerttemberg, Berlin University, 1856。 Early investigation of the Alps, Carpathian Mountains geological, engaged in the granite and volcanic rock, dolomite and the study of coral origin. In 1860 and 1868, Richthofen twice to visit China's geography, geology, 1872 and returned to fame after Germany, employed at the University of Berlin, University of Bonn, the University of Leipzig as a Professor, served asChancellor of the University of Berlin, re-elected President of the geographical society of Berlin, was elected as President of the National Geographic society, as well as Germany, and France Academy, became a famous geographer, Geologist, died on October 6, 1905. Others:

High according to the most optimistic estimates to our annual policy goal of 2 Diablo 3 CD-KEY High

129809336144742500_1182We believe that the Government cut its 2012, GDP growth is expected to 7.5% three signal meant to adhere to prudent policies, suppression of local investment impulse, allow space for transformation, meaning market signals is to prompt "policy to relax" under the note will be at risk. Therefore Diablo 3 CD-KEY, we believe that even in the second quarter this year, with economic turnTurning traditional logic to determine systemic or policy opportunities I'm afraid will disappoint, looking back towards the end, economic, and market trends mobility, or can be summarized into a bottom, but lack of tendency of "l". After a unilateral adjustment of the 2011 year, fundamental risks of economic growth and monetary tightening has basically been released, systemic risks facing market this year is unlikely to, Which is a quarter of a-share markets interpreted "into the second taking a" basis of rebound. During this period, the previous "economy-policy loose" rally of logic is gradually weakening, capital market system of innovation is becoming structural remodeling market opportunities and risks of the most important reasons, recent strength in the merit of blue-chip, poor performance unit area decreased by merely system effect innovation market structurePreview the indication. We have always stressed that "structural" is intended to show that "bear" may not be "Bull", maintenance, correction of judgement, which is the fundamental starting point of formulating trading strategies. Blue-chip stocks driven with half of the driving force of this large blue chip comes from three main areas: first, policies regulating fine-tuning expected and, secondly, cancel reset led stock fund.Third, in Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETF positions "sedan". First, with regard to policy preconditioning fine-tuning is expected to focus on two main areas: infrastructure investments and credit. According to the limited potential for infrastructure incremental investment to hedge investments in fixed assets this year, such as the railway Ministry plans for 2012 infrastructure investment of 400 billion, slightly less per cent in 2011, significantly less than the 2010 yearLevel of more than $ 700 billion; completed in 2011 non-rail transport infrastructure investment has accounted for the entire "Twelve-Five" project 23%, 2012 growth is relatively clear. Of decline in infrastructure investment is hedged "analgesic" rather than promote the growth of "doping". Therefore, in the next economic downturn are not bad, "l", should be rational in the face to the marketBlue chip value repair space. Secondly, with regard to credit. In April economic data to be released, new credit market will no doubt most concern, despite the decline of markets for new credit in April had been expected, but disclosure when demand does not pick up will still be affected by market survey. Even though M2 of 14% through the expansion of credit growth for the whole yearMark, is M2/negotiable market value only in the historical position of about 4 times, and in 2005 the bull market beginning M2/flow =28 of ample liquidity in the market value of the peak magnitude. Finally, on the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETF Fund positions. Two ETF positions period would be funds within three months after the entry into force of the contract, within the next three months each in theoryIncremental funding in accordance with the weight of about 1 billion a day to buy CSI 300 sub SWTOR Credits, beginning from late April stock funds "sedan" has its own rationality, but we believe that CSI 300ETF Fund positions is greater than the actual impact on the market. Reason is: 1, Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETF funds within 3 months of the uncertain pace of positions, 2, history2006 Junior ETF, 2009 shenchengzhi ETF and ETF positions 2011 gem and market structure development of the lack of necessary relation, especially April 2010 stock futures ahead of the launch, the market consensus estimate of market blue chips fall through a fresh 3, stripping out "help" funds and stock swap part IView CSI 300 as a sub-unit of the rigid requirements of the future size of less than $ 50 billion. Summing up the above analysis, we concluded that this large blue-chip market in terms of liquidity and valuation fixed two and subsequent lack of adequate space, Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETF the positive positions of the Fund, but the psychological impact is greater than the actual impact. If starting from 2,242 lows,High according to the most optimistic estimates to our annual policy goal of 2,700 points stop, driving force of the market blue chips currently on the market has passed. Caution high blue-chip stocks we believe that's a-share markets while significantly reducing systemic risk, but correction pattern has not changed. The large blue-chip market is an integral part of the structural market correction in the city, butCarries too many expectations of the market. This is higher than the actual expectations from a psychological point of view, mainly because of merit investment logic of most blue chips in line with the market participants, while the market ready to indulge in derivative phenomenon--a strength in the blue-chip benchmark index's strength. Therefore wow power leveling, strong blue-chip benchmark = for a long bull market coming mental orientation is always present. In the short term andStatements, we need fear the "bull market" of inertia, market if under the influence of European and American stocks lower on Monday, in turbulence and low points can still be active participation of resource and innovation of trading opportunities on the two main lines. But the medium term, under the basic judgment of correction city, proactively capture market "expected worse" reverse policy access excess profits. Early "bull market" expected may makeWe ignore the negative information remains, may cause us to lose more flexible-band operations strategy. High buying market blue chips also risk. (Editors: Zhang Liang) Others:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

2. Pour the soup in the pot SWTOR CD-key 2. Pour the soup in the pot - DWIG

129809647184430000_397Basic information "belongs to cuisine" Fuzhou, Fujian cuisine cuisine "dishes taste" delicious "relate to food" pork production raw material pig back meat (450 g), sliced (150 grams), rice wine (325 g), sugar (125 g), salt (25 grams). Production process, the legs cut the meat into two chunks, salt and wine blending, on the leg again, againPickled one day. After your second, marinated, place the meat in the boiling water Cook in, take out, put it in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, sugar and wine along with a white sliced Bao Qi breechesgathered, covered on the meat SWTOR CD-key, steamed black cage on, remove, cool, cut into thin slices, that is good. Taste features red and white bicolor, and fertilizer is not greasy. Bad meat production materials and practice: main ingredient: pork ribs meat (pork) 500 grams of spices: pepper 3 g, sliced 100 g of star anise 3 g, cooking wine 30 g, cinnamon 3 g salt 10 grams Onion 5 g sugar 5 g, 5 g of ginger, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate bad meat characteristics: this dish is white, taste fresh and meat, have a deep flavor slot with, is daylight saving time in Shanghai cuisine. Bad practices of meat: 1. After wash pork skillet, adding water boiledTo the rotten meat capturing fish, remove ribs, throw 5 grams of salt on the meat side, wipe the scratch; 2. Pour the soup in the pot, Add onion Festival, Jiang Kuai, star anise, cinnamon, pepper 5 g, sugar, monosodium glutamate, salt, boil the soup after the pot, Sheng cooling in basin; 3. Mixing in sliced and wine into a cold soup, enclosed in a net bag filter in waste, made from sliced halogen;4. cut the meat into three chunks, worse in brine, on the storage of cooked food in the refrigerator, the freezing of meat in order to change knives; 5. Removed and cut into small squares when you eat a plate TERA Gold, pour the marinade that is on. Bad meat production tips: 1. To cook the meat, not too bad. Sprinkle salt on the lean side, and, if it is not tasty, bamboo sticks available on stamp holes to make it tasty Diablo 3 power leveling, 2. SoupBoil and then cool in the spices dissolve in the soup. Sliced and put in cooking wine to cool soup, also available in clean cloth wrapped sliced into soup. Others:

Monday, May 14, 2012

many experts are calling for Conca lifted early wow power leveling many experts are calling for Co

129810460544218750_87Muric revealed the country Thailand remains a key war has played Report from Muric revealed on Twitter yesterday, his legs pulled the truce at least three weeks, which means he will miss changwat buriram and 15th United AFC Champions battle of life and death. However Diablo 3 gold, Muric on Twitter yesterday revealed that he will be with the team the country Thailand. Yesterday, Muric wrote on Twitter: "rehabilitation of the first day wow power leveling, tomorrow, I will work with the team to Thailand Rift Platinum! "On a picture of yourself for treatment of pictures. From the micro-Bo, Muric possibilities exist against Arsenal debut when the South Wing. Muric injury case, many experts are calling for Conca lifted early, evergrande also currently does not have an exact reply. (Wang) Others:

after the stock market lower transaction costs Diablo 3 gold after the stock market lower transact

129809694348750000_598Financial case study: market warm white collar working families can gallon blue chip My House weekly to talk about financial management: financial advisor team: Minsheng Bank Guangzhou Branch of Yu Jian, Chen Minna Qi Yu, senior analyst of securities industry veteran conservative fund this week, 51 holidays since the start of market fundamentals of the endless stream of good information, stock market before delisting details, the gem was launched, after the stock market lower transaction costs, the Government continues to introduce improved management of private enterprisesGood policy. Market institutions generally considered: not changing markets trend. In the international market, the information is mixed, France elections were under pressure again by euro and precious metals, gold, futures, foreign exchange market movements are still not appropriate for short-term speculation. For normal city investors, the investment idea, after 51 and 51 before larger changes. FiveA cautious wait-and-see attitude before Rift Platinum, sound investment, conservative, 51, is a sound investment, but should be based on the centerline, biased and aggressive investment, investment increased stocks and future risk to chonggao multiple investment risk financial products, you can buy currency funds with banking products. Gold city and then into the trough Diablo 3 gold, group-long-term investment. Case study: Dragon-I 37, is a doctor, the annual salary of $ 150,000; wife of 38 years, medical school teacher annual salary of $ 120,000. Children 5 years of age, in kindergarten. Family is $ 2.5 million worth of real estate, 110 square meters, is located in the city center; another $ 200,000 in bank deposits, funds market value of $ 120,000, about $ 30,000 in cash. Case study: Dragon family, with total assets of $ 2.85 million,City high-value real estate, debt-free, annual salary of $ 270,000 families, precipitation should be more than $ 100,000 of assets, belonging to the large income stability of ordinary white collar working families in the city, is a family of three in a financial case. Financial status quo of Dragon zhongguizhongju, real estate assets had accounted for more than 85%, weak asset liquidity, further accumulation of liquid assets. ExistingIn current assets, deposits, cash proportion of overweight, you need to increase the overall proportion of aggressive and steady financial products. Families generally use similar to the Dragon sound financing strategies. In the current situation, the stock market go step by step, center line, can be changed to favor progressive way, and for short, more international and domestic data released this week, next week, uncertainty is still strong,You can bargain buying, flexible investment. For consumption, inflation is expected to remain high in the future, global quantitative easing monetary policy has not ceased; dragon has no liability, it is recommended that consumption and investment, both are delayed, and encourage positive attitudes of living within our means, in health, education, to increase long-term consumption. Financial news a week: this week, the CPI data are published in mainland ChinaTrade data for further domestic macroeconomic policy guidance role, will affect the general population stock, Fund, future of real estate, trust and investment gains, the Dragon is no exception. Last week, a series of stock of good information introduced, first, the delisting rules, there are transaction costs reduced significantly after 25%, overall, provides the basis for stock market strength in the middle of the, and DragonAttention. France Euro election results, gold market pressure, in this case, gold is located low, long-term investments, but for progressive financial products such as futures, foreign exchange, central route of future volatility increased, investment yields worrisome, not notable. Financial advice: increased stocks invested $ 80,000, while reducing the unit investment fund. Bull primary stages, purchasesValue of blue-chip stocks, investment space is better than investing "try to smooth things over" style of the Fund. In time this week, brokers, real estate stock selection, group-buying, domestic investors against Huron, finance Street, can be taken into account in the shares and two stocks. As the market warmed, recommends switch of style, began to buy traditional closed-end funds, such as fund new century, baseJin Tian Yuan, and so on. The original $ 200,000 deposit is divided into three, $ 60,000 still retain the deposit, as part of family investment in more conservative, gets a stable income. 80,000 yuan proposal to buy physical gold, bought about 250 grams of gold at low, bargain buying long-term investment. Another 60,000 dollars to purchase Bank product or mixed funds, increasedRate of return on investments, as domestic investment in the sound section. $ 30,000 in cash to go buy the International Monetary Fund, increased yields TERA Gold, as the family's emergency reserve. A unit, the unit Fund operational flexibility, style can be converted at any time, to strain the future uncertainty. In addition, as shown in the table below, in the context of inflation, it is recommended that Mr long after their finance, total family annual consumption can be increased to$ 150,000, increased input in health, sports, tourism. Investment advice above applies to future financial planning in the middle line of the 3-6 months, consumer proposals for the next 3 years. Under this proposal, Mr long years yields can be increased to 6% per cent annual balances of $ 110,000 or more, life, money and ease. Others:

and that is Diablo 3 power leveling and that is - PYTG

129810460623906250_255Brown: still in the Lakers ' Bryant in control: suffering is good Yeah sporting May 9: Beijing time on May 9, the Lakers nuggets 5th match of the first round once again returned to Los Angeles, Staples, end the Lakers lost to Denver Nuggets of 99-102, the score still leading 3-2. Originally, the leading case in 3-1, returned to the home of the Lakers faced a good opportunity of the end of the series, but unfortunately they cannot make a fullItaly. "We did not produce excessive self-confidence, but after entering the game, we might believe in believing the game will actually show a little different with it, we should not do that," Gasol said, "we should strive to leave them in a backward, bring them down, do not give them any life, but we gave them a chance today. "The Lakers is not winningThe opportunity, once circumstances behind 15 points, Bryant reached consecutive points, led the Lakers once-poor will be reduced to 1 min, but unfortunately their continuous release failed at the last moment, amount of missed chances of tilting pan or dragging the game into extra time. "They let us in outside shooting," Lakers coach-Mike Brown said Diablo 3 power leveling, "we get a lot of shooting opportunities, but there are noHave voted. However, it seems to me that this is not the most critical places. There are a lot of things TERA Gold, we can be better, and I on our defence and a lack of protection for restricted area was disappointed. "" I think that after the game started, Quant hit the first ball, and then the entire match, they are hit. Not only that, but they are more physical than weThere is strength. "Although are not happy with the team's performance, but Brown is also not forget to comfort his disciples, after all, the Lakers still lead, the Lakers still in control of the series. "Our players have to understand, we are still leading 3-2, we are still in control of the series SWTOR Credits, no one has ever said the series of competitions is very easy. "Mr Brown said," I thinkWell, these players are champions of the US, they are a winner, we are still in control of the series. "Both sides of the 6th match will once again moved to the Pepsi Center in Denver, Lakers once again to the team at war, if you lose this game, race series will be dragged into the seven-snatch wars. "I have experienced such a situation before," Bryant said, "many of the teamGuy have never experienced. For me to remind them is important, and that is, although lost today's match, but this is not the end of the world. You must meet difficult situations and environments, accumulating some experience, honed themselves. �� Others:

Sunday, May 13, 2012

first-run 5th game of the Celts and the Eagle today TERA Power Leveling first-run 5th game of the

129810460634218750_27775 seconds! magic tackling long procedures to send fatal error Yeah sporting May 9: first-run 5th game of the Celts and the Eagle today, Celtic took the initiative in the first half, despite the Eagle once counteroffensive of the second half, off the difference, but Landau, with amazing performance and set the game back into the rhythm of the green army. Lang sent out 13 House competitions (17 shots in a 6), 5 rebounds, 12 assists, and5 tackling the data. But eventually Celtic a 86-87 Eagle, has failed to end the series. In a long career wow power leveling, he had in the 2009 playoff series with the bulls in scoring, rebounds, assists, tackling the 4 data one field at the same time for at least 10 5 10 5. 80,956 Landau today in the first halfPerformance and is not in the State, he shot the first section feeling very bad, in the mobile warfare-5 1, and assists average, not spectacular play. But by virtue of the stable performance of the other players, Celtic also is beginning to establish a leading edge. First half the game last time, Celtic also had offensive opportunities, looked long dribble like look for more space, Who also did not want to, he was a step away from the three-point line had jumped up and his hand three! This ball is quite simply, long after the Fed inertia driven myself who fly to the edge of technology as a whole, this is the most interesting first half lenses. Seeing this scene, NBA official website-expert David Aldridge as well has his twitteR said, "I really didn't expect that Landau would have such a Trey, but I think the Celts also didn't expect. "Lang's personal data is bad first half, with the magic of Trey he barely get 5 points, in the mobile warfare-7 2. And only 2 rebounds and assists SWTOR CD-key, is worse, his failure there 3 times. IfYou should think so Landau's performance today who were responsible, then you are very wrong. For the second half, lang's individual performance is just the beginning. When the third game to the last paragraph of the section, long a man set off a little spree on the offensive side. 1.5 at the end of, he was actively impact rebounding in the frontcourt, pressed the Eagles and they win the ball, followed by a nice Layup ball into.Shortly afterwards, the Landau and complete the cut, one-stop killing field, accurate jump shot distance in one hollow into the basket TERA Power Leveling! Last half a minute, was long! His outside hand came close again, Celtic control rebounds, Landau take off the gloves, under the basket and two from succeeding! 75 seconds in that short time, long and cut down by 6 points. A few minutes before the Eagles goodHappy Atlanta fans are all stupid eyed, watched the game was almost back on the same starting line. Yes, that is the power of the long! Distal dogfight between the two sides intensified, Landau turned on assist mode, start crazy ball for teammates. Under the pass the thread through the eye of a needle, pulling village, Allan, Hollings and other players to destroy the city, Celtic showed a strongIn the away end of the momentum of the series. This section of the green army of mobile warfare scoring all 5 times and before long much about! Eagles are very tenacious, however, they later expanded to counteroffensive, back the attack peak, fanchao the difference back. Game play to the last 1 minute, while Pierce had the opportunity to jump shot, but rejected his basket. Landau also has opportunities for tackling,Does not help. Final score frozen in 86-87, Celtic lost this game with regret, has failed to end the series. Others:

Saturday, May 12, 2012

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129810431495000000_44United States cloud image March 19, 2012, we participate in cloud computing Expert Committee of China society organization "cloud computing United States lines of" mission, to Seattle and San Francisco visits between United States number of cloud computing-related companies, ranging from Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Rackspace the industry giant,Heroku, EngineYard, Puppet and other emerging cloud computing company, also including CloudCamp as the representative of the United States of cloud computing community. Be in a hurry to depart, difficult to communicate in great depth, but broad contact surface, the United States of the cloud computing industry and technology development has a more intuitive understanding. We visit MicrosoftFirst stop is at the Microsoft headquarters in Seattle. Enterprise IT to cloud computing has become the trend, so Microsoft and hardware and software giants IBM, HP, Oracle, Dell same, in active distribution of cloud computing technologies, products, and platforms, or acquisition, or an active research and development. Why cloud computing is now so important? Is responsible for Microsoft's cloud strategy of enterprise RolfHArms from the angle of Economics gives the answer: Cloud=doingwhatyoudotodayforless Cloud=doingwhatyoudotodaybetter Cloud=doingthingsyoucan ' tdotoday MicrosoftOfficial Web site of migration to Azure platform, cost 90%, availability increased from 99.1% to 99.997%, deployment time from weeks down to 45 minutes, improvement is huge. Harms describes a picture about different usage scenarios for private cloud and public cloud, is very clear, as in Figure 1As shown in. Figure 1 private clouds and public clouds for long term, compared to private cloud public cloud with a significant price advantage, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 cost comparison of private cloud and public cloud cloud computing focus of world war one, is how to reduce data center construction and operating costs as well as environmental protection. Facebook open source OpenComputE project have heightened competition in data center technology. Microsoft has significant investment in cloud computing data center, the development of next-generation data center. This time we had the pleasure of visiting Microsoft research data center in RedmondRidge, very advanced in every way, although the density of the device maximum (52U/rack), PUE values remain up to 1.17.It should be said that, on a pure device does not lag behind in China, but that only 10 thousands of square meters of data center is responsible for the operation, while the main Quincy data center to support Azure platform, with 470,000 square feet Diablo 3 Gold, operations personnel and only 35 people, amazing degree of automation. Another charge, because the device density is too large, Cisco's existing switch has noMethod support, must develop a new generation. Figure 3-Gartner Magic Quadrant Amazon IaaS cloud computing concept has been developed over many years, and pop since 2006 as a term, but still bound to different opinions, but this situation at home and abroad. VP of cloud management platform for enterprise enStrausCD BernardGolden United States CIO circle fame, in Exchange, he said in a very interesting phenomenon: many of the CIO of the company one keeps on cloud computing are not safe, not frivolous, the other hand is a very popular use of Salesforce, Workday SaaS software managementAnd sensitive information such as employee. But he also admitted that while in the United States has become the mainstream cloud computing, of differences and disputes are inevitable but we also constantly, because there are too many different background cloud computing vendors and people said they are doing. Calendar year figure 4 AWS publications services (presentations from Jeff-Barr) but one thing is that we have a consensus,That Amazon has already firmly established in the public cloud field has its own advantages. In December 2011, Gartner research shows that AWS since its launch in 2006, rapid pace of product development. AWS cloud platforms on either in the ability to execute in a forward-looking, IaaS provider is in a leading position. AndIt is also expanding in the PaaS. Corresponding to this is that AWS of exponential growth. Figure 5 shows that as of the end of 2011, AmazonS3 762 billion objects are stored, 192% annual growth rate, but also accelerating. In addition, according to United States survey report of the 451Group, AWS has occupied the United StatesState IaaS market share of 59%. Figure 5 Amazon S3 storage growth in the number of objects (presentation from Jeff Barr) Although Amazon rarely announce the scale of Figure 5 specific figures, but we can still do some estimates from various sources. HuanLiu estimation of Accenture AWS servers has 445,000, but general agreement that this figure may be higher. JamesHamilton in June last year has revealed, AWS was daily increasing capacity could support Amazon first first five years of global operations, and at that time the company has close to $ 3 billion in revenue. It was mid-April of DeepField dataNow every day one-third of the United States Internet users visit at least one AWS, it also represents 1% the total Internet traffic, and is already the world's fourth-largest CDN. When you visit Amazon Cloud Computing Department was informed that more than it is about more than 2000 people (including a significant proportion were sales staff), also prepared expansion this year about 500 people. Familiar with United States enterprises transportCompanions of rough work out accordingly, Amazon target should be at least $ 2 billion in revenue this year. 2011 Gartner estimates of this number is 1 billion. Development speed is amazing. Cloud computing users mainly emerging companies initially, but now a large Internet companies and many large companies have turned to AWS. Video service providersNetfilix is a classic case, the massive flow of site completely gave up building their own data center. Using AWS to do mass-storage, data analysis, and disaster recovery more: SAP, Adobe, Samsung, Ericsson, Hitachi, trend in Sth Worthy of note is that in addition to the field of Web application and the huge amounts of data, AWS has in recent years to developProducts for enterprise cloud services, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP all commercial products and open source products can be deployed on the AWS cloud services. The end of April, Amazon also launched the app store AWSMarketplace, the Amazon is responsible for the consolidated billing, more user-friendly. RackSpace and visited the Rackspace OpenStack's we have offices in San Francisco. Rackspace is a RichardYoo ethnic Koreans Americans was founded in 1998, initially just a general ISP. Among the traditional hosting companies, early transition of cloud computing, IaaS areaAnother leading manufacturer, worth close to $ 8 billion, 2011 revenues exceeded US $ 1 billion. Recently revealed that the total number of servers has more than 80,000 units Diablo 3 gold, has been more than 20% per cent of the total business in the cloud, it is estimated that one-fifth it is the size of Amazon Cloud platform. Figure 6 head of relationship with Rackspace founder rObert Scoble photo Rackspace's leadership in cloud computing has a important reason--it is by far the most attention of the open source cloud computing project OpenStack, one of the main sponsors and the actual leader. OpenStack core developer in the San Francisco Office. Visit the day theyLook very busy, not depth interview, it was learned later, was fifth, OpenStack Essex release shortly after. Technically, OpenStack and other cloud technology open source projects do not have an absolute advantage. But due to embrace open source earlier, clear the road map soon gained much-needed private cloud IaaS and platform technology of many manufacturersSupports. Is to a large extent, OpenStack nucleus has become a camp against hegemony in the Amazon. Of course, community-building operation and eco-system, OpenStack, many successful experiences available to domestic enterprises for reference. Now other than to participate in the development of the company in addition to Rackspace, Nebula, RedHaT, and Nicira, and HP, and Canonical, DreamHost, Sina, Wikipedia, Cisco, and even Citrix. In the United States in Exchange, we find that apart from outside must be called OpenStack, VMware-led open source PaaS projects CloudFoundry awareness is higher.Interesting is that both their goals for Linux in the cloud era. By contrast, Citrix has recently donated to the Apache CloudStack (main founder is the author of the year SunJVM ShengLiang) and old Eucalyptus sent a lot of sentiment, but all of them and AWS compatible, can be included in the Amazon camp. How competition between these three great ecological systems, will be one of the shining point of cloud computing. Cloud computing to promote entrepreneurial development is more important than the AWS cloud platform itself is, which has become the United States of cloud computing and the cornerstone of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Because cloud platforms, plus the great opportunities of the mobile Internet, a lot of startupsTo rapidly rise, Silicon Valley wow power leveling, New York, Boston, was in a boom. In San Francisco, for example, we visited in a modest four-story building, the Wired magazine, in which both Wikia and EngineYard. AWS customer lists (100,000 dollars) included in many United States current top companies (others are advertising platform����Pinterest��Dropbox��Instagram��Reddit��Zynga���� Figure 7 most visited every day on the AWS customers (from the presentation of DeepField) erection of the emerging enterprise network services on the AWS platform, which eliminates "to light up ITime and costs spent on t-80% "(Gartner), and can focus on application development, to meet the users needs. For example, recently returned to us $ 1 billion (because most of the stock, the actual value may be higher) was acquired by Facebook Instgram, its technical programme a large number of AWS (host AmazonEC2, AmazonS3,CDN picture database selection, such as AmazonCloudFront). So although Instgram only 13 people (project team only 3 people), has built the most powerful mobile photo-sharing platform, and even Facebook is a threat. In addition to the consumer Internet and mobileApplications, cloud computing has created opportunities for technology providers. This CloudCenter visits we came across Puppet LukeKanies, founder, and a brief exchange. He was a senior systems administrator, after development, science not long before Ruby write Puppet for 2003 was DevOpS one of the initial impetus. Later resigned to this business, because of the open source model, first three years companies are largely have no income and is bearing down. Today, the Puppet had to Google, Twitter, Zynga, thousands of businesses, Trojan raised $ 25 million in late 2011. Puppet's rival, is AmazOn disaster JesseRobbins development of Master Chef, but he only served as Chief community officer at Opscode. Rackspace AlexPolvi, head of the San Francisco Office is also representative of system administrators is a man of success, CloudKick cloud management and monitoring services for his last year wasRackspace acquired. Figure 8 AWS has not just the IaaS is worthy of note, Amazon is now not limited to Infrastructure layer. Can also be clearly seen from Figure 8, it at the same time also to the Platform Development, join the many management and monitoring services. This is no surprise, IaaS recognized profits is not high (although it is higher than the old Bank of the Amazon), PaaS and SaaS is the fertile land. And from a user's point of view, one-stop service is always attractive. But various third parties based on AWS PaaS services are still in development, we visit the EngineYard andHeroku is the best representative. EngineYard is the oldest gauges, model best PaaS platform, Amazon investment. Currently paying more than 2,400 users, including AppleiTunes platform in Europe also rely on their support. Currently 90% application for Ruby, and secondly also supports PHP and node.js�� Heroku is a renowned for superb user experience and technology of PaaS company, the first major support for Ruby (Ruby Matz was the Chief Architect and founder), now also covers Python, Java, Scala, and Node.js. With a 2010 dollar selling SaLesforce, is one of the leading cloud computing platform for mergers and acquisitions. But it is interesting to buy has passed more than a year, Heroku still operate independently, but from the original address has moved to a larger building next to and retains exactly the startups, and migrated from the AWS and the platform is not to set their Salesforce FoundationApplication plan. Equally interesting is that Facebook is not building their own platform, but in September 2011 and Heroku cooperation, so that the latter provide PaaS for social application developers on the Facebook service. For this, special added PHP support on Heroku. Cooperation brings good returns to Heroku:Surge in users, more than 1.4 million applications on the platform. Competition, cooperation and win-win is the mainstream, we focus more on products and innovations, on providing a better experience for the user. This harmonious coexistence of phenomena, particularly those of us familiar with the King struck by the Chinese. Today, an ordinary technician within a short time of using cloud computing platform, holdingAnd the giant rivals were same computing resources, to realize your dreams, this is where the real value of cloud computing. We need to work together for the effort. Others:

Thursday, May 10, 2012


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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

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