Saturday, February 11, 2012

tor Mercenary Commendation power leveling but in the arena of one to away 0-3 - ALS

129732242330471250_311SINA sports news Beijing time on February 7, the 2011-2012 national women's volleyball team of the season (micro-blogging) League concluded its 15th-round game tonight, and arena battle of evergrande volleyball women's volleyball team to a 3-1 led by Cai Bin Beijing tor Mercenary Commendation power leveling, continued his streak of momentum, although this service lost Beijing team has yet to win a game in the second stage of the competition, suffered fiveSeason, but against constant Brigade of the Beijing team in the competition is certainly playing a relatively high level, this rivalry game is ornamental. Before this match, Beijing women's volleyball team and hang women's volleyball team has had a fight in the 11th round of the contest the old republic Mercenary Commendation power leveling, results Beijing team by a score of 0-3 in the arena of war failed in the end, the end of the game, Bishop of BeijingPracticing Cai Bin immediately said was just lost the game "not convinced". The lapse of more than 20 days after the war, two teams in the League and the great changes have taken place in the situation: constant team of Kelly is played one after another, in the previous round had four wheel lock one of the four seats in advance, and Beijing in the arena of women's volleyball team in the second phase of the first four is not better than oneField, four more and more far away.����This time two teams in the arena of evergrande volleyball will try, no matter what Lang Jiajun is absolutely sure win. However was not thought of swtor pvp valor power leveling, to mourn that attitude face the Beijing team in this match was played in a higher level, while still able to snatch out of constant team of 1, but the game itself and not as you thinkOf lean to that situation, not only in Beijing team successfully won a Council of the second Council, also in the other three games to put great pressure on opponents, Cai Bin was "not convinced" is not there. Start to the first game of the Beijing team give constant Brigade to the stage off the Wei, they were once even 4 a 5-2 lead, and for the first timePausing at one point leading to extend into the 9-4, experience constant team of seasoned in the case of backward is yet stable living situation, they even after the recovery of 14 fanchao 4 points to score, and 25-17 locked to victory in the first game. In the second game, start phase continues to have good performance women's volleyball final in Beijing but seize the opportunity of both sides, the warTo 15 after the flat, jump service of Annabelle Lau of the Beijing round of catch each other's weak and a weak link to attack and run 7, followed by Beijing also to regain a 25-19 success. While the third team in Beijing to 15-25 easily disarmed, but they 6-2 leading to the start of the Fourth Council, fought to the last stage of the Beijing team was down 19-22 3Even in cases of 4-fanchao, once seen to win the wish of this Council, while 27-25 women's volleyball final, constant realization to reverse, 1-3 Beijing team score suffered defeat, but in the arena of one to away 0-3, Beijing let you see their progress. Among the four games of the tournament, outside the Beijing team in addition to the third Council lose more badly, In other of three Council start performance are is good and made had leading, apart from won has second Council of victory zhiwai, Beijing team even in fourth Council once to 24-23 first got judian, is expected to from constant brigade who got 1 min and will competition drag into to win Council of contest, despite eventually because grasp opportunities ball of ability has lacks led to in key min Shang fall short, but BeijingTeam's performance in the tournament was also commendable. Beijing team in this match more targeted to stop anti-is one of the key factors of their rivals and, from coach Cai Bin can be seen pausing between blocks of the Beijing team and defense against the constant key layout to the Brigade of two foreign aid, they control a lot in the game attack of the constant team of foreign aid for theThemselves won has counterattack of opportunities; second, Spiker Annabelle Lau this field competition in the State well also let Beijing team in a attack and anti-anti-in the has has a more stability of scored points, Liu Xiaoting in this field competition in the a people alone was 25 min is Beijing team this field competition scored highest of Member, she of total scored also only than constant Brigade of foreign aid siwolongsika less 3 min, especially second Council also is LiuXiao Tong who had 7 storm and serve Beijing team finally won the set is divided into a first-class merit. But while Annabelle Lau in this game plays out in a relatively high level, but as another of the Beijing women's volleyball team in the "heavy artillery", support of Spring Bud is more general, the audience she only 10 measly 4 games, including 9 minutes from the Spike, scoring ability not onlyConstant Brigade alone far compared to 28 foreign aid support, even less than half of teammates Annabelle Lau. Spring buds of the need to serve certain tasks in the game still being in the opponent's serve "focused care" led the cast of offensive ability has not been fully, but its own capability to deal with deficiencies and failures will also cause of her in this game hitsRate is not high. CCTV Lv Yajun Dr commentary guests this game of volleyball match had pointed out problems respond less spring buds, which guides Hong Gang (microblogging) is directly pointed out that was more Spring Bud mistakes in part because of her technology is not perfect. Although there was spring buds wins new women's volleyball national team list calls for a higher, but from this year'sAlso can be seen in the League, spring buds from national team where support is still some distance from the main force, and high level support player there was a clear gap in the world, needs her time trying to make up for in the future. While in Beijing, after a 1-3 constant team of women's volleyball team has been in the second stage of the match suffered a five-season, but from the first stage of the main team double killDefending champion Tianjin, Wansheng wins top bayi successfully killed in last-minute four, to this day from the constant team who won a Council, Beijing women's volleyball team advances to see this season, head coach Cai Bin careful advice and field command, there is also a known praise of local, if erchuan and main weakness to make up, Beijing is still worth looking forward to the future. (Goldfish)

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