Tuesday, January 31, 2012

swtor power leveling 30 provinces owed nearly 2.3 trillion of toll road - MQN

129667837341709142_89He Jianzhong report from the Ministry of transport spokesman said yesterday that as of November 11, national Turnpike toll road all provinces have been published survey results thoroughly. Queries, with the exception of Tibet outside the non-toll roads, 30 other provinces the accumulated debt balance of almost $ 2.3 trillion of toll road, and toll road last year chargesAmounted to $ 285.946 billion. Chongqing announced single national toll roads in detail special cleanup for the first phase of the project thoroughly investigate the end of August.   Thoroughly you can query on to the relevant provincial government Web site, apart from Tibet's 30 provinces have been thoroughly exposed. Open content of the information table and the charging of toll roadRoad, two of the main site map, including toll-road mileage, mainline toll stations and 2010 business, investment and debt, and other large items. Published in all provinces and autonomous regions of the city, Chongqing also issued a "toll road project summary", detailed name 27 charges, management or business units, fee starting and ending points, opened to traffic swtor power leveling, Approved fee starting and ending time, mileage, charging station name, and so on. Highway extra hundreds of billions of debt based on information published in eight provinces, toll roads the accumulated debt balance was 2.2911 trillion yuan in the 30 provinces. Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Yunnan and in 8 provinces exceed billions of dollars of debt. One, the Guangdong Supreme, the accumulated debt of more thanAmounted to $ 226,743,510,000.   Last year, the national provincial toll roads charge a total of 285,946,140,000 yuan, fees most for repayment swtor power leveling, Jilin 95% fees are used to repay the loans. After repaying most of the provinces, excluding maintenance expenditures, operating expenditures, taxes and other expenses, depreciation or amortisation expenditure, are "income isWith ", and the gap is large, Shandong is loss of $ 8.7 billion. Most provinces on formulating rectification and reform measures on September 1-December 31, special cleaning of countrywide toll roads entered the stage of self-correction. Around thoroughly on the basis of the investigation, on the duration of existing toll roads, toll, fee, toll station (dot) and audit the charges one by one.He Jianzhong said that at present, most of the provinces, municipalities, and is in accordance with the requirements set out to formulate concrete reform measures. Related report: experts say debt risk control of toll road yesterday, Deputy Director of the Statistics Bureau of Hubei Province ye Qing (microblogging), 30 provinces owed nearly 2.3 trillion of toll road swtor credits, numbers more reliable than fiscal revenue and GDP, number ofNot-so-large, debt risks should be controlled.   From the perspective of published information, such as Guangdong province's debt high normal, because the longer the highway mileage, cost is higher. Professor Zhang Zhuting had previously said the Ministry of transport management Institute, municipal liability apart from the road number of reasons for the high, also included such as Yunnan is located in the plateau, poor natural conditions, road cost itself is high。 At present, the repayment is in exchange for interest. Ye Qing said that judging from the provinces, deducting interest refund money paid other costs such as maintenance, human good. Highway fees, it will also generate new expenses, so get into a vicious circle. If there is no "specific policies", road tolls in the future period will last.

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