Friday, February 24, 2012

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129724942038050594_132Xinhua News Agency, Brussels, January 30 (reporters Sun Wen and Rao Bo)-the European Parliament's new speaker of the Schultz 30th said at the informal meeting of European leaders buy runescape items, the European Parliament opposing the revision of the treaties and unilateral austerity, support within the EU a financial transactions tax. Mr Schulz said: "from the beginning, the European Parliament clearly opposing the revision of the EU Treaty. The reason whyOppose, first and foremost because we did not consider it necessary, secondly, we are worried that dating open Dora Pan box. "He said," our fellow citizens do not understand, and (debt) crises, why do we need to discuss issues such as the reform of public institutions and rounding off this intricate and obscure the issue. They expect us to come up with answers to the day-to-day problems facing them, if we are unable toTheir answers will further undermine their confidence in the Governments and the European Union.   "Mr Schulz last December EU Summit during the winter of" financial contract "support, which is the key step to fiscal Union cheap runescape items, but he also expressed his" financial contract "austerity measures put forward constructive criticisms. He said: "' financial contract ' is considered healingDebt crisis-related ' diseases ' panacea. It is true that sensible budgetary policy is to ensure that elements of the governmental debt manageable. It is true that reducing debts for the people of my generation is simple and correct approach. However, one day we will find ourselves in a shameful situation--we leave our children is not a House, but rather a house mortgage. "Mr Schulz said:, Just to avoid the next crisis is not enough.   Austerity is essential, but for many Member States runescape items, unilateral austerity policies cannot meet the needs of economic growth and increased employment. Schultz stressed that insisted that budget austerity policies of the European Parliament must be combined with investment. He said: "Europe needs investments to promote economic growth, consolidation of requirements, satisfactionDebt. Europe needs economic growth in order to protect and create jobs, pay pensions and investment in education. "For the United Kingdom independent of the other EU Member States against" financial contract ", Mr Schulz reminding United Kingdom Prime Minister:" isolated the weakest, solidarity is strong. "(End) (Editor: Enami) Others:

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