Monday, February 6, 2012

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129724992348675594_71The lives of gold is about to release the Mainland end became the Sun The imminent mainland release of the gold medal. Zhejiang online-today's morning post reported on January 31 (reporter/Lu Fang) Johnnie new film to be released on February 3, of the gold medal after preview in Beijing, Guangzhou, held media preview in Shanghai yesterday. Yesterday, the theater to watch the film in Shanghai said one journalist, the lives of gold is not like Johnnie to du after gun battles "Hot ", but still continued the Johnnie gang black style, filled with rich atmosphere and true sense of life in Hong Kong. Biggest change is on the Mainland end of the film, played in the original edition of Denise Ho after Bank staff in the misappropriation of $ 5 million of illegal money and Daichi Harashima with impunity. Yesterday's preview, become Denise HO, Daichi Harashima luck and an abrupt end, thisScreen when adding a subtitle: "the police issued a warrant, three leopards and bank officer Teresa surrendered immediately, and put all the merits, eventually reduce the judgment of the Tribunal sth" compared to before the Johnnie to's the work of the underworld, the iron triangle and the text, such as birds, changes the lives of gold is not a big. The lives not only of gold story, wonderfully, actor's performance is also very brilliant,In particular, Daichi Harashima transformed small dark triad "three Panthers", a stubborn loyalty, underworld of rogue, simple little brother interpretation penetrating. In a press interview, Daichi Harashima says: "Although what's three-foot Leopard, but I'm not brave. I like blinking, this design is to show the characters ' lack of confidence. Three-foot Leopard is so good luck. So sillyRole I played when I was young. On the screen when I saw three-foot Leopard seems to have returned to their young age! At that time I'm so cute! "The gold medal won this year's Hong Kong Film Critics Society Award for best screenplay. The film written by Huang Jinhui yesterday in an interview with reporters, said Johnnie like Korea film miyang, Director Lee Chang-Dong and theOasis of love, "with delicate strokes on the characterization of little people in society, concern for humanity, the two films shooting practices, conceived scripts have a lot of inspiration to us. Before I began writing plays is writing a novel the investment of love, are based on true story adaptations, which bank account manager is just what I thought of a story. So I write poems He Yun that line, We have the bank account manager has a certain level of understanding. Taking over after the play, I have many banks in Hong Kong provides detailed information to understand details of banking operations, to meet the movie's authenticity. "Huang Jinhui said, the movie is the common human sense of absurd, the audience will have their own feelings. In the film, the three protagonists not directly exchange. ThisLet the audience to an outsider's viewpoint, empty of all complex of interpersonal relationships. And protagonist of the story is in the Council who do not even know the ins and outs of money, but the destiny has changed, is the reality version of the "Kafka's world".

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